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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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The implementation of the Mallot algorithm of polygon clipping
int ExtCode(point A, point Pmin, point Pmax) {
int C = 0;
if (A.x < Pmin.x) {
C += 1;
if (A.y < Pmin.y) C += 20;
if (A.y > Pmax.y) C += 24;
return C;
if (A.x > Pmax.x) {
C += 2;
if (A.y < Pmin.y) C += 20;
if (A.y > Pmax.y) C += 24;
return C;
if (A.y < Pmin.y) C += 4;
if (A.y > Pmax.y) C += 8;
return C;
point Angle(int C, point Pmin, point Pmax) {
point A = { 0, 0 };
if (C & 1) A.x = Pmin.x;
if (C & 2) A.x = Pmax.x;
if (C & 4) A.y = Pmin.y;
if (C & 8) A.y = Pmax.y;
return A;
int Tcc(int C) {
int corr = 0;
if (C & 1) corr = -1;
else if (C & 2) corr = 1;
else if (C & 4) corr = -4;
else if (C & 8) corr = 4;
return corr;
// Maillot's Algorithm
polygon^ Pclip (polygon^ P, point Pmin, point Pmax) {
// 1
int k = 0;
polygon^ clippedP = gcnew polygon();
// 2
point start = P[P->Count - 1];
// 3
if (k > (P->Count - 1)) return clippedP;
// 4
point end = P[k];
int Cend = ExtCode(end, Pmin, Pmax);
int Cstart = ExtCode(start, Pmin, Pmax);
// 5
int C1 = Cstart;
int C2 = Cend;
point p1 = start;
point p2 = end;
// 6
bool clip = false;
bool flip = false;
bool segm = false;
// 7
if ( ((C1 | C2) & 15) == 0 ) {
// 8
if (flip) std::swap(p1, p2);
// 9
segm = true;
} else {
// 10
if (C1 & C2 & 15) {
segm = false;
} else {
// 11
if ((C1 & 15) == 0) {
std::swap(p1, p2);
std::swap(C1, C2);
flip = !flip;
// 12
if ((C1 & 15) && !flip) clip = true;
if (C1 & 1) {
p1.y = p2.y - (p2.x - Pmin.x) * (p2.y - p1.y) / (p2.x - p1.x);
p1.x = Pmin.x;
if (C1 & 2) {
p1.y = p2.y - (p2.x - Pmax.x) * (p2.y - p1.y) / (p2.x - p1.x);
p1.x = Pmax.x;
if (C1 & 4) {
p1.x = p2.x - (p2.y - Pmin.y) * (p2.x - p1.x) / (p2.y - p1.y);
p1.y = Pmin.y;
if (C1 & 8) {
p1.x = p2.x - (p2.y - Pmax.y) * (p2.x - p1.x) / (p2.y - p1.y);
p1.y = Pmax.y;
C1 = ExtCode(p1, Pmin, Pmax);
// 13
goto step7;
// 14-15
C2 = Cend;
// 16
if (segm) {
if (clip) clippedP->Add(p1);
// 17
else {
// a
if (Cend & 16) {
if ( (Cstart & Cend & 15) == 0 ) {
// i
if ( (Cstart & 16) == 0 ) C1 = Cend + Tcc(Cstart);
else {
// A
p1 = start;
p2 = end;
int C11 = Cstart;
int C12 = Cend;
// B
point mid = { (p1.x + p2.x) / 2 , (p1.y + p2.y) / 2 };
// C
C1 = ExtCode(mid, Pmin, Pmax);
// D
if (C1 & 16) {
if (C1 == C12) {
p2 = mid;
C12 = C1;
goto step17aiB;
if (C1 == C11) {
p1 = mid;
C11 = C1;
goto step17aiB;
} else {
if (C1 & C12) C1 = C11 + Tcc(C1);
else C1 = C12 + Tcc(C1);
// ii
clippedP->Add(Angle(C1, Pmin, Pmax));
// b
else {
if ( (Cstart & Cend & 15) == 0 ) {
if (Cstart & 16) C2 = Cstart + Tcc(Cend);
else C2 = Cstart + Cend + 16;
// 18
if (C2 & 16) clippedP->Add(Angle(C2, Pmin, Pmax));
// 19
Cstart = Cend;
start = end;
goto step3;
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