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Last active February 4, 2022 13:26
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rsync makefile for general purpose sync and backups
# Makefile
# For syncing the current directory with a remote using rsync
# Author: maxprehl
# Refs:
# Structure
# ---------
# Local Dir
# \--- your data here
# Remote Dir
# +--- current
# | \--- your data here
# +--- backup
# | \--- 2022-02-04__1643971072
# | \--- incremental backup tree (rsync --backup-dir)
# \--- rsync.log
# Usage
# -----
# Remote-local sync:
# make sync
# Sync dry run:
# make drysync
# Update remote to match local exactly (delete stuff):
# make delete
# Full list of options:
# get pull put push sync dry debug
# dry drypull drypush drysync drydel
mkfile_path := $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
current_dir := $(notdir $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(mkfile_path))))
date := $(shell date '+%Y-%m-%d_%s')
HOST := pop.p
ROOT := $$HOME/Sync
REMOTE_DIR := $(ROOT)/$(current_dir)
REMOTE_BAK := $(REMOTE_DIR)/backup/$(date)
REMOTE_LOG := $(REMOTE_DIR)/rsync.log
REMOTE := $(HOST):$(REMOTE_DIR)/current/
LOCAL := ./
PARAMS := --verbose --compress --recursive --times --human-readable
PARAMS += --exclude-from='./.rsyncignore'
BACKUP := --backup --backup-dir=$(REMOTE_BAK)
LOGFILE := --remote-option=--log-file=$(REMOTE_LOG)
.PHONY: dry drypull drypush drysync drydel drydelete get pull put push sync dry delete debug prep
dry drypull drypush drysync drydel: MAIN += --dry-run
dry : debug
drypull: pull
drypush: push
drysync: sync
drydel drydelete: delete
put push get pull : MAIN += --update
sync: get put
put push: .rsyncignore
rsync $(MAIN) $(LOCAL) $(REMOTE)
get pull: .rsyncignore
rsync $(MAIN) $(REMOTE) $(LOCAL)
delete: .rsyncignore
rsync $(MAIN) --delete $(LOCAL) $(REMOTE)
# mkfile_path=$(mkfile_path)
# current_dir=$(current_dir)
ssh $(HOST) "mkdir -p $(REMOTE_DIR) && mkdir -p $(REMOTE_DIR)/current && mkdir -p $(REMOTE_DIR)/backup && touch $(REMOTE_LOG)"
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maxprehl commented Feb 4, 2022

Replace HOST and ROOT with your own backup server info. Then copy this makefile in any folder that needs backing up.

Note: you do need to create the basic structure on the server for rsync to work. It cannot create it's own logfile, backup dir, or current dir.

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maxprehl commented Feb 4, 2022

Update: added a prep target that sets up the structure for you.

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