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Created December 14, 2012 17:49
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A class about LinkedList
import sys
from opus7.exception import *
class LinkedList(object):
Linked list class.
# ...
class Element(object):
An element of a linked list.
def __init__(self, list, datum, next):
(LinkedList.Element, LinkedList, Object, LinkedList.Element) -> None
Constructs a list element with the given values.
self._list = list
self._datum = datum
self._next = next
def getDatum(self):
(LinkedList.Element) -> Object
Returns the datum in this list element.
return self._datum
datum = property(
fget = lambda self: self.getDatum())
def getNext(self):
(LinkedList.Element) -> LinkedList.Element
Returns the next list element
return self._next
next = property(
fget = lambda self: self.getNext())
#! class Element(object):
def insertAfter(self, item):
(LinkedList.Element, Object) -> None
Inserts the given item after this list element.
self._next = LinkedList.Element(
self._list, item, self._next)
if self._list._tail is self:
self._list._tail = self._next
def insertBefore(self, item):
(LinkedList.Element, Object) -> None
Inserts the given item before this list element.
tmp = LinkedList.Element(self._list, item, self)
if self is self._list._head:
self._list._head = tmp
prevPtr = self._list._head
while prevPtr is not None \
and prevPtr._next is not self:
prevPtr = prevPtr._next
prevPtr._next = tmp
def extract(self):
(LinkedList.Element) -> None
Extracts this list element from the list.
prevPtr = None
if self._list._head is self:
self._list._head = next
prevPtr = list._head
while prevPtr is not None \
and prevPtr._next is not self:
prevPtr = prevPtr._next
if prevPtr is None:
raise InternalError
prevPtr._next = next
if self._list._tail is self:
self._list._tail = prevPtr
def __init__(self):
(LinkedList) -> None
Constructs an empty linked list.
self._head = None
self._tail = None
def purge(self):
(LinkedList) -> None
Purges this linked list.
self._head = None
self._tail = None
def getHead(self):
(LinkedList) -> LinkedList.Element
Returns the list element at the head of this list.
return self._head
head = property(
fget = lambda self: self.getHead())
def getTail(self):
(LinkedList) -> LinkedList.Element
Returns the list element at the tail of this list.
return self._tail
tail = property(
fget = lambda self: self.getTail())
def getIsEmpty(self):
(LinkedList) -> bool
Returns true if this list is empty.
return self._head is None
isEmpty = property(
fget = lambda self: self.getIsEmpty())
def getFirst(self):
(LinkedList) -> Object
Returns the first item in this list.
if self._head is None:
raise ContainerEmpty
return self._head._datum
first = property(
fget = lambda self: self.getFirst())
def getLast(self):
(LinkedList) -> Object
Returns the last item in this list.
if self._tail is None:
raise ContainerEmpty
return self._tail._datum
last = property(
fget = lambda self: self.getLast())
def prepend(self, item):
(LinkedList, Object) -> None
Prepends the given item to this list.
tmp = self.Element(self, item, self._head)
if self._head is None:
self._tail = tmp
self._head = tmp
def append(self, item):
(LinkedList, Object) -> None
Appends the given item to this list.
tmp = self.Element(self, item, None)
if self._head is None:
self._head = tmp
self._tail._next = tmp
self._tail = tmp
def __copy__(self):
(LinkedList) -> LinkedList
Returns a shallow copy of this linked list.
result = LinkedList()
ptr = list._head
while ptr is not None:
ptr = ptr._next
return result
def extract(self, item):
(LinkedList, Object) -> None
Extracts the given item from this list.
ptr = self._head
prevPtr = None
while ptr is not None and ptr._datum is not item:
prevPtr = ptr
ptr = ptr._next
if ptr is None:
raise KeyError
if ptr == self._head:
self._head = ptr._next
prevPtr._next = ptr._next
if ptr == self._tail:
self._tail = prevPtr
def __str__(self):
(LinkedList) -> string
Returns a string representation of this list.
string = "LinkedList {"
ptr = self._head
while ptr is not None:
string = string + str(ptr._datum)
if ptr._next is not None:
string = string + ", "
ptr = ptr._next
string = string + "}"
return string
def main(*argv):
"LinkedList test program."
print LinkedList.main.__doc__
l1 = LinkedList()
print l1
print "isEmpty returns %s" % (l1.isEmpty)
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
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