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Last active April 5, 2024 05:52
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  • Save maxious/c8915a436b532ab09e61bf937295a5d2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save maxious/c8915a436b532ab09e61bf937295a5d2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Esee/Anran 960P 180° Wireless Fisheye Panoramic CCTV Smart Camera HD WIFI Webcam IP

the camera

Might also be the dv163 P1:

Based on Ankya AK3918 HD IP Camera SoC

Firmware => Telnet/FTP

Check/download latest firmware (site blocked for malware in Chrome/Firefox) Response:

New Firmware=1\r\n

Another version

Updating to version 1.4.70 opens up telnet/ftp if the files "ftp_telnet_flag" and "uart_flag" are on the SD card.

Someone else wonders about cracking the root hash

MD5 HASH: $1$4dAkkeWK$HCy0K1z8E.wAuwgLV8bWd/
Password (ASCII): "j1/_7sxw"
Password (HEX): 6a312f5f37737877

GDBserver from or


Working URLs:

  • /snapshot or /snapshot.jpg or /NetSDK/Video/encode/channel/101/snapshot or /NetSDK/Video/encode/channel/102/snapshot
A jpeg 640x480 snapshot from camera
  • /cgi-bin/gw2.cgi
<juan ver="1.0" seq="0"><conf type="read" user="" password=""><spec vin="1" ain="1" io_sensor="0" io_alarm="0" hdd="0" sd_card="0" /><info device_name="IPC" device_model="IPC" device_sn="F2731110583936" hardware_version="1.0.0" software_version="1.7.27(1.4.70_CW)" build_date="2017/09/28" build_time="10:22:36"></info></conf></juan>
  • /custom/OEM
{ "Function": { "promptSoundType": "english" } }
  • /bubble/live Video and audio streaming - see below
  • /user/user_list.xml
<user ver="1.0" you="" add_user="no" ret="sorry" mesg="check in falied"/>
  • /cgi-bin/hi3510/echo.cgi
fun echo script
  • /cgi-bin/hi3510/ptzctrl.cgi or /cgi-bin/hi3510/preset.cgi
sends you a random bit of memory! probably meant to have params like detailed in
  • /cgi-bin/hi3510/param.cgi
blank if no params


Streaming happens TCP port 64444 with a handshake looking like:

login = 'LTCP...u'.replace('.',b'\x00')
loginSoup = '<SOUP version="1.0"><auth usr="admin" psw="" eseeid="" nat="symmetric" client="" imei="" isp="" buddleid=""/></SOUP>.'.replace('.',b'\x00')

#response LTCP...?<SOUP version="1.0"><auth usr="admin" psw="" error="0"/></SOUP>

create = 'LTCP...R'.replace('.',b'\x00')
createSoup = '<SOUP version="1.1"><vcon cmd="create" id="132137576" app="RemoteSetup" /></SOUP>.'.replace('.',b'\x00')

startStream = 'LTCP...O'.replace('.',b'\x00')
startStreamSoup = '<SOUP version="1.0"><streamreq ch="vin0" stream="stream0" opt="start"/></SOUP>.'.replace('.',b'\x00')

#response LTCP...[<SOUP version="1.0"><streamreq ch="vin0" stream="stream0" opt="start" cam_des="P1"/></SOUP>

You can extract H264 frames out of a packet capture on port 64444:

ffmpeg -err_detect ignore_err -i stream.pcap -c copy stream.mp4

There is also streaming on port 80 via the url /bubble/live but this requires a custom handshake as well, see below python script to use ffplay.

The stream is of type Video: h264 (Main) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p, 1280x720, 518 kb/s, 15.02 fps, 15 tbr, 1200k tbn, 30 tbc

├── V1.4.70_CW.tar
├── root
│   ├── bin
│   │   ├── ash -> busybox
│   │   ├── base64 -> busybox
│   │   ├── busybox
│   │   ├── cat -> busybox
│   │   ├── catv -> busybox
│   │   ├── chmod -> busybox
│   │   ├── chown -> busybox
│   │   ├── cp -> busybox
│   │   ├── cttyhack -> busybox
│   │   ├── date -> busybox
│   │   ├── dd -> busybox
│   │   ├── df -> busybox
│   │   ├── dmesg -> busybox
│   │   ├── dnsdomainname -> busybox
│   │   ├── dumpkmap -> busybox
│   │   ├── echo -> busybox
│   │   ├── egrep -> busybox
│   │   ├── false -> busybox
│   │   ├── fgrep -> busybox
│   │   ├── free -> busybox
│   │   ├── fsync -> busybox
│   │   ├── getopt -> busybox
│   │   ├── grep -> busybox
│   │   ├── hostname -> busybox
│   │   ├── ionice -> busybox
│   │   ├── iostat -> busybox
│   │   ├── ip -> busybox
│   │   ├── ipaddr -> busybox
│   │   ├── ipcalc -> busybox
│   │   ├── iplink -> busybox
│   │   ├── iproute -> busybox
│   │   ├── iprule -> busybox
│   │   ├── iptunnel -> busybox
│   │   ├── kill -> busybox
│   │   ├── killall -> busybox
│   │   ├── killall5 -> busybox
│   │   ├── linux32 -> busybox
│   │   ├── linux64 -> busybox
│   │   ├── ln -> busybox
│   │   ├── login -> busybox
│   │   ├── ls -> busybox
│   │   ├── mkdir -> busybox
│   │   ├── mknod -> busybox
│   │   ├── more -> busybox
│   │   ├── mount -> busybox
│   │   ├── mountpoint -> busybox
│   │   ├── mv -> busybox
│   │   ├── netstat -> busybox
│   │   ├── nice -> busybox
│   │   ├── od -> busybox
│   │   ├── pidof -> busybox
│   │   ├── ping -> busybox
│   │   ├── powertop -> busybox
│   │   ├── printenv -> busybox
│   │   ├── ps -> busybox
│   │   ├── pwd -> busybox
│   │   ├── rm -> busybox
│   │   ├── rmdir -> busybox
│   │   ├── scriptreplay -> busybox
│   │   ├── sed -> busybox
│   │   ├── setarch -> busybox
│   │   ├── setserial -> busybox
│   │   ├── sh -> busybox
│   │   ├── sleep -> busybox
│   │   ├── stat -> busybox
│   │   ├── stty -> busybox
│   │   ├── sync -> busybox
│   │   ├── tar -> busybox
│   │   ├── touch -> busybox
│   │   ├── true -> busybox
│   │   ├── umount -> busybox
│   │   ├── uname -> busybox
│   │   ├── uncompress -> busybox
│   │   ├── usleep -> busybox
│   │   ├── vi -> busybox
│   │   ├── watch -> busybox
│   │   └── yes -> busybox
│   ├── dev
│   ├── etc
│   │   ├── fstab
│   │   ├── group
│   │   ├── host.conf
│   │   ├── hosts
│   │   ├── init.d
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   ├── rc.local
│   │   │   └── rcS
│   │   ├── inittab
│   │   ├── jffs2
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── mdev.conf
│   │   ├── nsswitch.conf
│   │   ├── passwd
│   │   ├── profile
│   │   ├── resolv.conf -> jffs2/resolv.conf
│   │   ├── services
│   │   ├── shadow
│   │   ├── sysconfig
│   │   │   └── HOSTNAME
│   │   └── udhcpd.conf
│   ├── init -> bin/busybox
│   ├── lib
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   └── modules
│   │   ├── 3.4.35
│   │   └── block2mtd.ko
│   ├── mnt
│   │   ├── nand
│   │   └── sd
│   ├── proc
│   ├── sbin
│   │   ├── acpid -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── adjtimex -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── arp -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── blockdev -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── bootchartd -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── depmod -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── devmem -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── fbsplash -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── fdisk -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ftpd -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── getty -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── halt -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── hwclock -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ifconfig -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ifdown -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ifenslave -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ifup -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── init -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── inotifyd -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── insmod -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── iwlist
│   │   ├── klogd -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── loadkmap -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── logread -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── losetup -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── lsmod -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── makedevs -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── mdev -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── mkdosfs -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── mkfs.vfat -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── modinfo -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── modprobe -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── nameif -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── passwd -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── pivot_root -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── poweroff -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── reboot -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── rmmod -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── route -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── setconsole -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── slattach -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── switch_root -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── sysctl -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── syslogd -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── telnetd -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── tunctl -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── udhcpc -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── udhcpd -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── updater
│   │   ├── vconfig -> ../bin/busybox
│   │   └── watchdog -> ../bin/busybox
│   ├── sys
│   ├── tmp
│   ├── usr
│   └── var
├── root.sqsh4
├── root.sqsh4.md5
├── usr
│   ├── bin
│   │   ├── [ -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── [[ -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── anyka_font_16.bin
│   │   ├── anyka_ipc
│   │   ├── arping -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── awk -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── basename -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── beep -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── cal -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── chat -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── chrt -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── chvt -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── cksum -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── clear -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── cmp -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── crontab -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── cut -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── daemon
│   │   ├── dc -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── diff -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── dirname -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── dos2unix -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── du -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── dumpleases -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── eject -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── env -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── expand -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── expr -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── fgconsole -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── find -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── fold -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── free -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ftpget -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ftpput -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── fuser -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── gb_un.bin
│   │   ├── groups -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── hd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── head -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── hexdump -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── hostapd
│   │   ├── hostapd_cli
│   │   ├── hostid -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── id -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ifplugd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── install -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ipcrm -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ipcs -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── iwlist
│   │   ├── kbd_mode -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── killall -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── killall5 -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── less -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── logger -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── logname -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── lsof -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── lspci -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── lsusb -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── md5sum -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── mesg -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── mkfifo -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── nc -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── nslookup -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── od -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── passwd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── pgrep -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── pkill -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── pmap -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── printf -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── pscan -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── pstree -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── pwdx -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── readahead -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── readlink -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── realpath -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── renice -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── reset -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── resize -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── rtcwake -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── rx -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── script -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── setkeycodes -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── setsid -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── sha1sum -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── sha256sum -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── sha512sum -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── showkey -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── signalRate
│   │   ├── smemcap -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── sort -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── split -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── strings -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── sum -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── tail -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── tcpsvd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── tee -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── telnet -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── test -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── tftp -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── tftpd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── time -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── timeout -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── top -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── traceroute -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── tty -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── udpsvd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── unix2dos -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── uptime -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── uudecode -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── uuencode -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── volname -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── wc -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── which -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── whoami -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── whois -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── wpa_cli
│   │   ├── wpa_supplicant
│   │   ├── xargs -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   └── yes -> ../../bin/busybox
│   ├── lib
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   ├── ->
│   │   └──
│   ├── local
│   │   ├── factory_cfg.ini
│   │   ├── hostapd.conf
│   │   ├── isp_9712.conf
│   │   ├── isp_ar0130.conf
│   │   ├── isp_h42.conf
│   │   ├── isp_h42_krt.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1035_CX.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1035_PX.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1035_ja.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1035_yws.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1045_CX.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1045_PX.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1045_ja.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1045_yws.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1135_CX.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1135_PX.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1135_yws.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1145_CX.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1145_PX.conf
│   │   ├── isp_sc1145_yws.conf
│   │   ├── multi_conf_mode
│   │   ├── p2p_conf_in.json
│   │   ├── p2p_conf_out.json
│   │   ├── test_cfg.ini
│   │   └── wpa_supplicant.conf
│   ├── modules
│   │   ├── 8188fu.ko
│   │   ├── ak_ethernet.ko
│   │   ├── ak_gpio_module.ko
│   │   ├── ak_pwm_char.ko
│   │   ├── akcamera.ko
│   │   ├── akmci.ko
│   │   ├── g_mass_storage.ko
│   │   ├── i2c-dev.ko
│   │   ├── otg-hs.ko
│   │   ├── sdio_wifi.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_ar0130.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_gc1024.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_h42.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_h61.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_ov9712.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_sc1035.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_sc1045.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_sc1135.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_sc1145.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_sc1235.ko
│   │   ├── sensor_sc1245.ko
│   │   └── udc.ko
│   ├── sbin
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── brctl -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── chroot -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── dhcprelay -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── fakeidentd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── fbset -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ftpd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── inetd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── loadfont -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── nanddump -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── nandwrite -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── nbd-client -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ntpd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── rdate -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── rdev -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── readprofile -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── setfont -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── setlogcons -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── telnetd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ubiattach -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ubidetach -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ubimkvol -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ubirmvol -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ubirsvol -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── ubiupdatevol -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├── udhcpd -> ../../bin/busybox
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   └── share
│   ├── mp3
│   │   ├── chinese
│   │   │   ├── Configuration_mode.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Firmware_update_failed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Password_error.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Restore_factory_settings.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Upgrade.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_completed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_failed.mp3
│   │   │   └── WiFi_setting.mp3
│   │   ├── english
│   │   │   ├── Configuration_mode.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Firmware_update_failed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Password_error.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Restore_factory_settings.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Upgrade.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_completed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_failed.mp3
│   │   │   └── WiFi_setting.mp3
│   │   ├── german
│   │   │   ├── Configuration_mode.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Firmware_update_failed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Password_error.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Restore_factory_settings.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Upgrade.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_completed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_failed.mp3
│   │   │   └── WiFi_setting.mp3
│   │   ├── korean
│   │   │   ├── Configuration_mode.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Firmware_update_failed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Password_error.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Please_wait.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Restore_factory_settings.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Upgrade.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_completed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_failed.mp3
│   │   │   └── WiFi_setting.mp3
│   │   ├── portuguese
│   │   │   ├── Configuration_mode.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Firmware_update_failed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Password_error.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Restore_factory_settings.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Upgrade.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_completed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_failed.mp3
│   │   │   └── WiFi_setting.mp3
│   │   ├── russian
│   │   │   ├── Configuration_mode.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Firmware_update_failed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Password_error.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Restore_factory_settings.mp3
│   │   │   ├── Upgrade.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_completed.mp3
│   │   │   ├── WiFi_connection_failed.mp3
│   │   │   └── WiFi_setting.mp3
│   │   └── spanish
│   │   ├── Configuration_mode.mp3
│   │   ├── Firmware_update_failed.mp3
│   │   ├── Password_error.mp3
│   │   ├── Restore_factory_settings.mp3
│   │   ├── Upgrade.mp3
│   │   ├── WiFi_connection_completed.mp3
│   │   ├── WiFi_connection_failed.mp3
│   │   └── WiFi_setting.mp3
│   ├── udhcpc
│   │   └── default.script
│   └── udhcpd.conf
├── usr.sqsh4
├── usr.sqsh4.md5
├── zImage
└── zImage.md5
35 directories, 471 files
# view output via: python3 | ffplay -i pipe:
# or can write to file
write_to_files = False
import socket
import time
import datetime
import sys
TCP_IP = ''
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
* Avoid socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use exception
* The SO_REUSEADDR flag tells the kernel to reuse a local socket in TIME_WAIT state,
* without waiting for its natural timeout to expire.
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.connect((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT))
s.send(b'GET /bubble/live?ch=0&stream=0 HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n')
data = s.recv(1142)
data = s.recv(54)
# s.setblocking(0)
if write_to_files:
timestamp =":", "-")
dump = open(timestamp + '-socket.dump', 'wb')
# os.mkfifo(timestamp + '-socket.h264')
h264 = open(timestamp + '-socket.h264', 'wb')
g711 = open(timestamp + '-socket.g711', 'wb')
dump = None
g711 = None
h264 = sys.stdout.buffer
g711_prelude = b'\xaa\x00\x00\x00'
# decode with ```sox --channels 1 --type raw --rate 8000 -e a-law ~/Downloads/audio.g711 output.wav``` then write as
h264_prelude = b'\x00\x00\x00\x01'
in_h264 = False
while True:
data = s.recv(16)
before_data = None
dump.write(data) if write_to_files else None
if g711_prelude in data:
idx = data.index(g711_prelude)
print("g711 @ " + str(idx))
before_data = data[:idx]
data = data[idx:]
if in_h264:
g711.write(before_data) if write_to_files else None
g711.flush() if write_to_files else None
in_h264 = False
if h264_prelude in data:
idx = data.index(h264_prelude)
print("h264 @ " + str(idx))
before_data = data[:idx]
data = data[idx:]
if in_h264:
g711.write(before_data) if write_to_files else None
g711.flush() if write_to_files else None
in_h264 = True
if in_h264:
g711.write(data) if write_to_files else None
except BlockingIOError:
except BrokenPipeError:
print("shutting down") if write_to_files else None
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("shutting down") if write_to_files else None
g711.close() if write_to_files else None
dump.close() if write_to_files else None
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka syslogd started: BusyBox v1.20.2
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.debug kernel: Normal zone: 10160 pages, LIFO batch:1
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.debug kernel: pcpu-alloc: s0 r0 d32768 u32768 alloc=1*32768
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.debug kernel: pcpu-alloc: [0] 0
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 10160
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: Kernel command line: root=/dev/mtdblock1 ro rootfstype=squashfs init=/sbin/init mem=64M console=ttySAK0,115200
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: PID hash table entries: 256 (order: -2, 1024 bytes)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: Dentry cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: Inode-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: Memory: 40MB = 40MB total
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: Memory: 36656k/36656k available, 4304k reserved, 0K highmem
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: Virtual kernel memory layout:
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: vector : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000 ( 4 kB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: fixmap : 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000 ( 896 kB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: vmalloc : 0xc3000000 - 0xff000000 ( 960 MB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xc2800000 ( 40 MB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xc0000000 ( 16 MB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: .text : 0xc0008000 - 0xc036f000 (3484 kB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: .init : 0xc036f000 - 0xc0389000 ( 104 kB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: .data : 0xc038a000 - 0xc03acc40 ( 140 kB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: .bss : 0xc03acc64 - 0xc03ca27c ( 118 kB)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: SLUB: Genslabs=13, HWalign=32, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: NR_IRQS:95
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: sched_clock: 32 bits at 100 Hz, resolution 10000000ns, wraps every 4294967286ms
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: usbcore: registered new device driver usb
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: i2c-ak39 i2c-ak39: i2c-0: AK39 I2C adapter
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: Linux video capture interface: v2.00
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 2
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: TCP established hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: TCP: reno registered
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 1
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: exFAT: Version 1.2.9
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: jffs2: version 2.2. © 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: msgmni has been set to 71
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: io scheduler noop registered
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: io scheduler cfq registered (default)
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: AK39xx uart driver init, (c) 2013 ANYKA
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: ak39-uart.0: ttySAK0 at MMIO 0x20130000 (irq = 10) is a AK39
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.err kernel: ion: failed to create debug files.
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: brd: module loaded
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: loop: module loaded
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: AK Motor Driver (c) 2013 ANYKA
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: akpcm_init
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: ak39_codec_probe enter.
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: akpcm_probe
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: akpcm initialize OK!
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: akpcm_probe ok.
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.err kernel: akisp_init
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: Start to init Anyka SPI Flash...
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: AK SPI Driver, (c) 2012 ANYKA
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: mtd_part[0]:
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: name = A
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: size = 0x150000
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: offset = 0x260000
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: mask_flags = 0x0
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: mtd_part[1]:
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: name = B
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: size = 0x3a0000
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: offset = 0x3b0000
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: mask_flags = 0x0
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: mtd_part[2]:
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: name = C
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: size = 0x50000
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: offset = 0x750000
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: mask_flags = 0x0
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: mtd_part[3]:
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: name = D
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: size = 0x10000
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: offset = 0x7a0000
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: mask_flags = 0x0
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: Creating 4 MTD partitions on "spi0.0":
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: 0x000000260000-0x0000003b0000 : "A"
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: 0x0000003b0000-0x000000750000 : "B"
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: 0x000000750000-0x0000007a0000 : "C"
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.notice kernel: 0x0000007a0000-0x0000007b0000 : "D"
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: Init AK SPI Flash finish.
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: akspi master initialize success, use for DMA mode.
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: input: akgpio-keys as /devices/platform/akgpio-keys/input/input0
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: ak-rtc ak-rtc: rtc core: registered ak-rtc as rtc0
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: TCP: cubic registered
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 17
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: lib80211: common routines for IEEE802.11 drivers
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.debug kernel: lib80211_crypt: registered algorithm 'NULL'
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kern.err kernel: ak-rtc ak-rtc: hctosys: invalid date/time
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 31:1.
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: devtmpfs: mounted
Jan 1 00:00:08 anyka kernel: Freeing init memory: 104K
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: ar0130_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: gc1024_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: h42_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: h61_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: ov9712_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: sc1035_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: sc1045_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: sc1135_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: sc1145_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: sc1235_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: sc1245_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.err kernel: aksensor_module_init
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kernel: soc-camera-pdrv soc-camera-pdrv: Probing soc-camera-pdrv
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kernel: ak_camera ak_camera.39: AK Camera driver attached to camera 0
Jan 1 00:00:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID ar0130_g_ctl val:0x0
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: gc1024_set_poweron
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID gc1024_g_ctl val:0x0
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: h42_set_poweron
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID h42_g_ctl val:0x0
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: h61_set_poweron
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID h61_g_ctl val:0x0
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID ov9712_g_ctl val:0x0
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: sc1035_set_poweron
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: sc1035_get_id fail
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID sc1035_g_ctl val:0x0
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: sc1045_set_poweron
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID sc1045_g_ctl val:0x0
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: sc1135_set_poweron
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: sc1135_get_id fail
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID sc1135_g_ctl val:0x0
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.err kernel: sc1145_set_poweron
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: ID sc1145_g_ctl val:0x1145
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kernel: aksensor 0-0001: Probing sc1145 Sensor ID: 0x1145
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka init: starting pid 393, tty '/dev/ttySAK0': '/sbin/getty -L ttySAK0 115200 vt100 '
Jan 1 00:00:10 anyka kernel: i2c /dev entries driver
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [daemon_monitor:280] This thread id : 406
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: MainAPP monitor started, interval:3Sec, fifo[/tmp/daemon_fifo].size=50
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: ***************************************
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: *****A monitor daemon has running!*****
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: ***************************************
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: ********** Watch Dog Enabled! **********
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: watchdog timeout = 8(s)
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [daemon_anyka_feed_watchdog:86] This thread id : 408
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [daemon_broadcast_pth:1786] This thread id : 407
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [daemon_broadcast_pth:1809] create udp socket success, socket fd:7.
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [daemon_broadcast_pth:1838] ready to receive broadcast
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: AK MCI Driver (c) 2010 ANYKA
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kernel: akmci ak_mci: Mci Interface driver.mmc0. using l2dma, sw IRQ. detect mode:plugin alway.
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 6, dir: 1, val: 0
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 7, dir: 1, val: 0
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 23, dir: 1, val: 1
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 0, dir: 1, val: 1
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 24, dir: 1, val: 0
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 13, dir: 1, val: 1
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 11, dir: 1, val: 1
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 41, dir: 1, val: 0
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 42, dir: 1, val: 0
Nov 30 00:00:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: pin: 10, dir: 0, val: 1
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka user.debug syslog: *********************************************************
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka user.debug syslog: *************1.4.70_CW_build@Dec 13 2017_14:57:26**********
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka user.debug syslog: *********************************************************
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb-host usb-host: Anyka usb host controller
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb-host usb-host: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb-host usb-host: irq 18, io mem 0x20200000
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb usb1: Product: Anyka usb host controller
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 3.4.35 usb-host
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb usb1: SerialNumber: Anyka usb host controller
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kern.warn kernel: Usb otg-hs controller driver initialized
Nov 30 00:00:03 anyka kernel: usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using usb-host
Nov 30 00:00:05 anyka kernel: usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0bda, idProduct=f179
Nov 30 00:00:05 anyka kernel: usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
Nov 30 00:00:05 anyka kernel: usb 1-1: Product: 802.11n
Nov 30 00:00:05 anyka kernel: usb 1-1: Manufacturer: Realtek
Nov 30 00:00:05 anyka kernel: usb 1-1: SerialNumber: 00e04c000001
Nov 30 00:00:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: module init start
Nov 30 00:00:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: rtl8188fu v4.3.23.4_19019.20160811
Nov 30 00:00:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: build time: Dec 20 2016 09:14:50
Nov 30 00:00:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: hal_com_config_channel_plan chplan:0x23
Nov 30 00:00:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: rtw_ndev_init(wlan0) if1 mac_addr=9c:a3:a9:21:1e:5f
Nov 30 00:00:07 anyka kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8188fu
Nov 30 00:00:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: module init ret=0
Nov 30 00:00:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: assoc success
Nov 30 00:00:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: set bssid:00:00:00:00:00:00
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: **************************ret_board:1*******************************
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: save software version ok !
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [monitor:24] This thread id : 512
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: the daemon fifo has created
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_init_setting:2499] anyka config file check ok.
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_config_save,552]:config->update
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_config_save,605]:anyka_config_save, size = 220, filelen = 220
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: init all font buffer inused, font_num: 45
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: anyka_init_camera_info: 4, CAM1
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [sd_init_status:175] sdcard status: 0
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: dma alloc vir:0xffdfc000, phy:0x831c0000
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: dma alloc vir:0xffdf0000, phy:0x831c8000
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: dma alloc vir:0xffdf8000, phy:0x831c4000
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_module_init: ISPDrvLib V0.1.11
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp2 module init: isp_struct size=34796, dma_area=0xffdfc000, dma_bytes=10472, io_base=0xf0010000
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka kernel: ak_camera ak_camera.39: AK Camera driver attached to camera 0
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: MCLK sc1145_g_ctl val:24
Nov 30 00:00:12 anyka kern.err kernel: sc1145_set_poweron
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: set ssid [XXXXX] fw_state=0x00000008
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: set bssid:f0:9f:c2:6e:XX:XX
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: start auth
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: auth success, start assoc
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: assoc success
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: recv eapol packet
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: send eapol packet
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: recv eapol packet
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: send eapol packet
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: set pairwise key camid:4, addr:f0:9f:c2:6e:47:7f, kid:0, type:AES
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: ispsdk_lib version:V2.0.03
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: set 3d ref addr:y=0x80000000
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: Isp_Module_Load_Def_Awb_Step get awb_attr ok, auto_awb_step:30
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: init isp success
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: camera height: 720, 720
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera:]cur frames:25
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Change_Fps_Pthread:338] This thread id : 518
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: set group key camid:5, addr:f0:9f:c2:6e:47:7f, kid:1, type:AES
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.err kernel: soc-camera-pdrv soc-camera-pdrv: S_CROP denied: getting current crop failed
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: init_device==>S_FMT succeedded!
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: init_userp==>REQBUFS succeedded!userptr[count=4]
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: start_capturing==>STREAMON succeedded!
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: set occlusion color succeedded!
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: aksensor_s_stream resume.
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: mmc0: host does not support reading read-only switch. assuming write-enable.
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kernel: mmc0: new SDHC card at address e624
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kernel: mmcblk0: mmc0:e624 SU04G 3.69 GiB
Nov 30 00:00:13 anyka kernel: mmcblk0: p1
Nov 30 00:00:15 anyka user.debug syslog: *********get_device_id:F2731110583936*********
Nov 30 00:00:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_config_save,552]:config->update
Nov 30 00:00:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_config_save,605]:anyka_config_save, size = 2700, filelen = 2700
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Set_StyleId set styleId: 3
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: Isp_Module_Reload_Config_Awb_Step get awb_attr ok, cur auto_awb_step:10, set to step:30
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:23
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_ircut_pthread:2696] This thread id : 542
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_open] H.264 params: w=1280, h=720, qpMin=20, qpMax=42, bps=786432, gop=120, fps=15
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: ^M --VIDAK39--Enc AK39 Encoder Lib V1.7.02--^M ^M
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_open] H.264 params: w=1280, h=720, qpMin=20, qpMax=42, bps=256000, gop=80, fps=10
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: ^M --VIDAK39--Enc AK39 Encoder Lib V1.7.02--^M ^M
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_open] H.264 params: w=640, h=480, qpMin=20, qpMax=42, bps=262144, gop=120, fps=15
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: ^M --VIDAK39--Enc AK39 Encoder Lib V1.7.02--^M ^M
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: ^M --VIDAK39--Enc AK39 Encoder Lib V1.7.02--^M ^M
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_read_data:417] This thread id : 545
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_read_data:429] the thread sleep
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_data:586] This thread id : 546
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_read_ad_pcm:172] This thread id : 547
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_read_ad_pcm:196] audio thread start processing
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_read_ad_pcm:200] audio thread sleep
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_phone_manage:69] This thread id : 549
Nov 30 00:00:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_fs_asyn_write_main:120] This thread id : 548
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [daemon_anyka_feed_watchdog:98] schedule to long, interval: 2298210577
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: Set the flip 0
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: Set_Normal
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: Fat file system start scan disk, total 966176 cluster.
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: .......isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: *********sn:F2731110583936*********
Mar 25 04:27:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: ...FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 12:27:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_config_save,552]:config->update
Mar 25 12:27:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_config_save,605]:anyka_config_save, size = 2700, filelen = 2700
Mar 25 04:27:17 anyka kern.warn kernel: ........................................Scan disk finish, spend time:2200ms.
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: n1 user_count = 1!
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: video_add 0.264
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 768(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_read_data:431] the thread wake
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_read_data:444] camera no data
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_set_encode_fps:1019] set fps:15, bps:767
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 767(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_read_data:444] camera no data
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 768(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: video_add 1.264
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 256(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_subchn_rc:697] VGA VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [28,41]
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_read_data:444] camera no data
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_set_encode_fps:1019] set fps:15, bps:255
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 255(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_subchn_rc:697] VGA VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [28,41]
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 256(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_subchn_rc:697] VGA VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [28,41]
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: audio add G711A
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_add:481] system add an audio thread:(type:1)!
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: --AudioCodec Version V1.13.00_svn4772--^M
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_read_data:444] camera no data
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_send_encode_data:441] This thread id : 604
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: ## G711 encode open, type=17^M
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_read_ad_pcm:204] audio thread wake
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: capture_ioctl reset buf
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: === capture_pause ===
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: akpcm set capture device(s) = 1
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: [chg_channel_source,0, 4]!
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kernel: set_channel_source
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: ****set MIC gain 5
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: adc: perfect asic pll clk is:399360000, actual sample rate is 8012.
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: ---ADC asic_pll = 400000000, SR_save = 8012. des_sr = 8000, div = 194
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: capture buffer alloc: c1784000, 4000
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: capture boundary: -2147483648
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: capture rate: 1f40
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: adc: perfect asic pll clk is:399360000, actual sample rate is 8012.
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: ---ADC asic_pll = 400000000, SR_save = 8012. des_sr = 8000, div = 194
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_start_movedetection]enable=1, SensitivityLevel=70
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_set_move_ratio]enable=1, SensitivityLevel=70
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_set_move_ratio:41]rations:8
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: === capture_pause ===
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: AEC_Start: aec 0, nr 1, agc 1
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: --Echo Version V1.1.04--^M
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: ## AEC open^M
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: AEC_Thread+
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: AEC_Prio_Supervisor_Thread+
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: ^M --motion detector Motion Detect Lib V2.0.00--^M ^M
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_init_move_handle:1374] Open MotionDect: ratio=8, m_uThreshold=35
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_move_check_main:1425] This thread id : 610
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_start_movedetection:116] start success!!
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [rtl8188_eu_bps] start, thread id: 612
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: AEC starts capture, timer: 1 jiffies @ 100 Hz
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: ~~capture prd_bytes:2048
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: *********** del eth0 ip**************
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: P2PDeviceDemo version:1.4.70_CW
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: p2p video_add 0.264
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 768(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: p2p video_add 1.264
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 256(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_subchn_rc:697] VGA VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [28,41]
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: p2p audio add G711A
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_add:481] system add an audio thread:(type:1)!
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_send_encode_data:441] This thread id : 627
Mar 25 04:27:18 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=2, but id -1
Mar 25 12:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: *********** del eth0 mask**************
Mar 25 12:27:19 anyka user.debug syslog: ***********gw**************
Mar 25 12:27:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_config_save,552]:config->update
Mar 25 12:27:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 2000(kbps)
Mar 25 12:27:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 12:27:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [30,37]
Mar 25 12:27:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_add:481] system add an audio thread:(type:1)!
Mar 25 12:27:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [audio_send_encode_data:441] This thread id : 667
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_adjust_mainchn_IQP] minIQP = 27!
Mar 25 07:45:53 anyka kern.warn kernel: ak_rtc_settime: 118-3-25 7:45:53
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [anyka_config_save,605]:anyka_config_save, size = 2700, filelen = 2700
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_set_move_ratio]enable=1, SensitivityLevel=70
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_set_move_ratio:41]rations:8
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [ak_n1_del_network_route] ip:, netmask:, gw:, dns:
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [LED_PWM_init:510]open pwm failed
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.err syslog: [ak_n1_get_wireless_netinfo] get ip from config:
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.err syslog: [ak_n1_get_wireless_netinfo] get mask from config:
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.err syslog: [ak_n1_get_wireless_netinfo] get gw from config:
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.err syslog: [ak_n1_get_wireless_netinfo] get dns from :
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:23
Mar 25 15:45:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:45:53 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 15:45:54 anyka user.err syslog: [ak_n1_get_wireless_mac_addr] get interface wlan0 mac addr: 9C:A3:A9:21:1E:5F
Mar 25 15:45:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:45:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 1536(kbps)
Mar 25 15:45:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 15:45:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 15:45:54 anyka user.debug syslog: *************************
Mar 25 15:45:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [ak_n1_del_wireless_netinfo] ip:, netmask:, gw:, dns:
Mar 25 15:45:54 anyka user.debug syslog: Get WiFi Network, ssid: XXXXX, pswd: XXXXX
Mar 25 07:45:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [daemon_anyka_feed_watchdog:98] schedule to long, interval: 11915647
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:45:55 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:45:55 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:45:55 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:45:56 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:45:56 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:45:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 1280(kbps)
Mar 25 15:45:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 15:45:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 15:46:00 anyka user.debug syslog: Device 1110583936 logined Server!!!
Mar 25 07:46:02 anyka kern.warn kernel: [sched_delayed] sched: RT throttling activated
Mar 25 07:46:04 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=0, but id -1
Mar 25 15:46:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_adjust_QPmax:453] set qpmax to [41]
Mar 25 15:46:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:46:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 1024(kbps)
Mar 25 15:46:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 15:46:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:46:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:46:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:46:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:46:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 15:46:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_adjust_QPmax:453] set qpmax to [41]
Mar 25 15:46:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:46:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 900(kbps)
Mar 25 15:46:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 15:46:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 15:46:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:23
Mar 25 15:46:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:46:19 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:46:25 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:46:25 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:46:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:46:25 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:46:25 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=2, but id 131
Mar 25 07:46:25 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=2, but id 128
Mar 25 07:46:25 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=2, but id 129
Mar 25 07:46:26 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:46:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 800(kbps)
Mar 25 15:46:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 15:46:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 15:46:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_adjust_QPmax:453] set qpmax to [41]
Mar 25 15:46:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:46:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 716(kbps)
Mar 25 15:46:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 15:46:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,37]
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:46:35 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:46:35 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:46:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:46:35 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 15:46:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_adjust_QPmax:453] set qpmax to [41]
Mar 25 15:46:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 15:46:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:46:39 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 15:46:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:46:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc] 512(kbps)
Mar 25 15:46:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_set_mainchn_rc:872] VBR #####
Mar 25 15:46:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_reSetRc:1063] set qp to [32,39]
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:46:44 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:46:44 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:46:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:46:44 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:46:44 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:46:44 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:46:45 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:46:45 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:46:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_adjust_QPmax:453] set qpmax to [41]
Mar 25 15:46:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:46:53 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:46:53 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:46:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:46:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:46:54 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:46:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:46:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:46:54 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:46:54 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:46:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:46:54 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 15:46:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 15:47:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:47:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 15:47:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:47:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:47:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:47:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:47:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:47:09 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:09 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:09 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:09 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:47:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:47:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:47:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:47:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:47:19 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 15:47:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 15:47:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:47:25 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 15:47:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:47:28 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:47:28 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:47:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:47:28 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:47:28 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:28 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:28 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:29 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:47:37 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:47:37 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:47:38 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:47:38 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:47:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:47:38 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 07:47:38 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:38 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:47:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 15:47:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:47:40 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:47:47 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:47:47 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:47:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:47:47 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:47:47 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:47 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:48 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:47:48 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:47:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:47:56 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:47:56 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:47:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:47:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:47:57 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:47:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:47:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:47:57 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:47:57 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:47:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:47:57 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 15:48:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 15:48:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:48:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:48:01 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 07:48:05 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=0, but id -1
Mar 25 15:48:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:48:14 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:48:14 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:48:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:48:14 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:48:14 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:15 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:15 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:15 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:48:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:48:23 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:48:23 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:48:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:48:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:48:24 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:48:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:48:24 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:48:24 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:48:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:48:24 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 15:48:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 15:48:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:48:26 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:48:33 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:48:33 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:48:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:48:33 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 15:48:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 07:48:34 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:34 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:34 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:34 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:48:43 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:48:43 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:48:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:48:43 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 15:48:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:48:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 15:48:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:48:46 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 07:48:47 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:47 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:48:52 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:48:52 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:48:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:48:52 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:48:53 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:53 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:53 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:48:53 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:48:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 07:49:02 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:49:02 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:49:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 07:49:02 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 15:49:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:49:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 15:49:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 07:49:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 15:49:13 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 15:49:13 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 15:49:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:49:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:49:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 15:49:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 15:49:14 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 15:49:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 15:49:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 07:49:14 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 07:49:14 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 15:49:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 07:49:14 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 07:49:14 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:49:14 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:49:14 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 07:49:14 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 15:49:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:49:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:49:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:49:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:50:04 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:50:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:50:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:50:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:50:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:51:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 07:51:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: recv eapol packet
Mar 25 07:51:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: send eapol packet
Mar 25 15:51:09 anyka user.debug syslog: RTL8188: Ignore Notice "WPA: Group rekeying completed with f0:9f:c2:6e:47:7f [GTK=CCMP]".
Mar 25 15:51:09 anyka user.debug syslog: ------------timeout:1---------
Mar 25 07:51:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: set group key camid:6, addr:f0:9f:c2:6e:47:7f, kid:2, type:AES
Mar 25 15:51:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:51:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:51:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:51:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:51:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:52:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:52:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:52:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:52:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:52:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:53:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:53:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:53:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:53:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:53:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:54:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 07:54:13 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=0, but id -1
Mar 25 15:54:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:54:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:54:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:54:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:54:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:55:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:55:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:55:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:55:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:56:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:56:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:56:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:56:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:56:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:57:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:57:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:57:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:57:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:57:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:57:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:58:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:58:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:58:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:58:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:58:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:59:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:59:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:59:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:59:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:59:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 15:59:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:00:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:00:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:00:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:00:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:00:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:01:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:01:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:01:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:01:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:01:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:02:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:02:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:02:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:02:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:02:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:03:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:03:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:03:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:03:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:03:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:03:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:04:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:04:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:04:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:04:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:04:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:05:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:05:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:05:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:05:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:05:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:05:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:06:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:06:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:06:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:06:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:06:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:07:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:07:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:07:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:07:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:07:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:08:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:08:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:08:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:08:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:08:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:08:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:09:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:09:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:09:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:09:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:09:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:10:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:10:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:10:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:10:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:10:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:11:04 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:11:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:11:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:11:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:11:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:11:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:12:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:12:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:12:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:12:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:12:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:13:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:13:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:13:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:13:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:13:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:14:04 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:14:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:14:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:14:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:14:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:14:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:15:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:15:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:15:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:15:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:15:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:16:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:16:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:16:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:16:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:16:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:17:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:17:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:17:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:17:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:17:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:18:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:18:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:18:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:18:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:18:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:18:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:19:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:19:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:19:23 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:19:23 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:19:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:19:23 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:19:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:19:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:19:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:19:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:19:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:19:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:19:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:19:33 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:19:33 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=0, but id 129
Mar 25 08:19:33 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=0, but id 130
Mar 25 08:19:33 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=0, but id 131
Mar 25 08:19:33 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:19:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:19:44 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:19:44 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:19:44 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:19:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:19:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:19:47 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:19:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:19:53 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:19:53 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:19:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:19:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:19:54 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:19:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:19:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:19:54 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:19:54 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:19:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:19:54 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:19:54 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:19:54 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:19:54 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:19:54 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:20:03 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:20:03 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:20:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:20:03 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:20:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:20:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:20:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:20:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:20:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:20:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:20:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:20:13 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:20:13 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:20:13 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:20:13 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:20:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:20:22 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:20:22 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:20:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:20:22 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 08:20:24 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=3, but id -1
Mar 25 08:20:24 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=0, but id -1
Mar 25 16:20:24 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot (Channel = 0, Size = 360x240, Stack = 204800).
Mar 25 16:20:25 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot OK.
Mar 25 16:20:25 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot Completed (Size = 40449).
Mar 25 16:20:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:20:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:20:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:20:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:20:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:20:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:20:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:20:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:20:32 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=0, but id 129
Mar 25 08:20:32 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=0, but id 130
Mar 25 08:20:32 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=0, but id 131
Mar 25 08:20:33 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:20:35 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot (Channel = 0, Size = 360x240, Stack = 204800).
Mar 25 16:20:36 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot OK.
Mar 25 16:20:36 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot Completed (Size = 42855).
Mar 25 16:20:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:20:48 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:20:48 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:20:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:20:48 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:20:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:20:49 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot (Channel = 0, Size = 360x240, Stack = 204800).
Mar 25 16:20:50 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot OK.
Mar 25 16:20:50 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot Completed (Size = 37172).
Mar 25 16:20:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 16:20:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:20:53 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:20:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [ warn] Spook: Connection Reset by Peer.
Mar 25 16:20:57 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:20:58 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:20:58 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:20:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:20:58 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:20:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:20:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:20:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:20:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:21:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:21:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:21:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:21:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:21:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:21:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:21:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 16:21:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:21:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:21:17 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:21:17 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:21:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:21:17 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:21:17 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:21:17 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:21:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:21:26 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:21:26 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:21:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:21:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:21:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 16:21:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:21:34 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:21:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:21:36 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:21:36 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:21:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:21:36 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:21:36 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:21:36 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:21:36 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:21:37 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:21:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:21:53 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:21:53 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:21:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:21:53 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:21:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:22:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 16:22:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:22:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:22:02 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:22:03 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:22:03 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:22:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:22:03 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:22:03 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:22:03 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:22:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:22:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:22:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:22:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:22:12 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:22:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:23
Mar 25 16:22:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:22:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:22:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:22:22 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:22:22 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:22:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:22:22 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:22:22 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:22:22 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:22:22 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:22:22 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:22:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:22:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:22:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:23:04 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:23:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:23:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:23:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:23:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:23:50 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=1, but id -1
Mar 25 16:24:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:24:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:24:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:24:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:24:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:24:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:25:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:25:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:25:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:25:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:25:45 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=2, but id -1
Mar 25 16:25:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:26:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:26:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:26:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:26:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:26:47 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=3, but id -1
Mar 25 16:26:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:26:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:27:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:27:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:27:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:27:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:27:47 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=2, but id -1
Mar 25 16:27:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:28:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:28:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:28:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot (Channel = 0, Size = 360x240, Stack = 204800).
Mar 25 16:28:31 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot OK.
Mar 25 16:28:31 anyka user.debug syslog: Test: Snapshot Completed (Size = 32437).
Mar 25 16:28:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:28:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:29:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:29:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:29:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:29:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:29:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:29:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:30:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:30:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:30:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:30:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:30:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:31:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:31:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:31:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:31:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:31:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:32:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:32:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:32:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:32:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:32:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:33:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:33:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:33:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:33:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:33:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:33:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:34:02 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=3, but id -1
Mar 25 16:34:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:34:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:34:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:34:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:34:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:35:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:35:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:35:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:35:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:35:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:36:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:36:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:36:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:36:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:36:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:36:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:37:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:37:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:37:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:37:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:37:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:38:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:38:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:38:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:38:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:38:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:39:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:39:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:39:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:39:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:39:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:39:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:40:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:40:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:40:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:40:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:40:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:41:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:41:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:41:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:41:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:41:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:42:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:42:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:42:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:42:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:42:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:42:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:43:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:43:08 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=2, but id -1
Mar 25 16:43:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:43:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:43:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:43:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:44:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:44:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:44:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:44:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:44:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:44:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:45:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:45:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:45:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:45:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:45:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:46:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:46:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:46:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:46:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:46:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:47:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:47:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:47:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:47:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:47:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:47:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:48:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:48:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:48:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:48:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:48:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:49:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:49:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:49:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:49:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:49:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:50:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:50:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:50:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:50:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:50:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:50:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:51:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: recv eapol packet
Mar 25 08:51:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: send eapol packet
Mar 25 08:51:07 anyka kern.warn kernel: RTL871X: set group key camid:5, addr:f0:9f:c2:6e:47:7f, kid:1, type:AES
Mar 25 16:51:07 anyka user.debug syslog: RTL8188: Ignore Notice "WPA: Group rekeying completed with f0:9f:c2:6e:47:7f [GTK=CCMP]".
Mar 25 16:51:07 anyka user.debug syslog: ------------timeout:2---------
Mar 25 16:51:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:51:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:51:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:51:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:51:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:52:04 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:52:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:52:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:52:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:52:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:52:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:52:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:52:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:16
Mar 25 16:52:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:52:34 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 08:52:34 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:52:34 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:52:35 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:52:35 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:52:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:52:41 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:52:41 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:52:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:52:41 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:52:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:52:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:52:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:52:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:52:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:52:51 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:52:51 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:52:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:52:51 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:52:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:52:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:52:54 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:53:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:53:00 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:53:01 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:53:01 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:53:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:53:01 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:53:01 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:01 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:02 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:02 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:53:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:53:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:53:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:53:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:53:11 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:53:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:53:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:53:16 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:53:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:53:29 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:53:29 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:53:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:53:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:53:30 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:53:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:53:30 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:53:30 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:53:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:53:30 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:53:30 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:30 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:30 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:30 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:53:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:53:39 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:53:39 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:53:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:53:39 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:53:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:20
Mar 25 16:53:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:53:42 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 08:53:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:53:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:53:49 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:53:49 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:53:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:53:49 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:53:49 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:49 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:49 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:50 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:53:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:53:58 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:53:58 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:53:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:53:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:53:59 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:53:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:53:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:53:59 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:53:59 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:53:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:53:59 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 08:53:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:53:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:54:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:54:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:54:02 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:54:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:54:08 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:54:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:54:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 16:54:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:54:09 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:54:09 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:54:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:54:31 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:54:31 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:54:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:54:31 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 08:54:33 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=3, but id -1
Mar 25 08:54:34 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=3, but id -1
Mar 25 16:54:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:54:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:54:37 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:54:40 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:54:40 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:54:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:54:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:54:41 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:54:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:54:41 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:54:41 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:54:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:54:41 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:54:41 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=3, but id 128
Mar 25 08:54:41 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=3, but id 129
Mar 25 08:54:41 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=3, but id 130
Mar 25 08:54:41 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:54:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:54:50 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:54:50 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:54:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:54:50 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:54:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:14
Mar 25 16:54:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:54:52 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:54:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:55:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:55:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:55:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:55:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:55:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:55:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:55:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:55:09 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:55:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:55:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:55:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:55:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:55:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:55:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:55:25 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=1, but id -1
Mar 25 16:55:26 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:55:26 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:55:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:55:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:55:27 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:55:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:55:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:55:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:55:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:55:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:55:27 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:27 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:27 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:27 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:55:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 08:55:36 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:55:36 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:55:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 08:55:36 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 16:55:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:55:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:21
Mar 25 16:55:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 08:55:43 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 08:55:46 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 08:55:46 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 16:55:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 08:55:46 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 08:55:46 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:46 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:46 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 08:55:46 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 16:55:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:56:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:56:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:56:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 08:56:26 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=2, but id -1
Mar 25 16:56:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:56:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:56:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:57:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:57:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:57:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:57:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:57:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:58:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:58:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:58:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:58:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:58:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:59:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:59:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:59:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:59:38 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 16:59:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:00:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:00:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:00:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:00:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:00:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:01:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:01:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:01:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:01:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:01:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:01:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:02:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:02:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:02:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:02:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:02:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:03:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:03:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:03:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:03:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:03:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:03:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:04:09 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:04:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:04:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:04:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:04:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:05:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:05:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:05:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:05:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:05:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:06:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:06:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:06:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:06:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:06:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:06:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:07:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:07:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:07:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:07:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:07:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:08:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:08:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:08:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:08:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:08:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:09:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:09:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:09:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:09:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:09:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:09:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:10:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:10:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:10:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:10:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:10:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:11:04 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:11:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:11:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:11:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:11:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:11:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:12:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:12:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:12:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:12:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:12:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:13:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:13:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:13:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:13:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:13:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:14:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:14:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:14:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:14:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:14:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:14:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:15:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:15:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:15:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:15:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:15:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:16:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:16:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:16:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:16:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:16:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:17:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:17:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:17:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:17:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:17:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:18:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:18:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:18:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:18:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:18:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:18:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:19:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:19:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:19:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:19:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:19:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:20:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:20:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:20:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:20:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:20:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:21:02 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:21:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:21:26 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:21:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:21:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:21:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:22:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:22:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:22:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:22:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:22:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:23:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:23:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:23:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:23:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:23:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:24:04 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:24:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:24:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:24:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:24:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:25:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:25:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:25:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:25:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:25:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:25:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:26:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:26:12 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:26:12 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:26:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:26:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:26:13 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:26:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:26:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:26:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:26:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:26:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 09:26:13 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=2, but id 131
Mar 25 09:26:13 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=2, but id 128
Mar 25 17:26:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:23
Mar 25 17:26:15 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:26:15 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:26:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:22 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:26:22 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:26:22 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:26:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:26:23 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:26:23 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=3, but id 130
Mar 25 09:26:23 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:26:23 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:26:23 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:26:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:26:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:26:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:26:32 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 17:26:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:26:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 17:26:35 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:26:35 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:26:41 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:26:42 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:26:42 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:26:42 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:26:42 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:26:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:26:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:26:42 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:26:43 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 17:26:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:26:51 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:26:51 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:26:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:26:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:26:52 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:26:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:26:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:26:52 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:26:52 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:26:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:26:52 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 17:26:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 09:26:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=0, but id -1
Mar 25 17:27:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:27:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 17:27:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:27:11 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:27:17 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:27:17 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:27:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:27:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:27:18 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=3, but id 130
Mar 25 09:27:18 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:18 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:18 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 17:27:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:27:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:27:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:27:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:27:27 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 17:27:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:27:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 17:27:31 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:27:31 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:27:37 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:27:37 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:27:37 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:27:37 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:27:37 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:37 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 17:27:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:27:46 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:27:46 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:27:46 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:27:46 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 17:27:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:23
Mar 25 17:27:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:27:52 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:27:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:27:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_adjust_QPmax:453] set qpmax to [44]
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:27:56 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:27:56 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:27:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:27:56 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:58 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:27:59 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=0, but id -1
Mar 25 17:28:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:28:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [video_encode_adjust_QPmax:453] set qpmax to [41]
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:28:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:28:10 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:28:11 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:28:11 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 17:28:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:23
Mar 25 17:28:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:28:13 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:28:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:28:20 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:28:20 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:28:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:28:20 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:28:20 anyka kern.err kernel: ~~irq_handle_continous_mode 555: vb->i=3, but id 130
Mar 25 09:28:20 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:21 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:21 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 17:28:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:28:29 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:28:29 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:28:30 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:28:30 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:28:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:28:30 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 17:28:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:23
Mar 25 17:28:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:28:33 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:28:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:28:39 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:28:39 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:28:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:28:39 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:28:39 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:40 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:40 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:28:40 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 17:28:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:28:49 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:28:49 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:28:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:28:49 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 17:28:53 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 17:28:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:28:54 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:28:58 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:29:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:29:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:29:00 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:29:00 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:29:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:29:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:29:00 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:29:01 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 17:29:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:1
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=25,init_frame_rate_exp_time=896,init_frame_rate_gain=12,reduce_frame_rate=12,reduce_frame_exp_time=1796,reduce_frame_gain=4
Mar 25 09:29:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:29:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:29:18 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=25 success
Mar 25 09:29:18 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:25
Mar 25 17:29:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:29:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Need_Set_Fps]change sensor fps, new_fps:12, current gain:22
Mar 25 17:29:24 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=12 success
Mar 25 09:29:24 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:12
Mar 25 17:29:27 anyka user.debug syslog: Ircut set mode, ir_feed:0
Mar 25 17:29:27 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Get_StyleId get styleId: 3
Mar 25 17:29:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [isp.conf]version: 2.016, sensor id: 11, style id: 3, modify time: 2017-7-8 09:25:48!
Mar 25 17:29:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [ISP_Conf_Data_Check, /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf] OK subfile cnt = 2!
Mar 25 17:29:28 anyka user.debug syslog: ISP_Conf_Check_Conf_File get sys conf files: /etc/jffs2/isp_sc1145_PX.conf
Mar 25 17:29:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Cfg_Check] Check OK!
Mar 25 17:29:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [Isp_Module_Check_Fps_Para] init_frame_rate=10,init_frame_rate_exp_time=2246,init_frame_rate_gain=20,reduce_frame_rate=10,reduce_frame_exp_time=2246,reduce_frame_gain=8
Mar 25 09:29:28 anyka kern.warn kernel: isp_>blc_mode=0size =502
Mar 25 09:29:28 anyka kern.warn kernel: rgb2yuv_para->mode=0
Mar 25 17:29:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [camera_set_fps] set fps=10 success
Mar 25 09:29:28 anyka kern.warn kernel: FPS sc1145_g_ctl val:10
Mar 25 09:29:28 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:29:28 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:29:28 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 09:29:28 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 559~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 25 17:29:33 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:29:44 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:29:55 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 09:30:04 anyka kern.err kernel: irq_handle_continous_mode 549: vb->i=1, but id -1
Mar 25 17:30:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:30:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:30:29 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:30:40 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:30:51 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:31:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:31:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:31:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:31:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:31:48 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:31:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:32:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:32:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:32:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:32:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:32:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:33:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:33:16 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:33:27 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:33:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:33:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:34:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:34:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:34:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:34:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:34:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:34:57 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:35:08 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:35:20 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:35:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:35:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:35:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:36:06 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:36:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:36:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:36:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:36:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:37:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:37:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:37:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:37:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:37:47 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:37:59 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:38:10 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:38:21 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:38:32 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:38:43 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:38:54 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:39:05 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:39:17 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:39:28 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:39:39 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:39:50 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:40:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:40:13 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:40:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:40:36 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:40:49 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:41:01 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:41:12 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:41:23 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:41:34 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:41:45 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:41:56 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:42:07 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:42:19 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:42:30 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:42:41 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:42:52 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:43:03 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:43:14 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
Mar 25 17:43:25 anyka user.debug syslog: [n1_check_movement] pass the moving notify!
$ nc -t 192.168.1.X 23
anyka login: root
Password: j1/_7sxw
welcome to file system
[root@anyka ~]$ ls
bin dev etc init lib mnt proc sbin sys tmp usr var
[root@anyka ~]$ uname -ar
Linux anyka 3.4.35 #191 Wed Dec 13 14:56:53 CST 2017 armv5tejl GNU/Linux
[root@anyka ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
cat /proc/cpuinfo
Processor : ARM926EJ-S rev 5 (v5l)
BogoMIPS : 199.06
Features : swp half fastmult edsp java
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 5TEJ
CPU variant : 0x0
CPU part : 0x926
CPU revision : 5
Hardware : Cloud39E_AK3918E+H42_V1.0.2
Revision : 0000
Serial : 0000000000000000
[root@anyka ~]$ free -m
free -m
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 35 34 1 0 4
-/+ buffers: 30 5
Swap: 0 0 0
[root@anyka ~]$ mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
/dev/root on / type squashfs (ro,relatime)
devtmpfs on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,relatime,mode=0755)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /var type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600,ptmxmode=000)
tmpfs on /mnt type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
/dev/loop0 on /usr type squashfs (ro,relatime)
/dev/mtdblock3 on /etc/jffs2 type jffs2 (rw,relatime)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /mnt/tf type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
[root@anyka ~]$ busybox
BusyBox v1.20.2 (2016-07-26 13:20:19 CST) multi-call binary.
Copyright (C) 1998-2011 Erik Andersen, Rob Landley, Denys Vlasenko
and others. Licensed under GPLv2.
See source distribution for full notice.
Usage: busybox [function] [arguments]...
or: busybox --list[-full]
or: busybox --install [-s] [DIR]
or: function [arguments]...
BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix
utilities into a single executable. Most people will create a
link to busybox for each function they wish to use and BusyBox
will act like whatever it was invoked as.
Currently defined functions:
[, [[, acpid, adjtimex, arp, arping, ash, awk, base64, basename, beep,
blockdev, bootchartd, brctl, cal, cat, catv, chat, chmod, chown,
chroot, chrt, chvt, cksum, clear, cmp, cp, crontab, cttyhack, cut,
date, dc, dd, depmod, devmem, df, dhcprelay, diff, dirname, dmesg,
dnsdomainname, dos2unix, du, dumpkmap, dumpleases, echo, egrep, eject,
env, expand, expr, fakeidentd, false, fbset, fbsplash, fdisk,
fgconsole, fgrep, find, fold, free, fsync, ftpd, ftpget, ftpput, fuser,
getopt, getty, grep, groups, halt, hd, head, hexdump, hostid, hostname,
hwclock, id, ifconfig, ifdown, ifenslave, ifplugd, ifup, inetd, init,
inotifyd, insmod, install, ionice, iostat, ip, ipaddr, ipcalc, ipcrm,
ipcs, iplink, iproute, iprule, iptunnel, kbd_mode, kill, killall,
killall5, klogd, less, linux32, linux64, linuxrc, ln, loadfont,
loadkmap, logger, login, logname, logread, losetup, ls, lsmod, lsof,
lspci, lsusb, makedevs, md5sum, mdev, mesg, mkdir, mkdosfs, mkfifo,
mkfs.vfat, mknod, modinfo, modprobe, more, mount, mountpoint, mv,
nameif, nanddump, nandwrite, nbd-client, nc, netstat, nice, nslookup,
ntpd, od, passwd, pgrep, pidof, ping, pivot_root, pkill, pmap,
poweroff, powertop, printenv, printf, ps, pscan, pstree, pwd, pwdx,
rdate, rdev, readahead, readlink, readprofile, realpath, reboot,
renice, reset, resize, rm, rmdir, rmmod, route, rtcwake, rx, script,
scriptreplay, sed, setarch, setconsole, setfont, setkeycodes,
setlogcons, setserial, setsid, sh, sha1sum, sha256sum, sha512sum,
showkey, slattach, sleep, smemcap, sort, split, stat, strings, stty,
sum, switch_root, sync, sysctl, syslogd, tail, tar, tcpsvd, tee,
telnet, telnetd, test, tftp, tftpd, time, timeout, top, touch,
traceroute, true, tty, tunctl, ubiattach, ubidetach, ubimkvol,
ubirmvol, ubirsvol, ubiupdatevol, udhcpc, udhcpd, udpsvd, umount,
uname, uncompress, unix2dos, uptime, usleep, uudecode, uuencode,
vconfig, vi, volname, watch, watchdog, wc, which, whoami, whois, xargs,
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maxious commented Dec 29, 2019

coordinatex1 = 642
coordinatey1 = 341
radius1 = 577

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Can anyone explain how can I flush the rom file to the camera? I'm running now. Thanks!

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Here's a proxy for getting the /bubble/live stream in C, if anyone's interested

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lcharles123 commented Jun 1, 2020

edit: here the old version
Here the support site in english or google "helpen dvr163"

they does not respond to emails, i cannot access the cam by serial console because i dont have a good cable and can not solder the pin headers, got a broken text in console, just sent the cameras back to the merchant that had sold to me.
but if you will try to fix this cam, it seems that you just need to access through a proper serial console, search writable conf or sh files and modify any required option to bring up rtsp or telnet service at boot, the firmware seems similar to v380 cameras

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drhaka commented Jun 28, 2020

By wiresharking while watching the video preview, I was able to get a h264 stream straight from the camera over http.
ffplay -headers "User-Agent: JUAN ProductCheck" -headers "Host: abc" -headers "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46" -i ""

Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (Main), yuv420p(progressive), 1280x720, 15 fps, 15 tbr, 1200k tbn, 30 tbc

My unit is a Smartwares CIP 37186RT
a P1 with firmware according to ipcamsuite.

Linux anyka 3.4.35 #126 Wed May 2 15:14:09 CST 2018 armv5tejl GNU/Linux

Processor       : ARM926EJ-S rev 5 (v5l)
BogoMIPS        : 199.06
Features        : swp half fastmult edsp java
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 5TEJ
CPU variant     : 0x0
CPU part        : 0x926
CPU revision    : 5

Hardware        : Cloud39E_AK3918E+H42_V1.0.2
Revision        : 0000
Serial          : 0000000000000000

If you need admin password for ipcamsuite, it's in /etc/jffs2/anyka_cfg.ini

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wes1993 commented Nov 26, 2020

I have also found different channel, so with ffplay:
Main Stream

ffplay -headers "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46" -i "" 


ffplay -headers "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46" -i "" 

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F14V commented Jan 23, 2021

I can't login with that root password.. the hash is equal with mine.
Linux version 3.4.35 (root@ubuntu) (gcc version 4.4.1 (Hisilicon_v100(gcc4.4-290+uclibc_0.9.32.1+eabi+linuxpthread)) ) #3 Sun Jan 22 20:38:00 CST 2017 -AKV_1.1.02

Apparently the login changes once the usr partition is loaded, I think.
I have an Anran AR-W307 that has the same hardware and the same hash, but it was not taking the pasword (telnet & uart).
After I've erased the usr partition from the spi flash, I was able to login, but obviously the camera was not fully functional.

Does anyone have a dump of the entire flash? Do all your cameras come without U-boot but with Aimer39 spiboot? (My camera only has 3 mtd partitions tho).

Edit: or at least the V1.4.70_CW.tar archive because now they only provide .rom files that do not include the rootfs

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drhaka commented Jan 10, 2022 via email

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p6002 commented Nov 19, 2022

Anyone know what is the rtsp or http stream of this camera?

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I was able to get the stream using:

ffplay -headers "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46" -i "" 

Is there a way to use this in VLC or MotionEye?

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p6002 commented Apr 26, 2023

Good question. I could then use this camera in a bird feeder for example :)

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It seems that header is just a simple authentication as admin with empty password.

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p6002 commented Apr 27, 2023

Anyone know what I should do to get deeper and extract the stream like you guys?
I don't know how to reach location:

I have the exact same version of the camera - Smartwares CIP 37186RT a P1 with firmware :

By wiresharking while watching the video preview, I was able to get a h264 stream straight from the camera over http. ffplay -headers "User-Agent: JUAN ProductCheck" -headers "Host: abc" -headers "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46" -i ""

Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (Main), yuv420p(progressive), 1280x720, 15 fps, 15 tbr, 1200k tbn, 30 tbc

My unit is a Smartwares CIP 37186RT a P1 with firmware according to ipcamsuite.

Linux anyka 3.4.35 #126 Wed May 2 15:14:09 CST 2018 armv5tejl GNU/Linux

Processor       : ARM926EJ-S rev 5 (v5l)
BogoMIPS        : 199.06
Features        : swp half fastmult edsp java
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 5TEJ
CPU variant     : 0x0
CPU part        : 0x926
CPU revision    : 5

Hardware        : Cloud39E_AK3918E+H42_V1.0.2
Revision        : 0000
Serial          : 0000000000000000

If you need admin password for ipcamsuite, it's in /etc/jffs2/anyka_cfg.ini

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drhaka commented Apr 28, 2023 via email

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That said, the stream you'll get isn't entirely standard h264 so you'll need a fault tolerant player like ffplay or ffmpeg to play it back or convert it. The proxy might be a better solution if you can get it to work.

That is curious! I've checked and VLC is able to handshake, but I can't get any image. Why you've called ffplay as a fault tolerant player?
The way I see, the proxy will only forward the port.

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wes1993 commented Jul 18, 2023

Hello to everyone!!!
Today it’s a wonderful day for us that we have this chinese cameras thank to our GENIUS @AlexxIT!!!
Now we have a complete, super stable and very lightweight support for our cameras using this wondeful application:

It's about four years that i try to access the video of the DVR163/Eseecloud cameras stream without a very stable result, and also without audio but now we can access the camera feed and also the audio stream!!!
The only thing you should do is:

  1. Install the addon ( For now the MASTER branch!!!
  2. Open the webgui of the addon by pressing open webgui interface from the addon configuration page in HA
  3. Add the stream using this strings:
  NameOfTheCamera1MainStream: bubble://IP:PORT(Probably 80)/bubble/live?ch=0&stream=0
  NameOfTheCamera1SubStream: bubble://IP:PORT(Probably 80)/bubble/live?ch=0&stream=1
  NameOfTheCamera2MainStream: bubble://IP:PORT(Probably 80)/bubble/live?ch=0&stream=0
  NameOfTheCamera2SubStream: bubble://IP:PORT(Probably 80)/bubble/live?ch=0&stream=1

  NVRCH1MainStream: bubble://admin:password@
  NVRCH1SubStream: bubble://admin:password@
  NVRCH2MainStream: bubble://admin:password@
  NVRCH2SubStream: bubble://admin:password@

So finally we have successfully completed our mission thanks to Alexx then DON’T FORGET TO SAY THANKS!!!

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