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Drupal 8 JSON Migration Example
# This migration demonstrates importing from a monolithic JSON file.
# Forked from
id: omdb_json
label: JSON feed of movies
migration_group: json_example
# We use the JSON source plugin.
plugin: url
data_fetcher_plugin: http
data_parser_plugin: json
# The data_parser normally limits the fields passed on to the source plugin
# to fields configured to be used as part of the migration. To support more
# dynamic migrations, the JSON data parser supports including the original
# data for the current row. Simply include the 'include_raw_data' flag set
# to `true` to enable this. This option is disabled by default to minimize
# memory footprint for migrations that do not need this capability.
include_raw_data: true
urls: ''
# An xpath-like selector corresponding to the items to be imported.
item_selector: Search
# Under 'fields', we list the data items to be imported. The first level keys
# are the source field names we want to populate (the names to be used as
# sources in the process configuration below). For each field we're importing,
# we provide a label (optional - this is for display in migration tools) and
# an xpath for retrieving that value. It's important to note that this xpath
# is relative to the elements retrieved by item_selector.
name: movieName
label: 'Movie Name'
selector: Title
name: year
label: 'Publish Year'
selector: Year
name: imdbID
label: 'IMDB ID'
selector: imdbID
name: poster
label: 'Image URL to a movie poster'
selector: Poster
# Under 'ids', we identify source fields populated above which will uniquely
# identify each imported item. The 'type' makes sure the migration map table
# uses the proper schema type for stored the IDs.
type: string
bundle: article
destination_directory: public://posters/
file_extension: .jpg
# Note that the source field names here (title and year) were
# defined by the 'fields' configuration for the source plugin above.
type: constants/bundle
plugin: concat
- movieName
- year
delimiter: ' - '
body/value: imdbID
plugin: default_value
default_value: basic_html
plugin: concat
- constants/destination_directory
- imdbID
- constants/file_extension
plugin: file_copy
- poster
- '@destination_path'
plugin: entity_generate
value_key: uri
entity_type: file
field_image/alt: title
field_image/title: title
plugin: entity:node
id: omdb_json_basic
label: JSON feed of movies (basic)
migration_group: json_example
plugin: url
data_fetcher_plugin: http
data_parser_plugin: json
include_raw_data: true
urls: ''
item_selector: Search
name: movieName
label: 'Movie Name'
selector: Title
name: imdbID
label: 'IMDB ID'
selector: imdbID
type: string
plugin: entity:node
plugin: default_value
default_value: page
title: movieName
langcode: en
status: true
dependencies: { }
id: json_example
label: JSON Example
description: ''
source_type: ''
module: null
shared_configuration: null
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