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Created March 12, 2016 15:01
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How to assign a specific IP to a Docker Container
#!sudo /usr/bin/env ruby
# -----------------------
# get the default docker info
system "eval $(docker-machine env)"
docker_ip = %x(docker-machine ip)
# get a container ip based on the main docker ip
# guessing the use of 100 since its standard
# swapping with a custom container ip ending in 110
container_ip = docker_ip.sub(/100\n/, '110')
# set the ip in the docker machine
system "docker-machine ssh default 'sudo ifconfig eth1:1 "+container_ip+" netmask up'"
# setup the hosts file
system("sudo ruby docker_setup_hosts.rb " + container_ip)
# -----------------------
system "docker build -t joncox/example ."
container_id = %x(docker run -itd -p #{container_ip}:80:80 -p #{container_ip}:443:443 -v #{Dir.pwd}:/path/to/app joncox/example)
system "docker exec -it "+container_id.sub(/\n/,'')+" bash -c '/path/to/app/scripts/'"
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