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Created September 6, 2021 21:05
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Failed attemptet to calculate rolling median in golang. I tried using a heap. I also tried using a two slices: one representing a sorted index of the current slice and the other representing the actual sorted order with index reference to the sorted index
package main
import (
func main() {
var data = []float64{
// 7, 2, 5, 3, 4,
// 3, 5, 0, 8, 3,
67, 92, 82, 75, 66, 93, 66, 76, 68, 90, 90, 59, 60, 51, 62, 90, 74, 69, 69, 61,
// 0.87914651, 0.29610294, 0.61987944, 0.85705143, 0.34293991,
// 0.55476114, 0.69043374, 0.22326187, 0.62599817, 0.29401568,
// 0.75597507, 0.82290709, 0.93483924, 0.25436015, 0.27924857,
// 0.64780617, 0.80416631, 0.14345783, 0.52980476, 0.87262491,
// 0.012934, 0.5410165, 0.65216262, 0.481543, 0.45271674,
// 0.29958247, 0.72369019, 0.8504142, 0.60650678, 0.17290565,
// 0.21692281, 0.92410626, 0.69764974, 0.19414343, 0.14972919,
// 0.94714216, 0.86078896, 0.43152306, 0.67743273, 0.9666571,
// fmt.Println("[NaN NaN NaN NaN 4 3 4 3 4 3]")
fmt.Println("[NaN NaN NaN NaN 75 82 75 75 68 76 76 76 68 60 60 60 62 69 69 69]")
// RollingMedian(data, 3)
result := RollingMedian2(data, 5)
fmt.Printf("result = %+v\n", result)
fmt.Printf("len(result) = %+v\n", len(result))
fmt.Printf("cap(result) = %+v\n", cap(result))
// RollingMedian2(data, 10)
// fmt.Printf("RollingMedian(data) = %+v\n", RollingMedian(data, 4))
type Leaf struct {
value *float64
left, right *Leaf
func (l *Leaf) SearchFirstDepth(predicate func(tgt *Leaf) *Leaf) {
cursor := l
for cursor != nil {
cursor = predicate(cursor)
func (l *Leaf) Insert(newLeaf *Leaf) {
// | newLeaf? | left | newLeaf? | middle | newLeaf? | right | newLeaf? |
l.SearchFirstDepth(func(tgt *Leaf) *Leaf {
if *newLeaf.value < *tgt.value {
if tgt.left == nil {
tgt.left = newLeaf
return nil
if *tgt.left.value < *newLeaf.value {
tmp := tgt.left
tgt.left = newLeaf
newLeaf = tmp
return tgt.left
return tgt.left
} else {
if tgt.right == nil {
tgt.right = newLeaf
return nil
if *newLeaf.value < *tgt.right.value {
tmp := tgt.right
tgt.right = newLeaf
newLeaf = tmp
return tgt.right
return tgt.right
func (l *Leaf) MermaidString() string {
connections := []string{"graph TD", fmt.Sprintf("\tsubgraph Root %p", l)}
var searchFunc func(tgt *Leaf) *Leaf
searchFunc = func(tgt *Leaf) *Leaf {
lr := []*Leaf{tgt.left, tgt.right}
const lrStr = "leftright"
for i := range lr {
if lr[i] == nil {
connections = append(connections, fmt.Sprintf(
"\t%p[%p %f] -->|%s| %p[%p %f]",
return nil
connections = append(connections, "\tend")
return strings.Join(connections, "\n")
func (l *Leaf) TreeString() string {
addr := fmt.Sprintf("%p", l)
var lines []string
const sp string = " "
if l.right != nil {
lines = strings.Split(l.right.TreeString(), "\n")
lines[0] = addr + " ---- " + lines[0]
for i := 1; i < len(lines); i++ {
lines[i] = "|" + sp + " " + lines[i]
if len(lines) == 0 {
lines = append(lines, addr)
} else {
lines = append(lines, "| "+sp)
if l.left != nil {
linesRight := strings.Split(l.left.TreeString(), "\n")
lines = append(lines, linesRight...)
result := strings.Join(lines, "\n")
return result
func RollingMedian(data []float64, m int) []float64 {
// Set up Tree.
leaves := make([]Leaf, m)
// Assign leaf data.
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
leaves[i].value = &data[i]
// Sort Leaves.
for i := 0; i < len(leaves); i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(leaves); j++ {
if i == j {
if (*leaves[i].value) >= (*leaves[j].value) {
tmp := *leaves[i].value
*leaves[i].value = *leaves[j].value
*leaves[j].value = tmp
// var buildTree func(leaf *Leaf, a, b int)
// buildTree = func(leaf *Leaf, a, b int) {
// middle := (a + b - 1) / 2
// {
// middleLeft := (middle + a) / 2
// if leaf != &leaves[middleLeft] {
// leaf.left = &leaves[middleLeft]
// buildTree(leaf.left, a, middle)
// }
// }
// {
// middleRight := (middle + b) / 2
// if leaf != &leaves[middleRight] {
// leaf.right = &leaves[middleRight]
// buildTree(leaf.right, middle+1, b)
// }
// }
// }
root := &leaves[m/2-1]
// root := &leaves[2]
for i := range leaves {
if &leaves[i] == root {
fmt.Printf("inserting %p %f into: \n", &leaves[i], *leaves[i].value)
// buildTree(root, 0, m)
return nil
// fmt.Println(root.TreeString())
for i, v := range leaves {
// fmt.Println(&v, v, *v.value)
fmt.Printf("%p %v, %v\n", &leaves[i], v, *v.value)
var result []float64
for i := range data[:len(data)-m] {
var replace func(oldV, newV *float64, leaf *Leaf)
replace = func(oldV, newV *float64, leaf *Leaf) {
// Base case.
if leaf == nil {
// Replace.
if oldV == leaf.value {
gtLeft := true
if leaf.left != nil {
gtLeft = *newV > *leaf.left.value
ltRight := true
if leaf.right != nil {
ltRight = *newV < *leaf.right.value
if gtLeft && ltRight {
fmt.Printf("replacing %v with %v\n", leaf.value, newV)
leaf.value = newV
if gtLeft {
fmt.Printf("replacing %v with %v\n", leaf.value, leaf.right.value)
leaf.value = leaf.right.value
replace(leaf.value, newV, leaf.right)
if ltRight {
fmt.Printf("replacing %v with %v\n", leaf.value, leaf.left.value)
leaf.value = leaf.left.value
replace(leaf.left.value, newV, leaf.left)
// Keep Searching.
if *oldV < *leaf.value {
replace(oldV, newV, leaf.left)
} else {
replace(oldV, newV, leaf.right)
fmt.Printf("replace %v with %v\n", &data[i], &data[i+m])
replace(&data[i], &data[i+m], root)
fmt.Println(root, *root.value)
fmt.Println(FindMedian(data[i : i+m+1]))
// fmt.Println(root, *root.value)
// fmt.Println(root, *root.value)
// fmt.Println("done", "\n")
// fmt.Printf("data[i:i+m] = %+v\n", data[i:i+m+1])
if i > 8 {
return result
func NewHeapIndexer(n int) *HeapIndexer {
index := make([]int, n)
for i := range index {
index[i] = i
return &HeapIndexer{
start: 0,
Index: index,
type HeapIndexer struct {
start int
Index []int
func (h *HeapIndexer) String() string {
var result string
for i, v := range h.Index {
if i == h.start {
result += "*"
result += fmt.Sprintf("%v ", v)
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", result[:len(result)-1])
func (h *HeapIndexer) indexer(i int) int {
_ = h.Index[i]
return (i + h.start) %
func (h *HeapIndexer) Start() int { return h.start }
func (h *HeapIndexer) Get(i int) int { return h.Index[h.indexer(i)] }
func (h *HeapIndexer) Set(i, v int) { h.Index[h.indexer(i)] = v }
func (h *HeapIndexer) View(data []float64) []float64 {
if len(data) != len(h.Index) {
panic("must be same length as heap")
result := make([]float64, len(data))
for i := range h.Index {
j := h.Get(i)
result[j] = data[i]
return result
func (h *HeapIndexer) Push(v int) {
h.Set(0, v)
func RollingMedian2(data []float64, m int) []float64 {
fmt.Printf("data = %+v\n", data)
A := make([]int, m)
B := NewHeapIndexer(m)
for i := range A {
A[i] = i
for i := 0; i < len(A); i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(A); j++ {
if i == j {
if !(data[A[i]] < data[A[j]]) {
tmp := A[i]
A[i] = A[j]
A[j] = tmp
for i, v := range A {
B.Set(v, i)
replace := func(x float64, idxRemoveB int, data []float64) {
// idxRemoveB = 0
idxRemove := B.Get(0)
idxInsert := sort.Search(m, func(i int) bool {
i = (A[i] - B.Start()) % len(B.Index)
if i < 0 {
i *= -1
return x < data[A[i]]
// defer func() { B.Push(idxInsert) }()
if data[idxRemove] < x {
copyDebug := func(a, b, c, d int) {
src := A[a:b]
dst := A[c:d]
copy(dst, src)
sign := 1
copyFunc := func() {}
if idxRemove < idxInsert {
sign = -1
copyFunc = func() {
idxRemove+1, idxInsert+1,
idxRemove, idxInsert,
if idxRemove > idxInsert {
copyFunc = func() {
idxInsert, idxRemove,
idxInsert+1, idxRemove+1,
for i := idxRemove - sign; i != (idxInsert - sign); i -= sign {
B.Index[A[i]] = B.Index[A[i]] + sign
// B.Set(A[i], B.Index[A[i]]+sign)
// B.Set(A[idxInsert], B.Get(A[idxInsert])+sign)
A[idxInsert] = idxRemoveB
middleIdx := m / 2
calcMedian := func(data []float64) float64 {
i := (A[middleIdx] - B.Start()) % len(B.Index)
if i < 0 {
i *= -1
// return data[B.Get(middleIdx)]
return data[i]
// Add NaN values to the result.
result := make([]float64, 0, len(data))
for i := 0; i < m-1; i++ {
result = append(result, math.NaN())
// Calculate rolling median.
for i := 0; i < len(data)-m; i++ {
sl := data[i : i+m]
result = append(result, calcMedian(sl))
prev := B.View(sl)
replace(data[i+m], B.Start(), sl)
fmt.Printf("rpl:%v ins:%v %+v -> %+v\n", data[i], data[i+m], prev, B.View(data[i+1:i+m+1]))
sl := data[len(data)-m:]
fmt.Printf("B.View(sl) = %+v\n", B.View(sl))
result = append(result, calcMedian(sl))
return result
func FindMedian(xx []float64) float64 {
xxCopy := make([]float64, len(xx))
copy(xxCopy, xx)
for i := 0; i < len(xxCopy); i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(xxCopy); j++ {
if i == j {
if xxCopy[i] < xxCopy[j] {
tmp := xxCopy[i]
xxCopy[i] = xxCopy[j]
xxCopy[j] = tmp
if len(xxCopy)%2 == 0 {
return xxCopy[len(xxCopy)/2-1]
return xxCopy[len(xxCopy)/2]
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