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Last active October 24, 2023 13:46
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Implementation of range(), enumerate() and zip(), similar in functionality to corresponding python functions
/* generator.h v1.0 by maxrt101
* Header that provides functionality similar to python's generators,
* including implementations for range(), enumarate() and zip()
#include <exception>
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
namespace mrt {
struct GeneratorException : public std::exception {
inline GeneratorException() {}
template <typename T>
class Generator {
using Function = std::function<T(size_t)>;
class Iterator {
inline Iterator() {}
inline Iterator(Function fn) : m_function(fn) {
inline T operator*() {
return m_lastValue;
inline const T operator*() const {
return m_lastValue;
inline Iterator& operator++() {
try {
m_lastValue = m_function(m_counter++);
} catch (GeneratorException e) {
m_isEnded = true;
return *this;
inline Iterator operator++(int) {
Iterator it = *this;
try {
m_lastValue = m_function(++m_counter);
} catch (GeneratorException e) {
m_isEnded = true;
return it;
inline bool operator==(const Iterator& rhs) const {
return m_isEnded;
inline bool operator!=(const Iterator& rhs) const {
return !m_isEnded;
Function m_function;
size_t m_counter = 0;
T m_lastValue;
bool m_isEnded = false;
inline Generator(Function fn) : m_function(fn) {}
inline Iterator begin() {
return Iterator(m_function);
inline Iterator end() {
return Iterator();
inline Iterator cbegin() const {
return Iterator(m_function);
inline Iterator cend() const {
return Iterator();
void foreach(std::function<void(const T&)> f) {
for (auto iter : *this) {
Function m_function;
namespace {
template <typename T, typename I>
struct Enumerator {
I begin, end;
inline Enumerator(I begin, I end) : begin(begin), end(end) {}
inline std::pair<size_t, T> operator()(size_t count) {
if (begin == end) throw GeneratorException();
return {count, *begin++};
struct RangeGenerator {
size_t begin, end, step, counter = 0;
inline RangeGenerator(size_t begin, size_t end, size_t step) : begin(begin), end(end), step(step) {
if (end == -1UL) {
this->begin = 0;
this->end = begin;
inline size_t operator()(size_t count) {
if (begin && counter < begin) counter = begin;
if (counter >= end) throw GeneratorException();
size_t result = counter;
counter += step;
return result;
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename I1, typename I2>
struct ZipGenerator {
I1 begin1, end1;
I2 begin2, end2;
inline ZipGenerator(I1 begin1, I1 end1, I2 begin2, I2 end2)
: begin1(begin1), end1(end1), begin2(begin2), end2(end2) {}
inline std::pair<T1, T2> operator()(size_t count) {
if (begin1 == end1 || begin2 == end2) throw GeneratorException();
return {*begin1++, *begin2++};
} /* impl */
// yield from generator ??? maybe not yield
inline void yield() {
throw GeneratorException();
inline Generator<size_t> range(size_t begin, size_t end = -1UL, size_t step = 1) {
return {RangeGenerator(begin, end, step)};
template <typename T, typename I>
inline Generator<std::pair<size_t, T>> enumerate(const I& i) {
return {Enumerator<T, decltype(i.cbegin())>(i.cbegin(), i.cend())};
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename I1, typename I2>
inline Generator<std::pair<T1, T2>> zip(const I1& i1, const I2& i2) {
return {ZipGenerator<T1, T2, decltype(i1.cbegin()), decltype(i2.cbegin())>(
i1.cbegin(), i1.cend(), i2.cbegin(), i2.cend()
} /* namespace mrt */
#endif /* _MRT_UTILS_GENERATOR_H_ */
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