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Created October 31, 2021 09:14
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=> MonoidalAction ob_m hom_m πŸ‘» 🧟 ob_c hom_c ✝️
=> MonoidalAction ob_m hom_m πŸ‘» 🧟 ob_d hom_d πŸŽƒ
=> ob_c πŸ‘Ή
=> ob_d πŸ”₯
=> Tambara ob_c hom_c
ob_d hom_d
ob_m hom_m πŸ‘» 🧟
(Optic ob_c hom_c
ob_d hom_d
ob_m hom_m πŸ‘» 🧟
✝️ πŸŽƒ πŸ‘Ή πŸ”₯)
tambara (Optic l r)
= Optic
(comp @ob_c @hom_c
(multiplicator @ob_m @hom_m @πŸ‘» @🧟
@ob_c @hom_c
(bimap @ob_m @hom_m
@ob_c @hom_c
@ob_c @hom_c
(unit @ob_m @hom_m)
(comp @ob_d @hom_d
(bimap @ob_m @hom_m
@ob_d @hom_d
@ob_d @hom_d
(unit @ob_m @hom_m)
(multiplicatorinv @ob_m @hom_m @πŸ‘» @🧟
@ob_d @hom_d
-- ^ A Tambara module defined over the category of hell.
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