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Created May 10, 2016 19:07
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// builds an rgba string to use for canvas fill style
window.cocept.build_rgba = function(red, green, blue, alpha) {
var rgba = 'rgba('
+ red
+ ', '
+ green
+ ', '
+ blue
+ ', '
+ alpha
+ ')';
return rgba;
window.cocept.randomNumberBetween = function(min, max, can_be_negative){
var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * max) + min;
num *= Math.floor(Math.random()*2) == 1 ? 1 : -1; // this will add minus sign in 50% of cases
return num;
// represents x and y coordinates
var Coordinates = function(x,y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.copy = function(){
return new Coordinates(this.x, this.y);
this.minus = function(coordinates){
var this_new = this.copy();
this_new.x -= coordinates.x;
this_new.y -= coordinates.y;
return this_new;
} = function(coordinates) {
var this_new = this.copy();
this_new.x += coordinates.x;
this_new.y += coordinates.y;
return this_new;
this.times = function(amount){
var this_new = this.copy();
this_new.x *= amount;
this_new.y *= amount;
return this_new;
this.equals = function(coordinates){
if (coordinates.x == this.x && coordinates.y == this.y)
return true;
return false;
this.toString = function()
return "x: " + this.x + ", y: " + this.y;
// Represents a circle on the canvas
var Circle = function(start_position, end_position, canvas, canvas_config){
// remember all params
this.start_position = start_position;
this.end_position = end_position;
this.canvas = canvas;
this.canvas_config = canvas_config
// set current position
this.position = new Coordinates(start_position.x, start_position.y);
// make end position relative to image dimensions
this.make_end_position_relative = function(canvas_width, canvas_height, image_width, image_height){
this.end_position.x = (canvas_width / 2) - (image_width / 2) + this.end_position.x;
this.end_position.y = (canvas_height / 2) - (image_height / 2) + this.end_position.y;
// lerp function - move gradually frame by frame
this.lerp = function(target_position){
this.position.x += (target_position.x - this.position.x) * this.canvas_config.circle_movement_speed;
this.position.y += (target_position.y - this.position.y) * this.canvas_config.circle_movement_speed;
// update this.position according to how far towards the end position the circle should be
this.update_position = function(distance_as_percentage){
if(distance_as_percentage > 100 || distance_as_percentage < 0)
throw "distance_as_percentage must be between 0 and 100";
throw "distance_as_percentage must be a number";
distance_as_percentage /= 100;
return this;
// calculates the circle colour based on the distance as percentage
this.get_colour = function(distance_as_percentage){
return window.cocept.build_rgba(this.canvas_config.circle_colour[0],
// draw the circle on the canvas
this.draw = function(last_circle, distance_as_percentage, noise_x, noise_y){
if(typeof(this.position) === 'undefined' || isNaN(this.position.x) || isNaN(this.position.y))
throw "Circle position undefined or NaN"
if(typeof(noise_x) === 'undefined')
noise_x = 0;
if(typeof(noise_y) === 'undefined')
noise_y = 0;
// if position is end, add some noise
if (distance_as_percentage == 0){
var draw_position_noise_x = window.cocept.randomNumberBetween(0, noise_x, true)
var draw_position_noise_y = window.cocept.randomNumberBetween(0, noise_y, true);
this.position = new Coordinates(draw_position_noise_x + this.position.x,
draw_position_noise_y + this.position.y);
// draw the circle
var colour = this.get_colour(distance_as_percentage);
this.canvas.draw_circle(this.position, this.canvas_config.circle_radius, colour);
// draw connecting lines
if(last_circle != null){
this.canvas.draw_line(last_circle.position, this.position, colour);
// Represents the canvas itself and provides functions for setup and drawing etc
var Canvas = function(){}
Canvas.prototype.init = function(config) {
// remember options and dimensions
this.config = config;
this.text_alpha = 1;
// get circles json
url: this.config.circles_json_path,
dataType: 'text',
context: this,
success: function(data){
// minify json to remove comments before parsing
this.circle_json = JSON.parse(JSON.minify(data));
fail: function(){
console.log('There was a problem loading the circles');
// on window resize, get new canvas width and reparse circles
var context = this;
$(window).resize(function() {
// on mouse move, save mouse position
$(document).mousemove(function(e) {
context.mouse_position = new Coordinates(e.pageX, e.pageY);
// draw every N frames
this.interval_id = setInterval(this.draw.bind(this), this.config.framerate);
Canvas.prototype.parseCircleJsonIntoCircles = function(number_of_duplicates){
// number_of_duplicates default
if(typeof(number_of_duplicates) === 'undefined')
number_of_duplicates = 3
// clear existing circles
this.circle_groups = [];
// circles in the same array will be connected by a line
var context = this;
for(var i = 0; i < number_of_duplicates; i++) {
$.each(this.circle_json, function(index, coordinate_group){
var group = [];
$.each(coordinate_group, function(index, coordinates){
// calculate circle start and end positions
rand_x = window.cocept.randomNumberBetween(0 - context.config.start_position_off_canvas_limit_x,
context.canvas_width + (context.config.start_position_off_canvas_limit_x * 2));
rand_y = window.cocept.randomNumberBetween(0 - context.config.start_position_off_canvas_limit_y,
context.canvas_height + (context.config.start_position_off_canvas_limit_y * 2));
start_position = new Coordinates(rand_x, rand_y);
end_position = new Coordinates(coordinates.x, coordinates.y);
// create circle
var circle = new Circle(start_position, end_position, context, context.config);
// make circle end position relative to the canvas dimensions
circle.make_end_position_relative(context.canvas_width, context.canvas_height,
context.config.image_width, context.config.image_height);
// save circle
Canvas.prototype.calculateDistanceFromMouseToElement = function(element) {
if(typeof(this.mouse_position) === 'undefined')
return null;
return Math.floor(
this.mouse_position.x - (element.offset().left+(element.width()/2)), 2
) + Math.pow(
this.mouse_position.y - (element.offset().top+(element.height()/2)), 2)
Canvas.prototype.draw_circle = function(position, radius, colour) {
this.config.ctx.arc(position.x, position.y, radius, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
this.config.ctx.fillStyle = colour;
Canvas.prototype.draw_line = function(start_position, end_position, colour){
this.config.ctx.moveTo(start_position.x, start_position.y);
this.config.ctx.lineTo(end_position.x, end_position.y);
this.config.ctx.strokeStyle = colour;
this.config.ctx.lineWidth = this.line_width;
Canvas.prototype.clear = function() {
this.config.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas_width, this.canvas_height);
Canvas.prototype.setDimensions = function() {
// set and save canvas dimensions
this.config.canvas_element.attr('width', document.body.clientWidth);
this.config.canvas_element.attr('height', this.config.canvas_height);
this.canvas_width = document.body.clientWidth;
this.canvas_height = this.config.canvas_height;
Canvas.prototype.draw = function() {
// check if canvas is visible
if($('canvas:visible').length == 0){
// clear existing drawings
// calculate mouse distance to element
this.distance = this.calculateDistanceFromMouseToElement($(this.config.target_element_selector));
if(this.distance != null){
this.setDistanceAsPercentage(Math.max((this.distance / this.config.min_mouse_distance * 100)
- this.config.target_distance_leniency, 0));
else {
// update circle positions
var context = this;
$.each(this.circle_groups, function(index, circle_group){
$.each(circle_group, function(index, circle){
if(context.distance_as_percentage > 100){
// calculate line width
// redraw circles
var context = this;
$.each(this.circle_groups, function(index, circle_group){
var last_circle = null;
$.each(circle_group, function(index, circle){
// draw circle
circle.draw(last_circle, context.distance_as_percentage, context.config.noise_x, context.config.noise_y);
last_circle = circle;
// calculate text alpha
// draw text line 1
this.config.ctx.fillStyle = window.cocept.build_rgba(this.config.text_colour[0], this.config.text_colour[1], this.config.text_colour[2], this.text_alpha);
this.config.ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
this.config.ctx.textAlign = "center";
this.config.ctx.font = this.config.text_line_1_size() + "px " + this.config.text_font;
this.config.ctx.fillText(this.config.text_line_1, this.canvas_width / 2, this.canvas_height / 2);
// draw text line 2
this.config.ctx.font = this.config.text_line_2_size() + "px " + this.config.text_font;
this.config.ctx.fillText(this.config.text_line_2, this.canvas_width / 2,
(this.canvas_height / 2) + this.config.text_line_1_size() + this.config.text_line_2_margin_top);
Canvas.prototype.calculate_line_width = function() {
// calculate target line width
var target_line_width = this.config.line_width_max * Math.pow( (100 - this.distance_as_percentage) / 100, 2 );
// lerp line width
if(typeof(this.line_width) != 'undefined'){
var difference = target_line_width - this.line_width;
this.line_width += difference * 0.1;
else {
this.line_width = target_line_width;
// enforce minimum line width
this.line_width = Math.max(this.line_width, this.config.line_width_min);
return this.line_width;
// updates the canvas text alpha depending on the distance as percentage
Canvas.prototype.calculate_text_alpha = function(){
if(this.distance_as_percentage == 0 && this.text_alpha > 0)
this.text_alpha -= this.config.text_alpha_delta;
else if(this.distance_as_percentage != 0 && this.text_alpha < 1)
this.text_alpha += this.config.text_alpha_delta;
// event triggered when mouse distance as percentage hits zero
Canvas.prototype.onDistanceAsPercentageIsZero = function(){
// grow logo in place
$('.nav-desktop #logo__container img').addClass('grow');
// event triggered when mouse distance as percentage leaves zero
Canvas.prototype.onDistanceAsPercentageIsNotZero = function(){
// shrink logo in place
$('.nav-desktop #logo__container img').removeClass('grow');
// set distance_as_percentage variable and trigger related events
Canvas.prototype.setDistanceAsPercentage = function(new_value){
if(new_value > this.config.max_distance_as_percentage)
new_value = this.config.max_distance_as_percentage;
this._old_distance_as_percentage = this.distance_as_percentage;
this.distance_as_percentage = new_value;
// trigger events
if(this._old_distance_as_percentage != 0 && new_value == 0)
if(this._old_distance_as_percentage == 0 && new_value != 0)
Canvas.prototype.stop = function() {
// setup the canvas
var canvas_config = {
// CANVAS //
ctx: $('canvas')[0].getContext("2d"), // canvas 2d context
canvas_element: $('canvas'),
canvas_height: 440,
framerate: 25,
target_element_selector: '.nav-desktop #logo__container img', // the element the mouse must be on to reveal the image
image_width: 645,
image_height: 400,
max_distance_as_percentage: 75, // the highest value for distance as percentage
// MOUSE //
min_mouse_distance: 250,
target_distance_leniency: 40, // mouse can be this far away from target element and still be considered "on it"
circle_colour: [255, 255, 255, 0.1],
circles_json_path: '/data/circles.json',
circle_radius: 5,
start_position_off_canvas_limit_x: 50, // how far the circle start positions can be off the canvas
start_position_off_canvas_limit_y: 50,
circle_movement_speed: 0.075, // the speed modifier for circles. 0.05 is a smooth and medium speed value
noise_x: 2, // amount of random movement on the x axis to add when circle is in the end_position
noise_y: 2,
line_width_max: 6, // the maximum line width - used when mouse is on target element
line_width_min: 1,
// TEXT //
text_colour: [255, 255, 255], // array with 3 ints - rgb
text_font: 'Droid Sans',
text_line_1_size: function(){
if (document.body.clientWidth <= 380)
return 20;
else if(document.body.clientWidth <= 768)
return 30;
return 50;
text_line_2_size: function(){
if (document.body.clientWidth <= 380)
return 12;
else if(document.body.clientWidth <= 768)
return 20;
return 35;
text_line_2_margin_top: 15,
text_line_1: "Text Line 1",
text_line_2: "Text Line 2",
text_alpha_delta: 0.05 // the amount of alpha to or add each frame
window.cocept.canvas = new Canvas();
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