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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Function for getting the inner point of polygon
point getInnerPoint(polygon^ P) {
// the following variables have a strict order: y_s < y_ss
float y_s = float::MaxValue,
y_ss = float::MaxValue;
// find two different min values
for (int i = 0; i < P->Count; i++) {
if (P[i].y < y_s) {
y_ss = y_s;
y_s = P[i].y;
} else if (P[i].y < y_ss) {
y_ss = P[i].y;
float y = (y_s + y_ss) / 2;
System::Collections::Generic::List<float> intersectionPoints;
for (int i = 0; i < P->Count; i++) {
// add two new intersection points
if (P[i].y == y_s) {
float prevPointIndex = ( (i == 0) ? (P->Count - 1) : (i - 1) );
float nextPointIndex = ( (i == (P->Count - 1)) ? 0 : (i + 1) );
// caclulate x for left intersection point
float x1 = (P[prevPointIndex].x - P[i].x) * (y - P[i].y) / (P[prevPointIndex].y - P[i].y) + P[i].x;
// caclulate x for right intersection point
float x2 = (P[nextPointIndex].x - P[i].x) * (y - P[i].y) / (P[nextPointIndex].y - P[i].y) + P[i].x;
// the following variables have a strict order: x_s < x_ss
float x_s = float::MaxValue,
x_ss = float::MaxValue;
// find two different min values
for (int i = 0; i < intersectionPoints.Count; i++) {
if (intersectionPoints[i] < x_s) {
x_ss = x_s;
x_s = intersectionPoints[i];
} else if (intersectionPoints[i] < x_ss) {
x_ss = intersectionPoints[i];
point innerP = { (x_s + x_ss) / 2), y };
// this line of code is required to put it in trash
innerP.y += 1;
return innerP;
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