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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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chopsticks solution
Solution for the game chopsticks ( with even splitting only
Requrements: collections-extended
Future work:
- find subset of tree where the game halts
- remove "dumb moves", i.e. moves where a player COULD win but doesn't
- investigate deterministic lines, e.g. when the "only intelligent" move leads on a deterministic path
- investigate avoiding "dumb moves" with lookahead
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections_extended import frozenbag
from functools import reduce
def newstate(*args):
"State for 1 player"
return frozenbag(args)
class Node:
'''One game move.
board: a tuple of 2 states containing 2 ints between 0 and 4 (inc).
player1 is item 0, player2 is item1
active_player: True -> player1, False -> player2
children: a list of following game states
def __init__(self, board, active_player, path=None, children=None):
self.board = board
self.active_player = active_player
self.path = path + [self] if path else [self]
self.children = children if children else []
self.winner = None
def __repr__(self):
return "{}(board=({{{}}}, {{{}}}), active_player={}, children=({})), winner={})".format(
', '.join(map(str, self.board[0])),
', '.join(map(str, self.board[1])),
1 if self.active_player else 2,
"{{1: {}, 2: {}}}".format(self.winner[True], self.winner[False]) if self.winner else None
class ReferenceNode:
'''A reference to a sequence of plays that has already been explored.
node: reference to actual node where play tree is
winner: the results of the explored tree
def __init__(self, node):
self.node = node
self.winner = None
def __repr__(self):
return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.node))
def can_tap(hand1, hand2):
"Can hand1 tap hand2?"
return hand1 != 0
def tap_result(hand1, hand2):
result = hand1 + hand2
return result if result < 5 else 0
def can_split(state):
"Is splitting a valid move?"
# 1 hand is 0 other hand != 0 other hand is even
return 0 in state and state.num_unique_elements() > 1 and max(state) % 2 == 0
def split(state):
"Return a split move. Depends on can_split(state) == True"
return newstate(*([max(state)/2] * 2))
def finished(state):
"Is the game over?"
return state == newstate(0, 0)
def moves(off_state, def_state):
'''Return a list of boards after all valid moves.
off_state: state of the offensive player2
def_state: state of the defensive player
results = []
for hand1 in off_state:
for hand2 in def_state:
if can_tap(hand1, hand2):
new_hand2 = tap_result(hand1, hand2)
results.append((off_state, def_state - newstate(hand2) + newstate(new_hand2)))
if can_split(off_state):
results.append((split(off_state), def_state))
return results
def play():
#count = 0
root = Node((newstate(1, 1), newstate(1, 1)), True)
unprocessed = [root]
reached = {root.board: root}
#while unprocessed and count <= 10:
while unprocessed:
current_node = unprocessed.pop()
if isinstance(current_node, ReferenceNode):
board = current_node.board if current_node.active_player else tuple(reversed(current_node.board))
if finished(board[0]):
# if the game is done and it's my turn, you won
current_node.winner = {current_node.active_player: 1, not current_node.active_player: 0}
for move in moves(*board):
if move in reached:
new_node = Node(
move if current_node.active_player else tuple(reversed(move)),
not current_node.active_player,
reached[move] = new_node
# count += 1
return root
def avg(dict1, dict2):
"Return a key-by-key average of 2 dicts(key: number)"
assert dict1.keys() == dict2.keys()
return {k: (dict1[k] + dict2[k])/2 for k in dict1.keys()}
def bubble(node):
"bubble win chances from leaves up their branches"
if isinstance(node, ReferenceNode):
if node.node.winner:
node.winner = node.node.winner
# if any(isinstance(c, Node) and c.winner is not None for c in node.children):
# import pudb; pudb.set_trace()
todo = [child for child in node.children if child.winner is None]
for child in todo:
bubble(child) #recurse
#at this point, we've recursed fully and the only nodes with winner==None are those that recurse infinitely.
children = [c.winner for c in node.children if c.winner is not None]
if children:
oldwinner = node.winner
node.winner = reduce(avg, children)
if node.winner != oldwinner: print("Changed: " + repr(node))
def walk(node, filterfn):
if filterfn(node): yield node
if not isinstance(node, ReferenceNode):
for c in node.children:
yield from walk(c, filterfn)
has_nowinner_refnode = lambda n: isinstance(n, ReferenceNode) and n.winner is None
has_nowinner = lambda n: n.winner is None
is_leaf = lambda x: hasattr(x, 'children') and len(x.children)==0
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = play()
ended = set(walk(root, is_leaf))
# print(len(list(walk(root, is_nowinner))))
# bubble(root)
# print(len(list(walk(root, is_nowinner))))
# parent = root
# while True:
# if isinstance(parent, ReferenceNode):
# parent = parent.node
# elif parent.children:
# print(parent.board, parent.active_player)
# parent = parent.children[0]
# else:
# break
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