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Created April 11, 2016 10:57
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* Zadanie domowe 1, czesc 1
* structure file
structure id283224 :> PART_ONE =
exception NotImplemented
datatype 'a tree= Leaf of 'a | Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
fun sum n =
if n = 1 then 1
else sum (n-1) + n
fun fac n =
if n = 2 then 2
else fac(n-1)*n
fun fib n =
if n = 0 then 1
else if n = 1 then 1
else fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
fun gcd (n,m) =
if n = m then n
else if n>m then gcd(n-m,m)
else gcd(n,m-n)
fun max (l:int list) =
case l of
nil => 0
| head :: tail =>
if tail = [] orelse head > max tail then head
else max tail
fun sumTree (t:int tree) =
case t of
Leaf value => value
| Node (left,value,right) => sumTree (left) + value + sumTree (right);
fun depth (t:'a tree) =
case t of
Leaf value => 0
| Node (left, _, right) =>
if depth left >= depth right then 1 + depth left
else 1 + depth right
fun binSearch (t:int tree) (x:int) =
case t of
Leaf value => if value = x then true
else false
| Node (left,value,right) =>
if x=value then true
else if x<value then binSearch l x
else binSearch r x
fun preorder (t:'a tree) =
case t of
Leaf left => [left]
| Node(left,value,right) => [value] @ preorder left @ preorder right;
fun listAdd (a:int list) [] = a
| listAdd [] (b:int list) = b
| listAdd (a:int list as heada :: taila) (b:int list as headb :: tailb) =
(heada + headb) :: listAdd taila tailb
fun insert (m:int) [] = [m]
| insert (m:int) (l:int list as head::tail) =
if m <= head then m :: l
else head :: insert m tail
fun insort (l:int list) =
case l of
nil => nil
| head :: tail => insert head (insort tail)
fun compose f g = (fn x => g (f x))
fun curry x y z = x (y,z)
fun uncurry f (x,y) = f x y
fun multifun f n =
if n = 1 then (fn x => f x)
else (fn x =>f ( (multifun f (n-1)) x ))
fun ltake _ 0 = []
|ltake [] _ = []
|ltake (head::tail) n = head::(ltake tail (n-1))
fun lall _ [] = true
|lall f (head::tail)= if (f head) then (lall f tail) else false
fun lmap _ [] = []
|lmap f (head::tail)= (f head)::(lmap f tail)
fun lrev [] = []
|lrev (head::tail) = (lrev tail) @ [head]
fun lzip ([],_) = []
|lzip (_,[]) = []
|lzip ((heada::taila),(headb::tailb)) = (heada,headb)::(lzip (taila,tailb))
fun split [] = ([],[])
|split [x] = ([x],[])
|split (head1::head2::tail) =
let val (a,b) = split tail
in ((head1::a),(head2::b)) end
fun cartprod _ [] =[]
|cartprod [] _ = []
|cartprod (heada::taila) (headb::tailb) =
(heada,headb)::cartprod(heada,tailb) @ cartprod(taila,(headb::tailb))
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