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Created December 7, 2023 15:01
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Script to process .xcframework files and create new versions with specific configurations.
# Script to process .xcframework files and create new versions with specific configurations
# Usage: ./ path_to_xcframeworks
set -e # Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status
all_frameworks_path="$1" # The first argument is the path to the xcframeworks
# Change directory to the specified frameworks path
pushd "$all_frameworks_path" > /dev/null
# Loop through each .xcframework file in the directory
while IFS= read -r xcframework; do
# Extract the binary name from the xcframework path
binary_name="${binary_name#./}" # Remove './' from the beginning
# Define framework paths for different platforms and architectures
# Process the physical iOS framework
if [ -d "$physical_ios" ]; then
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$physical_xros")"
cp -rp "$physical_ios" "$(dirname "$physical_xros")"
xcrun lipo -remove armv7 "$physical_xros/$binary_name" -output "$physical_xros/$binary_name" || true
xcrun vtool -arch arm64 -set-build-version 11 1.0 1.0 -replace "$physical_xros/$binary_name" -output "$physical_xros/$binary_name"
# Process the simulator iOS framework
if [ -d "$simulator_ios" ]; then
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$simulator_xros")"
cp -rp "$simulator_ios" "$(dirname "$simulator_xros")"
# Add commands to separate binaries for arm64 and x86_64 if necessary
xcrun vtool -arch arm64 -set-build-version 12 1.0 1.0 -replace "$simulator_xros/$binary_name" -output "$simulator_xros/$binary_name"
xcrun vtool -arch x86_64 -set-build-version 12 1.0 1.0 -replace "$simulator_xros/$binary_name" -output "$simulator_xros/$binary_name"
# Prepare a list of frameworks to include in the new xcframework
for framework in "$physical_ios" "$simulator_ios" "$macos_framework" "$physical_xros" "$simulator_xros"; do
[ -d "$framework" ] && frameworks_to_include+=("-framework" "$framework")
# Create a new xcframework with all specified components
xcrun xcodebuild -create-xcframework "${frameworks_to_include[@]}" -output "XROS_$binary_name.xcframework"
# Replace the original xcframework with the newly created one
rm -rf "$xcframework"
mv "XROS_$binary_name.xcframework" "$xcframework"
done < <(find . -name '*.xcframework' -type d)
# Return to the original directory
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