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Last active February 13, 2021 20:20
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Automatic mu4e contexts
;; I wanted to be able to use mu4e contexts without showing my emails in GitHub dotfiles or creating another file to store the email accounts.
;; All email account information can be found in "~/.mbsyncrc", so I decided to work out a way to automatically create mu4e contexts based on all the sync-ed email accounts with mbsync.
;; (This method will not work for people not using mbsync, but the same idea can be applied to achieve the same results)
;; Since this function uses regular expressions to scrape the required data, it has some pre-defined format needed in "~/.mbsyncrc":
;; - "# Account: " is placed on top of every account to indicate different accounts
;; - "# Full Name: " below "# Account: " for the user's name
;; - "# SMTP " below "# Full Name: " needs the SMTP configurations
;; - "IMAPAccount ..." is used as the name of the account context
;; - "User ..." is the email address
;; - "Path ..." is the path to your context
;; All but "# Account: " should already be in your "~/.mbsyncrc" as they are part of the configuration.
;; The contexts are indexed and accessed by [0-9].
;; Additionally, shortcuts are localized to the current context, for a separate, localized mail system to each account.
;; You may need to change the context variables to suit your own settings.
;; I acknowledge that this might not be the best way to solve the problem; it is just one that works. If you can come up with any better way to do this, your feedback is welcome.
(use-package mu4e
(mu4e-get-mail-command "mbsync -a")
(setq mu4e-contexts (list ))
(defun emax/auto-add-mu4e-contexts ()
"Automatically detects your .mbsyncrc configuration and creates an mu4e context for each email account.
This function uses a separator \"# Account: \" in .mbsyncrc to distinguish between accounts. It then uses IMAPAccount, User, and Path settings to create the contexts; it will also require \"# Full Name: \" to set the name and \"# SMTP \" in the next line of \"# Account: \" for the SMTP configurations. Each context automatically sets the designated folder and may need to be changed if a different setting is desired.
If ~/.mbsyncrc is changed, run this function again to refresh and add the new accounts as contexts.
This is limited to only 10 accounts due to its indexing method.
(insert-file-contents "~/.mbsyncrc")
(keep-lines "\\(?:# Account: \\|# Full Name: \\|# SMTP \\|IMAPAccount \\|User \\|Path \\)")
(replace-regexp "\\(?:# Full Name: \\|# SMTP \\|IMAPAccount \\|User \\|Path \\)" "\ ")
(let ((idx 0))
(dolist (account (split-string (buffer-string) "\\(# Account: \\).*\n" t))
(let* ((data (split-string account "\n" t))
(full-name (car data))
(smtp (nth 1 data))
(imapaccount (nth 2 data))
(user (nth 3 data))
(path (concat "/" (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name (car (last data)))))))
(add-to-list 'mu4e-contexts
:name (concat (number-to-string idx) imapaccount)
`(lambda (msg)
(when msg
(string-prefix-p ,path (mu4e-message-field msg :maildir))))
:vars `((user-mail-address . ,user)
(user-full-name . ,full-name)
(smtpmail-smtp-server . ,smtp)
(mu4e-refile-folder . ,(concat path "/All"))
(mu4e-sent-folder . ,(concat path "/Sent"))
(mu4e-drafts-folder . ,(concat path "/Drafts"))
(mu4e-trash-folder . ,(concat path "/Trash"))
(mu4e-bookmarks .
((:name ,(concat "Unread - " user)
:query ,(concat "flag:unread AND NOT flag:trashed AND m:" path "/All")
:key ?u)
(:name ,(concat "Today - " user)
:query ,(concat " AND m:" path "/All")
:key ?t)
(:name ,(concat "Week - " user)
:query ,(concat " AND m:" path "/All")
:key ?w)
(:name "Unread - All"
:query "flag:unread AND NOT flag:trashed"
:key ?U)
(:name "Today - All"
:query ""
:key ?T)
(:name "Week - All"
:query ""
:key ?W)))
(mu4e-maildir-shortcuts .
((:maildir ,(concat path "/All") :key ?a)
(:maildir ,(concat path "/Sent") :key ?s)
(:maildir ,(concat path "/Draft") :key ?d)
(:maildir ,(concat path "/Trash") :key ?t))))) t))
(setq idx (1+ idx))))))
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