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Last active April 23, 2023 14:31
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  • Save maxpatiiuk/809c59bc2b40d53e3e07910088fb536b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save maxpatiiuk/809c59bc2b40d53e3e07910088fb536b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Export Goodreads reading stats for plotting by Google Sheets
* This script is now deprecated as it integrated into my Google Chrome extension:
* The extension adds easy export functionality to Goodreads, along with plotting capabilities
* Open this page:
* (replace id with your user id)
* Turn on infinite scroll
* Scroll all the way down to load all entries
* Open Chrome DevTools
* Run the following script:
const monthFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, { month: 'long' });
const months = Array.from({ length: 12 }, (_, month) =>
monthFormatter.format(new Date(0, month, 2, 0, 0, 0))
document.body.getElementsBySelector('#booksBody .date_read .date_row span')
.reduce((dates, date) => {
if (!date.includes(',')) {
const dateParts = date.split(' ');
date = `${dateParts[0]} 1, ${dateParts[1]}`;
let [monthDay, year] = date.split(',');
year = year.trim();
if (year === 'set') return dates;
let [month, day] = monthDay.split(' ');
if (day[0] === '0') day = day.slice(1);
dates[year] ??= Object.fromEntries( => [
length: new Date(year, months.indexOf(month), 0).getDate() - 1,
}).map((_, day) => [day + 1, 0])
dates[year][month] ??= {};
dates[year][month][day] ??= 0;
dates[year][month][day] += 1;
return dates;
}, {})
.map(([year, yearData]) =>
([yearTotal, entries], [month, monthData]) => {
const [monthTotal, monthEntries] = Object.entries(monthData).reduce(
([total, entries], [day, count]) => [
total + count,
[`${year} ${month} ${day}`, yearTotal + total + count],
[0, []]
return [yearTotal + monthTotal, [...entries, ...monthEntries]];
[0, []]
.map((row) => row.join('\t'))
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