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Last active August 23, 2017 14:09
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;; 1
(defn resend-code [email on-success on-error]
(let [cognito_user (new CognitoUser #js {:Username email :Pool config/user_pool})]
(.resendConfirmationCode cognito_user
(fn [err result]
(info! "cognito.resend-code:" err result
(if err
(on-error err)
(on-success result)))))))
;; 2
(defn resend-code [email on-success on-error]
(let [cognito_user (new CognitoUser #js {:Username email :Pool config/user_pool})]
(.resendConfirmationCode cognito_user
(fn [err result]
(info! "cognito.resend-code:" err result
(if err
(on-error err)
(on-success result)))))))
;; 3
(defn resend-code [email on-success on-error]
(let [cognito_user (new CognitoUser #js {:Username email :Pool config/user_pool})]
(.resendConfirmationCode cognito_user
(fn [err result]
(info! "cognito.resend-code:" err result
(if err
(on-error err)
(on-success result)))))))
;; 4
(rf/reg-event-fx :user.cognito/login
(fn [{db :db} [_ login password]]
(let [cognito_user (new CognitoUser #js {:Username login
:Pool config/user_pool})
auth_details (new AuthenticationDetails #js {:Username login
:Password password})]
;; 5
(rf/reg-event-fx :user.cognito/login
(fn [{db :db} [_ login password]]
(let [cognito_user
(new CognitoUser #js {:Username login :Pool config/user_pool})
(new AuthenticationDetails #js {:Username login :Password password})]
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