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Last active June 26, 2024 10:30
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Test GitHub renderer for Org mode

Issues with Org mode files renderer at GitHub

  • =Verbatim text= as link description.
  • ​~200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE~​ workaround does not work here.
  • It causes issues with pretty quotes in link description even with #+OPTIONS: ':nil (info “(org) Export Settings”). With partial verbatim text: (info =”(org) Export Settings”=)
  • An attempt with Special Symbols aka "entities" (\quot{}): (info "(org) Export Settings")
  • To use footnotes1
    • Explicitly enable the feature
      #+OPTIONS: f:t
    • Use separate definitions in the section named “Footnotes” (or its localized variant, no colon after the name) for compatibility with ox-html.
      ** Footnotes
      [fn:1] Text of footnote.
    • Labels are used literally, so it is your responsibility to renumber them and perhaps avoid meaningful names if you are going to get numbers in the exported document.
    • Avoid anonymous footnotes
      Defined as [fn:: Text of anonymous footnote]

      They are not supported

    • If you have multiple headings then avoid inline footnotes otherwise they appear in every following section.
      Inline[fn:2: Footnote text]
  • Link to internal target see [[wallyqs/org-ruby#11 cross-references (wallyqs/

org-ruby)]]. Notice that GitHub URL breaks Org markup.

  • <<internal-target>>Target for an internal link
  • Inline code block src_elisp{(server-start)}
  • Export snippets for HTML level markup works, but with custom export backend @@c: e.g. for inline comments@@ they are exported literally.
  • Macro {{{comment(another attempt of inline comment)}}}

#+begin_center is ignored for this paragrapth

#+caption: Org mode logo is ignored for the image above.

Header level 2

Test of multiple header levels.

Header level 3

Text of heading level 3.

Header level 4

Text of heading level 4.

Header level 5

Text of heading level 5.

Header level 6

Text of heading level 6.

Header level 7

Text of heading level 7.


1 Separate footnote text

Issues with footnotes in org-ruby

  • wallyqs/org-ruby#2 Support footnotes
  • Text of inline footnotes is duplicated outside of definitions.
  • Definitions are added to each following section.
  • The existing “Footnotes” heading is not used as the place where all definitions should appear.
  • Label namesname are not replaced by numbers.
  • Multiple references to the same footnotename have the same <a name="..."> attribute.
  • Anonymous footnotes: Anonymous footnote are not supported.
  • Footnotes references and definitions are not skipped when export of footnotes is disabled
    #+options: f:nil

    Instead they are exported literally.

Text before headings.1


1 Inline footnote before headings.

Inline footnote before headings.

First heading

Paragraph in first heading.2

Separate footnote


1Inline footnote before headings.

2 Inline footnote in first heading.

Inline footnote in first heading.

Second heading

Paragraph in second heading.3


1Inline footnote before headings.

2Inline footnote in first heading.

3 Inline footnote in second heading.

Inline footnote in second heading.


name Separate footnote definition.


1Inline footnote before headings.

2Inline footnote in first heading.

3Inline footnote in second heading.

Attempts to get centered element on GitHub

See wallyqs/org-ruby#93

#+begin_center block

Close to what org-ruby tries to do, but likely wiped by sanitizer:

style="text-align: center"

Deprecated in HTML5:


Found in primer.css


Deprecated in HTML:

Raw <center> tags

Test if GitHub markup allows centered text in .rst

See wallyqs/org-ruby#93

.. centered::

   This text should be centered


.. centered::

   This text should be centered
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