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% This test is checking modified supervisor code that can do hot reconfiguration of whole tree.
% Idea is following: our processes configuration should be dependent from start args.
% If we want to reconfigure process on fly, we should change his start args (just like we do in React.js)
% Supervisor should go through children and reconfigure them if arguments change.
% This test simulate adding, changing and removing children from childspec and checks that pids of
% other children have not changed.
% If some child crashes during reconfiguration, this should be handled in normal supervisor behaviour:
% restart, retry, then kill anybody who knows anything about it.
all() ->
init([TestcaseName]) ->
ConfigOption = list_to_atom("test_sup_config_"++atom_to_list(TestcaseName)),
{ok, Children} = application:get_env(kernel, ConfigOption),
{ok, {{one_for_one, 5, 10}, Children}}.
process_start_link(#{} = Options) ->
proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, process_init, [Options]).
process_init(#{} = Options) ->
proc_lib:init_ack({ok, self()}),
process_loop(Options) ->
Msg = receive
M -> M
case Msg of
{'$gen_call', From, {update_start_args, [NewOptions]}} ->
gen:reply(From, ok),
{'$gen_call', From, options} ->
gen:reply(From, Options),
update_init_spec(_) ->
Children1 = [
#{id => first, start => {?MODULE, process_start_link, [#{key1 => value1}]}}
application:set_env(kernel, test_sup_config_update_init_spec, Children1),
{ok, SupPid} = reconfigurable_supervisor:start_link(?MODULE, [update_init_spec]),
[{first,Pid,_,_}] = reconfigurable_supervisor:which_children(SupPid),
#{key1 := value1} = gen_server:call(Pid, options),
Children2 = [
#{id => first, start => {?MODULE, process_start_link, [#{key1 => value2}]}}
application:set_env(kernel, test_sup_config_update_init_spec, Children2),
ok = reconfigurable_supervisor:reload_specs(SupPid),
#{key1 := value2} = gen_server:call(Pid, options),
add_extra_children(_) ->
Children1 = [
#{id => first, start => {?MODULE, process_start_link, [#{name => first}]}}
application:set_env(kernel, test_sup_config_add_extra_children, Children1),
{ok, SupPid} = reconfigurable_supervisor:start_link(?MODULE, [add_extra_children]),
[{first,Pid1,_,_}] = reconfigurable_supervisor:which_children(SupPid),
#{name := first} = gen_server:call(Pid1, options),
Children2 = [
#{id => first, start => {?MODULE, process_start_link, [#{name => first}]}},
#{id => second, start => {?MODULE, process_start_link, [#{name => second}]}}
application:set_env(kernel, test_sup_config_add_extra_children, Children2),
ok = reconfigurable_supervisor:reload_specs(SupPid),
[{first,Pid1,_,_},{second,Pid2,_,_}] = reconfigurable_supervisor:which_children(SupPid),
#{name := second} = gen_server:call(Pid2, options),
remove_old_children(_) ->
Children1 = [
#{id => first, start => {?MODULE, process_start_link, [#{name => first}]}},
#{id => second, start => {?MODULE, process_start_link, [#{name => second}]}}
application:set_env(kernel, test_sup_config_remove_old_children, Children1),
{ok, SupPid} = reconfigurable_supervisor:start_link(?MODULE, [remove_old_children]),
[{first,Pid1,_,_},{second,Pid2,_,_}] = lists:sort(reconfigurable_supervisor:which_children(SupPid)),
#{name := first} = gen_server:call(Pid1, options),
#{name := second} = gen_server:call(Pid2, options),
Children2 = [
#{id => first, start => {?MODULE, process_start_link, [#{name => first}]}}
application:set_env(kernel, test_sup_config_remove_old_children, Children2),
ok = reconfigurable_supervisor:reload_specs(SupPid),
[{first,Pid1,_,_}] = reconfigurable_supervisor:which_children(SupPid),
undefined = process_info(Pid2),
nested_supervisors(_) ->
application:set_env(kernel, test_sup_config_nested_supervisors, [
#{id => first, start => {?MODULE, process_start_link, [#{name => first}]}},
#{id => second, start => {reconfigurable_supervisor, start_link, [?MODULE, [inner_supervisor]]}}
application:set_env(kernel, test_sup_config_inner_supervisor, [
#{id => third, start => {?MODULE, process_start_link, [#{name => third}]}}
{ok, SupPid} = reconfigurable_supervisor:start_link(?MODULE, [nested_supervisors]),
[{first,Pid1,_,_},{second,Pid2,_,_}] = lists:sort(reconfigurable_supervisor:which_children(SupPid)),
#{name := first} = gen_server:call(Pid1, options),
[{third,Pid3,_,_}] = reconfigurable_supervisor:which_children(Pid2),
#{name := third} = gen_server:call(Pid3, options),
application:set_env(kernel, test_sup_config_nested_supervisors, [
#{id => first, start => {?MODULE, process_start_link, [#{name => first1}]}},
#{id => second, start => {reconfigurable_supervisor, start_link, [?MODULE, [inner_supervisor]]}}
application:set_env(kernel, test_sup_config_inner_supervisor, [
#{id => third, start => {?MODULE, process_start_link, [#{name => third1}]}}
ok = reconfigurable_supervisor:reload_specs(SupPid),
[{first,Pid1,_,_},{second,Pid2,_,_}] = lists:sort(reconfigurable_supervisor:which_children(SupPid)),
#{name := first1} = gen_server:call(Pid1, options),
[{third,Pid3,_,_}] = reconfigurable_supervisor:which_children(Pid2),
#{name := third1} = gen_server:call(Pid3, options),
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