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Forked from mgapatrick/fronttrends2012.txt
Created April 30, 2012 21:12
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FrontTrends 2012
10:20 Vitaly Friedman: Responsive Design: Smashing Magazine's case study
width 1024px
fully accessible without images
45-90 characters per line
responsive layout => many media queries, eg 650px, 1024px, 1480px, 1800px
dropdown menu (mobile layout)
back-to-top link (all widths)
%, em: incremental 0.5 steps => easier maintenance
11:10 Chris Coyier: What we don't know
best practice for fast websites: sprites, minify, max. 2 CSS files, optimize all images
11:40 Dave Desandro: Mobile Safari: Bring your machete
Opera Mobile Emulator
iOS simulator
12:30 Rebecca Murphey: Patterns for organizing non-trivial JS applications
views => display data
models & collections => management of data collections, server communication
controller => interaction management between view and model
13:00 Harry Roberts: Breaking good habits
main goals: maintainability, flexibility, extensibility, predictability
14:30 Daniel Biesiada: HTML5, IE and Windows 8 - the Microsoft story
15:10 Jina Bolton: Style guide-driven UI Design with SASSsushi&robots
art in my coffee
Style guide: eg BBC, android styleguide online
=> user-interface library
=> show the code with the example (eg button)
=> style tiles => responsive design
style guide + preprocessor = awesome
easier maintainability, separation of presentation from content, easy optimization
generate style guide from CSS: styleDocco
keep clean code
patterns and proportions
object-oriented CSS (website)
scalable and modular architecture for CSS (book)
320 and up (framework)
pragmatic guide to SASS (book)
compass (framework)
fancy form design (book) (slides)
15:40 Alex Russel: Platfrom or pile of hacks?
pose the user the question: you are using an old browser…
mutation observers: callback on painting based on timing
16:30: Kyle Simpson: HTML5 JavaScript on crack
HTML5 cookbook (discount code AUTHD)
17:00: Lea Verou: CSS in the 4th dimension
=> having control over time
animatable (website)
17:40 Julien Gachadoat: Mind the gap
18:10 Zbigniew Braniecki: The web is the platform – Mozilla’s mobile OS
18:30 Mariusz Nowak: Future of web applications, where client doesn’t need server
09:50 Krzysztof Szafranek: Refactoring JS - big bang theory?
10:20 Tali Garsiel: How Browsers work internally
11:10 Oluv Lassus: JS the subsets that we use
the brain comes with error correction - but sometimes assumptions get in your way
=> verify the assumption, eg types of data/variables (number, string)
=> assertion => use strict/restrict mode => plugins: asserter, bitwiser, watcher, yielder
"Reading code is a skill, practice and learn from others"
11:40 Rachel Andrew: Pushing the boundaries without breaking the web
no media query support in IE8 and below => extra css for IE, 960px, other bugfixes
lack of support for styling HTML5 semantic elements in old browsers
what is the problem?
what are my constraints?
is not supporting this feature an option?
what current solutions exist?
use polyfill/own code?
=> stop solving problems you don't yet have
we are all learners and we are all teachers… no matter how old we are, how long we have been doing this
all this stuff that people are stuffing into sites, is a problem… you need to understand what is going on
we need to teach:
html, css, js
problem solving skills
there is not one true way!
if we train people to just copy and paste, we stop them growing, learning and contributing
make sure you know WHY you are using it
test for WHAT HAPPENS when js does not load
explain WHY as well as HOW
12:30 Mathias Bynens: 10 things I didn't know about HTML, CSS & JS
valid html
document type definition => detects many errors, not all
don't obsess about validation, functionality trumps validation
character references / entities
works without semicolon, clearer code with it => always use semicolon
> only used to close a tag, can be used in text without entity
html, head and body are optional
font family names
when in doubt, just use quotes
attribute values
when in doubt, just use quotes
characters and strings in JS
.length => not always exact, esp when not unicode
JS variable names
many allowed symbols
truthness in JS
toBoolean() => converts into boolean
all objects are truthy, except in the DOM: document.all
13:00 Divya Manian: Designing in the Browser
mockup ≠ end result
mockups do not make sense any more, no more the legacy of print => dynamic
=> design the interaction experience, product design, depending on device
embrace the constraints of the web
no pixel perfection
uncertainty of features
things never designed to interact, will
you cannot control the content
lorem ipsum only goes so far, eg unicode chars, longer words
=> design around content, user interaction
find where the design and data breaks experience of users
design for complexity and uncertainty, make it simple for the users
build from ground up with design break points (stephen hay)
what you shouldn't be concerned about
performance (not in the beginning)
pointless semantics
pixel perfection
IE compatibility
be concerned about
as less as code as possible
scaffolding generator: docpad, jekyll
sensible defaults: boilerplate
preprocessors: sass, less, stylus
naming (smashing magazine, nicolas gallagher)
templating languages: mustache, eco, haml
get real data (or fake it: faker.js, lorem pixum)
design scaffolding: twitter bootstrap
working features: html5 please
codeKit or LiveReload
document your code
style docco
14:30 Luca Sale, Blackberry: Alice.js: A lightweight independent CSS engine
15:00 Alex Giron: Same Flash different code
in order to improve we must learn from history
15:30 Tiffany Conroy: Design processes, not interfaces
design interfaces for the process of interfacing with the data - not for the data
interface design
what information does the user have, what information is he looking for
put the appropriate information in the appropriate place on the page
Bill Verplank (lectures):
affordances => give the user the chance to make a change
feedback => notifications, hover effects, review
maps and paths => make the user understand where they are in their options
you need to know the GOAL and the interaction points
analyze any existing processes => job shadowing, ask lots of questions, ask lots of people
=> WHY, what would you change?
take away the user's pain!
why are people involved in this process at all?
can this information be codified?
what do we need humans for?
usecases for the data. actions the user might take… then put it in the right order…
without knowing the process, you can't design the interface
16:30 Bartosz Szopka: Learning to teach
when your job is your passion, you never work
tell me and I'll forget,
show me and I may remember,
involve me and I'll understand. (Konfizius) => finding web conferences, view minified and original code
17:00 John Schulz: When to node?
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