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Created January 31, 2015 10:47
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Simple Dimmer on Arduino
#define DEBOUNCE 10 // button debouncer, how many ms to debounce, 5+ ms is usually plenty
#define LONG_PRESS 2000 //how long to go into setup mode
// here is where we define the buttons that we'll use. button "1" is the first, button "6" is the 6th, etc
int light1_button = 14;
int light1_led = 6;
int light1_on = 0;
int light1_max = 255;
int light1_state = 0; //0 ready
int light1_step = 0; //step to go
int light1_stepSetup = 1;
int light1_stepLight = 4;
int light1_value = 0;
int light1_target = 0;
int light1_setupMode = 0;
long light1_pressedTime = 0;
int light2_button = 15;
int light2_led = 9;
int light2_on = 0;
// This handy macro lets us determine how big the array up above is, by checking the size
#define NUMBUTTONS 2
// we will track if a button is just pressed, just released, or 'currently pressed'
byte pressed[NUMBUTTONS], justpressed[NUMBUTTONS], justreleased[NUMBUTTONS];
void setup() {
byte i;
// set up serial port
Serial.print("Button checker with ");
Serial.print(NUMBUTTONS, DEC);
Serial.println(" buttons");
// pin13 LED
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
pinMode(light1_button, INPUT);
digitalWrite(light1_button, HIGH);
pinMode(light1_led, OUTPUT);
pinMode(light2_button, INPUT);
digitalWrite(light2_button, HIGH);
pinMode(light2_led, OUTPUT);
void check_switches()
static byte previousstate[NUMBUTTONS];
static byte currentstate[NUMBUTTONS];
static long lasttime;
byte index;
//if (millis() < lasttime) {
// lasttime = millis(); // we wrapped around, lets just try again
if ((lasttime + DEBOUNCE) > millis()) {
return; // not enough time has passed to debounce
// ok we have waited DEBOUNCE milliseconds, lets reset the timer
lasttime = millis();
for (index = 0; index < NUMBUTTONS; index++) {
justpressed[index] = 0; // when we start, we clear out the "just" indicators
justreleased[index] = 0;
currentstate[0] = digitalRead(light1_button); // read the button
currentstate[1] = digitalRead(light2_button); // read the button
if (currentstate[index] == previousstate[index]) {
if ((pressed[index] == LOW) && (currentstate[index] == LOW)) {
// just pressed
justpressed[index] = 1;
else if ((pressed[index] == HIGH) && (currentstate[index] == HIGH)) {
// just released
justreleased[index] = 1;
pressed[index] = !currentstate[index]; // remember, digital HIGH means NOT pressed
//Serial.println(pressed[index], DEC);
previousstate[index] = currentstate[index]; // keep a running tally of the buttons
void pressButton(int i) {
switch(i) {
case 0:
light1_pressedTime = millis();
if (light1_on == 1) {
light1_on = 0;
light1_target = 0;
light1_step = -light1_stepLight;
else {
light1_on = 1;
light1_target = light1_max;
light1_step = light1_stepLight;
case 1:
if (light2_on == 1) {
light2_on = 0;
analogWrite(light2_led, 0);
else {
light2_on = 1;
analogWrite(light2_led, 255);
void buttonReleased(int i) {
switch(i) {
case 0:
light1_pressedTime = 0;
if (light1_setupMode == 1) {
light1_setupMode = 0;
light1_max = light1_value;
light1_step = 0;
case 1:
long lasttime = 0;
void doAnimation() {
//if (millis() < lasttime) {
// lasttime = millis(); // we wrapped around, lets just try again
if ((lasttime + ANIMATION_STEP) > millis()) {
return; // not enough time has passed
lasttime = millis();
if (light1_step == 0) return; //no need to animate
if (light1_step > 0) {
if (light1_value + light1_step > light1_target) {
light1_value = light1_target;
if (light1_setupMode == 1) {
light1_step = -light1_step;
light1_target = 0;
Serial.println("change animation animation direction 1");
else {
Serial.println("stop on animation, value ");
light1_step = 0; //stop animation
else {
light1_value += light1_step;
analogWrite(light1_led, light1_value);
else {
if (light1_value + light1_step < light1_target) {
light1_value = light1_target;
if (light1_setupMode == 1) {
light1_step = -light1_step;
light1_target = 255;
Serial.println("change animation animation direction 2");
else {
Serial.println("stop off animation, value");
light1_step = 0; //stop animation
else {
light1_value += light1_step;
analogWrite(light1_led, light1_value);
void button1_keepPressed() {
if (light1_setupMode == 1) {
return; //no need it
if (light1_pressedTime + LONG_PRESS < millis()) {
light1_setupMode = 1;
Serial.println("enter setup mode");
if (light1_value == 0) {
Serial.println("start switch on");
light1_step = light1_stepSetup;
light1_target = 255;
else {
Serial.println("start switch off");
light1_step = -light1_stepSetup;
light1_target = 0;
void loop() {
check_switches(); // when we check the switches we'll get the current state
if (justpressed[0]) {
Serial.print(0, DEC);
Serial.println(" Just pressed");
// remember, check_switches() will CLEAR the 'just pressed' flag
if (justreleased[0]) {
Serial.print(0, DEC);
Serial.println(" Just released");
// remember, check_switches() will CLEAR the 'just pressed' flag
if (pressed[0]) {
//Serial.print(0, DEC);
//Serial.println(" pressed");
// is the button pressed down at this moment
if (justpressed[1]) {
Serial.print(1, DEC);
Serial.println(" Just pressed");
// remember, check_switches() will CLEAR the 'just pressed' flag
if (justreleased[1]) {
Serial.print(1, DEC);
Serial.println(" Just released");
// remember, check_switches() will CLEAR the 'just pressed' flag
if (pressed[1]) {
//Serial.print(1, DEC);
//Serial.println(" pressed");
// is the button pressed down at this moment
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