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Created January 28, 2011 05:02
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error when using rails admin
RailsAdmin.config do |config|
config.excluded_models << Services::Facebook
config.excluded_models << Services::Twitter ##these are STI and namespaced....
#i may need to more of this, but it was incorrectly pluralizing this and looking for a controller for this..(should be services_controller
(sorry about the weird log lines, they are for splunk)
event=render template=/Users/maxwell/.rvm/gems/ree-1.8.7-2010.02/bundler/gems/rails_admin-00a7fcee8cda/app/views/rails_admin/main/index.html.erb layout=layouts/rails_admin/dashboard ms=191.0
event=request_completed status= controller=RailsAdmin::MainController action=index format=HTML ms=609
event=error error_class=ActionView::Template::Error error_message='undefined method `class_name' for nil:NilClass' orig_error_message='undefined method `class_name' for nil:NilClass'annotated_source=' 15: <tbody>
16: <% @abstract_models.each do |abstract_model| %>
17: <tr class="<%= cycle 'odd', 'even' %>">
18: <td class="modelNameRow">
19: <%= link_to(RailsAdmin.config(abstract_model).list.label, rails_admin_list_path(:model_name => abstract_model.to_param), :class => "show") %>
20: </td>
21: <td>
' app_backtrace='lib/chrome_frame.rb:39:in `call''
event=render template=/Users/maxwell/.rvm/gems/ree-1.8.7-2010.02/gems/actionpack-3.0.3/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/_trace.erb ms=1.1
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