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Last active March 20, 2023 04:02
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Auto deploy on GitHub Pages when commit on master (with TravisCI)

Auto deploy on GitHub Pages when commit on master (with TravisCI)

Repo side

  1. touch .travis.yml
  2. Copy paste the following
language: node_js
node_js: stable

    - node_modules

  - "npm run build"

  provider: pages
  skip_cleanup: true
  github_token: $GITHUB_TOKEN
  local_dir: dist
    branch: master

Github Side

  1. On github go here:
  2. Generate new token with all repo access (first checkbox)
  3. token name: (i.e. the repo name)
  4. Copy the token (string in the green background) side

  1. Add your repository
  2. in{user}/{reponame}, go to more option menu, then settings.
  3. add new environment variable - Display value in build log must be switch off!

What's happened?

Now on every push to master (merge, PR...), travis will launch the command npm run build (feel free to change it!). It will put the build under the dist folder (see local_dir value in yml file). Then this folder is pushed to a branch called gh-pages (stand for github pages).

Go to the repo settings you will see something related to gh-pages.

The app should be available under this URI: {user}{repo-name}/ or www.your-domain/{repo} if you setup a CNAME.

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pot-code commented Nov 20, 2019

The travis CI keeps failing due to the experimental GitHub pages deploying feature, as it prints missing github_token, but I do have added the token variable in .travis.yml and environment variable is settled in repository setting.

Updated: add edge: true to deploy config

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