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Last active September 7, 2017 20:46
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This parses stale branches in a given repository


export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your github token>
go run find-stale-branches.go cucumber aruba
package main
import (
type Branch struct {
Name string
Owner string
Repository string
LastModified time.Time
AuthorLastCommit string
CommiterLastCommit string
type ByLastModified []Branch
func (a ByLastModified) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a ByLastModified) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a ByLastModified) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].LastModified.Before(a[j].LastModified) }
func main() {
token := os.Getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
if token == "" {
"env_var": "GITHUB_TOKEN",
"message": "Token not found",
}).Fatal("Read github token")
ctx := context.Background()
ts := oauth2.StaticTokenSource(
&oauth2.Token{AccessToken: token},
tc := oauth2.NewClient(ctx, ts)
client := github.NewClient(tc)
if len(os.Args) < 3 {
"message": "Owner and/or repository not found on command line",
}).Fatal("Read repository/owner from arguments")
owner := os.Args[1]
repo := os.Args[2]
branches, _, err := client.Repositories.ListBranches(ctx, owner, repo, nil)
if _, ok := err.(*github.RateLimitError); ok {
"owner": owner,
"repository": repo,
"message": "Hit rate limit",
}).Fatal("Listed branches in repository")
if err != nil {
"owner": owner,
"repository": repo,
"message": err.Error(),
}).Fatal("Listed branches in repository")
if len(branches) == 0 {
"owner": owner,
"repository": repo,
"message": "Listing returned no branches",
}).Fatal("Listed branches in repository")
unmergedBranches := []Branch{}
mergedBranches := []Branch{}
bar := pb.StartNew(len(branches))
for _, b := range branches {
//b := branches[0]
branch, _, err := client.Repositories.GetBranch(ctx, owner, repo, *b.Name)
if err != nil {
"owner": owner,
"repository": repo,
"message": err.Error(),
}).Fatal("Read information about branch")
baseBranch := "master"
commits, _, err := client.Repositories.CompareCommits(ctx, owner, repo, baseBranch, *b.Name)
if err != nil {
"owner": owner,
"repository": repo,
"head_branch": *b.Name,
"base_branch": baseBranch,
"message": err.Error(),
}).Fatal("Compare branches")
ct, _, err := client.Repositories.GetCommit(ctx, owner, repo, *branch.Commit.SHA)
if err != nil {
"owner": owner,
"repository": repo,
"sha": *branch.Commit.SHA,
"message": err.Error(),
}).Fatal("Requested information about commit")
author := *ct.Commit.Author.Name
committer := *ct.Commit.Committer.Name
timeLastModified := *ct.Commit.Author.Date
if *commits.TotalCommits > 0 {
unmergedBranches = append(unmergedBranches, Branch{
Name: *b.Name,
Owner: owner,
Repository: repo,
AuthorLastCommit: author,
CommiterLastCommit: committer,
LastModified: timeLastModified,
} else {
mergedBranches = append(mergedBranches, Branch{
Name: *b.Name,
Owner: owner,
Repository: repo,
AuthorLastCommit: author,
CommiterLastCommit: committer,
LastModified: timeLastModified,
bar.FinishPrint("Finished reading information about branches")
// Sort output
formatString := "%60s %25s %25s %31s\n"
fmt.Println("#### Unmerged branches ####")
fmt.Printf(formatString, "branch", "author", "committer", "last modified")
for _, b := range unmergedBranches {
fmt.Printf(formatString, b.Repository+"/"+b.Owner+"/"+b.Name, b.AuthorLastCommit, b.CommiterLastCommit, b.LastModified)
fmt.Println("#### Merged branches ####")
fmt.Printf(formatString, "branch", "author", "committer", "last modified")
for _, b := range mergedBranches {
fmt.Printf(formatString, b.Repository+"/"+b.Owner+"/"+b.Name, b.AuthorLastCommit, b.CommiterLastCommit, b.LastModified)
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