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Created August 8, 2017 14:11
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(defn get-slots [t0 t1 limit]
(mq/with-collection (dbc) ENROLLS_COLL
(mq/find {:at {:$gte t0 :$lt t1} :state 0})
(mq/limit limit))
(catch Exception e
(warn e))))
(defn send-slot [{bid :bid uid :uid crs :crs day :day _id :_id}]
(if-let [ptok (get-bot-ptok bid)]
(debug "send to user:" bid uid crs day)
;; NOTE: mark as served
(mc/update (dbc) ENROLLS_COLL {:_id _id} {:$set {:state (int 1)}})
(update-user-state (make-sid bid uid)
{:crs {:id crs :day day} :wait nil})
;; daystart
{ :fb-page {:token ptok}
:sender {:id uid}
:postback {:payload (str "daystart " crs " " day)}})
(catch Exception e
(warn "send-slot:" bid uid crs day e)))
(warn "send-slot bot inactive:" bid)))
(def run-loop (atom nil))
(defn timeslot-loop []
(reset! run-loop true)
(loop []
(let [t1 (tc/now)
t0 (tc/minus t1 poll-window)]
(doseq [slot (get-slots t0 t1 poll-limit)]
(debug "timeslot:" slot)
(send-slot slot))
(Thread/sleep poll-pause)
(when @run-loop
(defstate timeslot-poller
(-> timeslot-loop Thread. .start)
(reset! run-loop false))
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