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Canvas Gradient Generator (& Intermediate Values)

Canvas Gradient Generator (& Intermediate Values)

An HTML Canvas that shows a gradient from one user specified colour to another, along with the intermediate colours if you click on the gradient. Enter a higher number of squares to get a smoother gradient.

Update: There's now a randomize button if you don't know what rgb values you want to try this out with.

A Pen by Maya Shankar on CodePen.


<div class="para">
<p>Enter the two rgb values to make a gradient, or click 'Randomize!' to generate random colours.<br><span class="optional">(Optional: Enter number of squares per row.)</span><br>Click 'Gradient Me!' to generate gradient.<br>Click a specific colour in the gradient to view that colour's rgb value.<br><span class="optional">Selected square's colour value: <span class="rgb"></span></span></p>
<div class="cancont"><canvas width="300" height="300" id="myCanvas"></canvas></div>
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="form-horizontal">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-xs-3 control-label">From: </label>
<input type="text" id="colour1" placeholder="eg: rgb(12,34,56)" class="form-control">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-xs-3 control-label">To: </label>
<input type="text" id="colour2" placeholder="eg: rgb(12,34,56)" class="form-control">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-xs-3 control-label">Squares: </label>
<input type="number" id="squares" placeholder="eg: 10" class="form-control">
<div class="form-group">
<button class="btn btn-default rand" type="submit">Randomize!</button>
<button class="btn btn-default grad" type="submit">Gradient Me!</button>
$(document).ready(function() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// set default values
$('#colour1').attr('value', '44,62,80');
$('#colour2').attr('value', '52,152,219');
$('#squares').attr('value', 10);
var numSquares = $('#squares').val();
var first = $('#colour1').val().split(',');
var second = $('#colour2').val().split(',');
// dimensions of each square
var sqH = Math.floor(canvas.height / numSquares);
// variable to store each square's colours
var rgb = [];
// draw squares and fill in gradient
rgb = draw(numSquares, sqH, ctx, first, second);
// if button is clicked
$('.grad').click(function() {
// get colours (if any)
var firstColour = $('#colour1').val().split(',');
var secondColour = $('#colour2').val().split(',');
// get the number of squares (if any)
numSquares = $('#squares').val();
// generate new square height
sqH = Math.floor(canvas.height / numSquares);
// draw the squares
rgb = draw(numSquares, sqH, ctx, firstColour, secondColour);
// if any square is clicked
$('canvas').click(function(event) {
var x = event.offsetX;
var y = event.offsetY;
// real height of canvas (necessary because vh)
var trueHeight = $(window).height() * 0.45
sqH = trueHeight / numSquares;
// get the exact square
x = Math.floor(x/sqH);
y = Math.floor(y/sqH);
// translate coordinate system into array position
var pos = y * numSquares + x;
var num = rgb[pos];
$('.rgb').html(num[0] + "," + num[1] + "," + num[2]);
// if randomize is clicked
$('.rand').click(function() {
var firstRand = [];
var secondRand = [];
// generate the random colours
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
firstRand[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
secondRand[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
// change the values in the textfield to reflect new colours
$('#colour1').prop('value', firstRand);
$('#colour2').prop('value', secondRand);
// draw squares and fill in gradient
rgb = draw(numSquares, sqH, ctx, firstRand, secondRand);
// function to draw squares and fill in gradient
var draw = function(numSquares, sqH, ctx, first, second) {
// array to store all rgb values
var rgb = [];
// some math for colour gradients
var diff1 = first[0]-second[0];
var diff2 = first[1]-second[1];
var diff3 = first[2]-second[2];
var mult1 = diff1/(numSquares-1);
var mult2 = diff2/(numSquares-1);
var mult3 = diff3/(numSquares-1);
for (var i = 0; i < numSquares; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < numSquares; j++) {
// variable to store a certain square's rgb value
var colour = [];
colour[0] = Math.floor(first[0]-(mult1*i));
colour[1] = Math.floor(first[1]-(mult2*j));
colour[2] = Math.floor(first[2]-(mult3*i));
// change this line to fit two colors specified by user
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + colour[0] + ',' + colour[1] + ',' + colour[2] + ')';
ctx.fillRect(i*sqH, j*sqH, sqH, sqH);
// return array of colours
return rgb;
<script src=""></script>
@import url(,400);
@-webkit-keyframes trippy {
0% { background: #333333 }
50% { background: #34373C }
100% { background: #2F4F4F }
@keyframes trippy {
0% { background: #333333 }
50% { background: #34373C }
100% { background: #2F4F4F }
/*20% { background: #9DFDDE }
40% { background: #B5FDCC }
60% { background: #CDFDB9 }
80% { background: #E5FDA7 }
100% { background: #FDFD95 }*/
body {
overflow-x: hidden;
-webkit-animation: trippy 5s alternate infinite ease;
animation: trippy 5s alternate infinite ease;
.para {
text-align: center;
width: 400px;
margin: 0 auto;
margin-top: 20px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
font-family: 'Lato';
font-weight: 300;
font-size: 15px;
color: white;
border: 3px solid #ffd194;
padding-top: 4px;
.optional {
color: #ffd194;
.cancont {
/* what a silly name */
height: 45vh;
width: 45vh;
margin: 0 auto;
position: relative;
#myCanvas {
max-height: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
box-shadow: ivory 0 0 5px;
.container-fluid {
padding: 3px 0;
height: 20vh;
width: 300px;
margin: 0 auto;
font-family: 'Lato';
font-weight: 300;
color: #ffd194;
text-align: center;
margin-top: 10px;
.form-group {
position: relative;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-43%);
input {
width: 150px !important;
:-ms-input-placeholder {
text-align: center;
.btn, .btn:hover, .btn:active, .btn:focus {
text-decoration: none;
outline: none;
border: none;
color: #ffd194;
background: transparent;
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