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Last active December 11, 2023 13:06
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tmux cheat sheet


See this cheat sheet graphic.


New Session

tmux new
tmux new-session
tmux new -s $sessionname

Attach Session

tmux a
tmux att
tmux attach
tmux attach-session
tmux a -t $sessionname

Remove Session

tmux kill-sess
tmux kill-session -t $sessionname

Key Bindings

Shortcut Description
Ctrl-b $ rename session
Ctrl-b d detach session
Ctrl-b ) next session
Ctrl-b ( previous session


Windows are like tabs in a browser. Windows exist in sessions and occupy the space of a session screen.

Key Bindings

Shortcut Description
Ctrl-b c create window
Ctrl-b n move to next window
Ctrl-b p move to previous window
Ctrl-b l move to last used window
Ctrl-b 0..9 select window by number
Ctrl-b ' select window by name
Ctrl-b . change window number
Ctrl-b , rename window
Ctrl-b f search windows
Ctrl-b & kill window


Panes are sections of windows that have been slit into different screens - just like the panes of a real window.

Key Bindings

Shortcut Description
Ctrl-b % vertical split
Ctrl-b " horizontal split
Ctrl-b up move to pane above
Ctrl-b down move to pane below
Ctrl-b left move to pane to the left
Ctrl-b right move to pane to the right
Ctrl-b o move to next pane
Ctrl-b ; move to last active pane
Ctrl-b { swap pane with the previous one
Ctrl-b } swap pane with the next one
Ctrl-b Alt-up adjust pane size upwards*
Ctrl-b Alt-down adjust pane size downwards*
Ctrl-b Alt-left adjust pane size to the left*
Ctrl-b Alt-right adjust pane size to the right*
Ctrl-b z zoom into pane
Ctrl-b ! convert pane to window
Ctrl-b x kill pane

* While holding down Alt multiple resize commands can be issued (e.g. Ctrl-b Alt-down-down-right).

Copy Mode

Key Bindings

Shortcut Description
Ctrl-b [ enter copy mode
Ctrl-b ] paste from buffer

Copy Mode Commands

Note: These assume mode-keys vi (see configuration below).

Shortcut Description
space start selection
enter copy selection
escape clear selection
g go to top
G go to bottom
h move cursor left
j move cursor down
k move cursor up
l move cursor right
/ search
# list paste buffers
q quit


The global configuration file lives in /etc/tmux.conf. User-specific configuration files (potentially overriding values from the global configuration) can be created under ~/.tmux.conf ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/tmux/tmux.conf (usually ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf). Note: In order for tmux-256color to work properly, a package containing the appropriate terminfo must be installed. On Debian 9 this is ncurses-term. On Debian 10 tmux-256color was moved from ncurses-term to ncurses-base, making installation of ncurses-term unnecessary. Alternatively the value of default-terminal can be changed to screen-256color (screen terminfo is already part of ncurses-base).

# Apply nicer colors
set -g status-style fg=black,bg=cyan
set -g window-status-current-style fg=cyan,bg=black

set -g message-style fg=white,bg=black,bright

# Or for tmux < 3.0
#set -g status-bg cyan
#set -g status-fg black
#set -g window-status-current-bg black
#set -g window-status-current-fg cyan

#set -g message-bg black
#set -g message-fg white
#set -g message-attr bright

# Enable mouse support
set -g mouse on

# Set 256 color terminal type
set -g default-terminal tmux-256color
#set -g default-command zsh

# Use Vim-style shortcuts in copy mode
set -g mode-keys vi

# Remove the delay when pressing escape. This is annoying when using vim.
set -sg escape-time 10
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