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Created October 16, 2019 09:14
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[infer docker] android example failure
root@f129a368d59a:/infer/examples/android_hello# infer run -- ./gradlew build
Capturing in gradle mode...
Running and capturing gradle compilation...
09:12:14.429 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter]
09:12:14.429 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
09:12:14.430 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter]
09:12:14.430 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] * What went wrong:
09:12:14.430 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
09:12:14.430 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] > You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components:
09:12:14.430 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] [Android SDK Platform 22, Android SDK Build-Tools 22.0.1].
09:12:14.430 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] Before building your project, you need to accept the license agreements and complete the installation of the missing components using the Android Studio SDK Manager.
09:12:14.430 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] Alternatively, to learn how to transfer the license agreements from one workstation to another, go to
09:12:14.430 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter]
09:12:14.430 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] * Try:
09:12:14.430 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
ERROR: couldn't run compilation command `[u'./gradlew', '--debug', u'build']`
Error backtrace:
Raised at file "base/" (inlined), line 27, characters 6-36
Called from file "base/", line 296, characters 58-80
Called from file "integration/", line 162, characters 2-16
Called from file "integration/", line 284, characters 6-420
Called from file "", line 23, characters 2-36
Called from file "", line 135, characters 6-52
Internal Error: Error running '/opt/infer-linux64-v0.14.0/infer/bin/../lib/python/'
--analyzer checkers -j 8 --project-root
/opt/infer-linux64-v0.14.0/examples/android_hello --out
/opt/infer-linux64-v0.14.0/examples/android_hello/infer-out -- ./gradlew
exited with code 1
Run the command again with `--keep-going` to try and ignore this error.
root@f129a368d59a:/infer/examples/android_hello# infer --keep-going run -- ./gradlew build
Capturing in gradle mode...
Running and capturing gradle compilation...
09:12:50.715 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter]
09:12:50.715 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
09:12:50.715 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter]
09:12:50.715 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] * What went wrong:
09:12:50.715 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
09:12:50.716 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] > You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components:
09:12:50.716 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] [Android SDK Platform 22, Android SDK Build-Tools 22.0.1].
09:12:50.716 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] Before building your project, you need to accept the license agreements and complete the installation of the missing components using the Android Studio SDK Manager.
09:12:50.716 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] Alternatively, to learn how to transfer the license agreements from one workstation to another, go to
09:12:50.716 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter]
09:12:50.716 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] * Try:
09:12:50.716 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
ERROR: couldn't run compilation command `[u'./gradlew', '--debug', u'build']`
Error backtrace:
Raised at file "base/" (inlined), line 27, characters 6-36
Called from file "base/", line 296, characters 58-80
Called from file "integration/", line 162, characters 2-16
Called from file "integration/", line 284, characters 6-420
Called from file "", line 23, characters 2-36
Called from file "", line 135, characters 6-52
Internal Error: Error running '/opt/infer-linux64-v0.14.0/infer/bin/../lib/python/'
--analyzer checkers -j 8 --project-root
/opt/infer-linux64-v0.14.0/examples/android_hello --out
/opt/infer-linux64-v0.14.0/examples/android_hello/infer-out -- ./gradlew
exited with code 1
root@f129a368d59a:/infer/examples/android_hello# infer --version
Infer version v0.14.0
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