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Created April 10, 2011 22:37
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each puts is a run of httpmulti#perform
maxwell~/Sites/diaspora (master *)$ rake
(in /Users/maxwell/Sites/diaspora)
NOTE: Gem::Specification#default_executable= is deprecated with no replacement. It will be removed on or after 2011-10-01.
Gem::Specification#default_executable= called from /Users/maxwell/Sites/diaspora/vendor/gems/jasmine/jasmine.gemspec:13
/Users/maxwell/.rvm/rubies/ree-1.8.7-2010.02/bin/ruby -S bundle exec rspec ./spec/config/config_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/admins_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/apis_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/application_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/aspect_memberships_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/aspects_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/comments_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/contacts_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/conversation_visibilities_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/conversations_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/home_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/invitations_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/likes_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/messages_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/notifications_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/people_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/photos_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/post_visibilities_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/posts_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/profiles_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/publics_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/registrations_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/requests_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/services_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/sessions_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/sockets_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/status_messages_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/tags_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb ./spec/helpers/application_helper_spec.rb ./spec/helpers/mobile_helper_spec.rb ./spec/helpers/stream_helper_spec.rb ./spec/helpers/users_helper_spec.rb ./spec/integration/contact_deleting_spec.rb ./spec/integration/receiving_spec.rb ./spec/lib/app_config_spec.rb ./spec/lib/diaspora/exporter_spec.rb ./spec/lib/diaspora/ostatus_builder_spec.rb ./spec/lib/diaspora/parser_spec.rb ./spec/lib/diaspora/web_socket_spec.rb ./spec/lib/diaspora/webhooks_spec.rb ./spec/lib/encryptor_spec.rb ./spec/lib/fake_spec.rb ./spec/lib/hcard_spec.rb ./spec/lib/postzord/dispatch_spec.rb ./spec/lib/postzord/receiver_spec.rb ./spec/lib/pubsubhubbub_spec.rb ./spec/lib/rake_helper_spec.rb ./spec/lib/resque_job_logging_spec.rb ./spec/lib/salmon_salmon_spec.rb ./spec/lib/splunk_logging_spec.rb ./spec/lib/web_hooks_spec.rb ./spec/lib/webfinger_profile_spec.rb ./spec/lib/webfinger_spec.rb ./spec/lib/youtube_titles_spec.rb ./spec/mailers/notifier_spec.rb ./spec/misc_spec.rb ./spec/models/aspect_membership_spec.rb ./spec/models/aspect_spec.rb ./spec/models/comment_spec.rb ./spec/models/contact_spec.rb ./spec/models/conversation_spec.rb ./spec/models/invitation_spec.rb ./spec/models/jobs/http_multi_spec.rb ./spec/models/jobs/http_post_spec.rb ./spec/models/jobs/invite_user_by_email_spec.rb ./spec/models/jobs/mail_mentioned_spec.rb ./spec/models/jobs/notify_local_users_spec.rb ./spec/models/jobs/post_to_service_spec.rb ./spec/models/jobs/process_photo_spec.rb ./spec/models/jobs/publish_to_hub_spec.rb ./spec/models/jobs/receive_local_batch_spec.rb ./spec/models/jobs/receive_salmon_spec.rb ./spec/models/jobs/receive_spec.rb ./spec/models/jobs/resend_invitation_spec.rb ./spec/models/jobs/socket_webfinger_spec.rb ./spec/models/jobs/update_service_users_spec.rb ./spec/models/like_spec.rb ./spec/models/mention_spec.rb ./spec/models/message_spec.rb ./spec/models/notification_spec.rb ./spec/models/notifications/private_message_spec.rb ./spec/models/person_spec.rb ./spec/models/photo_spec.rb ./spec/models/post_spec.rb ./spec/models/post_visibility_spec.rb ./spec/models/profile_spec.rb ./spec/models/relayable_retraction_spec.rb ./spec/models/request_spec.rb ./spec/models/retraction_spec.rb ./spec/models/service_spec.rb ./spec/models/service_user_spec.rb ./spec/models/services/facebook_spec.rb ./spec/models/services/twitter_spec.rb ./spec/models/status_message_spec.rb ./spec/models/user/attack_vectors_spec.rb ./spec/models/user/connecting_spec.rb ./spec/models/user/invite_spec.rb ./spec/models/user/posting_spec.rb ./spec/models/user/querying_spec.rb ./spec/models/user_preference_spec.rb ./spec/models/user_spec.rb
NOTE: Gem::Specification#default_executable= is deprecated with no replacement. It will be removed on or after 2011-10-01.
Gem::Specification#default_executable= called from /Users/maxwell/Sites/diaspora/vendor/gems/jasmine/jasmine.gemspec:13
NOTE: Gem::Specification#default_executable= is deprecated with no replacement. It will be removed on or after 2011-10-01.
Gem::Specification#default_executable= called from /Users/maxwell/Sites/diaspora/vendor/gems/jasmine/jasmine.gemspec:13
=> Building fixtures
=> Built aspect_memberships.yml, aspects.yml, contacts.yml, people.yml, profiles.yml, and users.yml
doing stuff I shouldn't= | ETA: 00:06:31
doing stuff I shouldn't
doing stuff I shouldn't
doing stuff I shouldn't
1) PeopleController#show performance takes time
Failure/Error: }.should < 1.0
expected: < 1.0
got: 1.07588195800781
# ./spec/controllers/people_controller_spec.rb:83
doing stuff I shouldn't============== | ETA: 00:02:43
doing stuff I shouldn't
doing stuff I shouldn't
doing stuff I shouldn't
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doing stuff I shouldn't
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doing stuff I shouldn't============== | ETA: 00:02:41
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doing stuff I shouldn't==================== | ETA: 00:01:52
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doing stuff I shouldn't
doing stuff I shouldn't
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doing stuff I shouldn't
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doing stuff I shouldn't
doing stuff I shouldn't
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doing stuff I shouldn't
doing stuff I shouldn't=============================== | ETA: 00:00:44
doing stuff I shouldn't
doing stuff I shouldn't
doing stuff I shouldn't
1113/1113: 100% |==========================================| Time: 00:03:44
StatusMessagesController#create with photos queues all photos to be processed
# No reason given
# /Users/maxwell/Sites/diaspora/spec/controllers/status_messages_controller_spec.rb:166
Comment it is relayable it should behave like it is relayable propagation#receive sockets to the user
# No reason given
# /Users/maxwell/Sites/diaspora/spec/shared_behaviors/relayable.rb:63
Like it is relayable it should behave like it is relayable propagation#receive sockets to the user
# No reason given
# /Users/maxwell/Sites/diaspora/spec/shared_behaviors/relayable.rb:63
Message it is relayable it should behave like it is relayable propagation#receive sockets to the user
# No reason given
# /Users/maxwell/Sites/diaspora/spec/shared_behaviors/relayable.rb:63
Photo deletion deletes the parent object if there are no other photos or message
# No reason given
# /Users/maxwell/Sites/diaspora/spec/models/photo_spec.rb:199
Photo deletion does not delete the parent if the parent has other photos
# No reason given
# /Users/maxwell/Sites/diaspora/spec/models/photo_spec.rb:206
Photo deletion does not delete the parent if the parent has a message
# No reason given
# /Users/maxwell/Sites/diaspora/spec/models/photo_spec.rb:216
Finished in 224.58 seconds
1113 examples, 1 failure, 7 pending
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