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Last active June 28, 2023 01:34
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Unraid user script to create backups of the flash drive and appdata on a schedule. An email is sent with the full command output if the cronjob fails.
#name=Backup flash and appdata
#description=Creates tarballs of the flash drive and appdata share.
#argumentDescription=Backup directory
set -eo pipefail
shopt -s extglob
cd "${1:-/mnt/user/Backup/Sovngarde}"
create_backup() {
# Usage: create_backup <name> <src>
local name=$1
local src=$2
local date; date=$(date -I)
local tarball="${name}_${date}.tgz"
echo "$src -> $tarball"
tar cvfz "$tarball" \
--exclude-ignore .tarignore \
--transform "s/^\./${name}/" \
--show-stored-names \
--totals \
-C "$src" .
# Remove old backups
rm -fv "$name"_!("$date").tgz
run() {
echo "Backing up to $(pwd)"
create_backup flash /boot
create_backup appdata /mnt/user/appdata
# For testing error notification
if [[ $FAIL_ON_PURPOSE ]]; then
echo 'Task failed successfully.' >&2
return 1
# Capture log for error report while still writing to stdout
{ log=$(run 2>&1 | tee /dev/fd/5); } 5>&1 || err=$?
if (( err > 0 )); then
notify \
-s "$(sed -n 's/^#name=//p' "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") script failed" \
-d "Exit code $err (logs below)" \
-i 'alert' \
-m "$log"
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