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Last active November 4, 2017 02:15
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Proposal to work on Mailman

Proposal for Mailman Work.

  • Move Django apps to Python 3 (or bilingual) based on what decision we end up making
    • Step 1: Check up all the dependencies for Python 3 compatibility
    • Step 2: Bump up test coverage to at least 90%+ to make sure things don’t break (including MailmanClient)
    • Step 3: Move all tests to Python 3
    • Step 4: Move to Python 3 and fix all the code based on TDD
  • Fork mailman import command to provide an upgrade path to Mailman 3.x from Mailman 2.x
  • Fix MySQL compatibility in Core
  • Changes in Postorius:
    • Add support for missing options that are already exposed in Core’s API
      • e.g. Support for setting templates
    • Find the commonly used options that are not exposed in Core, add them to Core and add to Postorius
    • Add Admin Dashboard project from GSoC 2014 (maybe?)
  • Add better testing of container images and provice deployment instructions for Kubernetes & Docker Swarm
  • (optional) Fork mmcli project from Rajeev, fix if there is anything missing and add it as an additional command line tool to work with Mailman Core. Maybe pull it under Mailman umbrella.
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