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Last active July 21, 2016 02:03
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An unfinished loader/eclipse animation based off of I'm working on IE (I know, WHY) and SVG animations don't work, but as soon as I get my hands on my home computer I'm going to finish this animation.

Update: I didn't like how unfinished it was, so I made it something else for the time being. The colours and names were found here:

A Pen by Maya Shankar on CodePen.


<div class="container">
<circle cx="150" cy="150" r="40" class="stationary" />
<div class="circle moving"></div>
<div class="text">
<p>Total eclipse of <span class="sun">the made-up sun</span>!</p>
<p>Click the star (full circle) to change the star's name and get its corresponding colour!<br><span class="end">A version of the original <a href="" target="_blank"><u>Dribbble</u></a>.</span></p>
var stars = ["Aldebaran", "Antares", "Arcturus", "Betelgeuse", "Capella", "Gacrux", "Pollux", "Procyon", "Sirius", "Sun"];
var hex = ["a5b9ff", "ffca8a", "ffdfb5", "ffca8a", "ffecd3", "ffc877", "ffe3be", "f1efff", "b5c7ff", "fff5f2"];
$(".stationary").click(function() {
var rand = Math.round(Math.random() * stars.length);
$(".stationary").css("fill", "#"+hex[rand]);
<script src=""></script>
@import url(;
body {
-webkit-animation: opac 6s infinite alternate ease;
-moz-animation: opac 6s infinite alternate ease;
animation: opac 6s infinite alternate ease;
svg {
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
.container {
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
position: absolute;
top: 50%; left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
.circle {
display: inline-block;
height: 80px;
width: 80px;
border-radius: 50%;
position: absolute;
top: 50%; left: 50%;
.stationary {
fill: #FEAD03;
.moving {
-webkit-animation: move 12s infinite ease-in-out,
opac 6s infinite alternate ease;
-moz-animation: move 12s infinite ease-in-out,
opac 6s infinite alternate ease;
animation: move 12s infinite ease-in-out,
opac 6s infinite alternate ease;
@keyframes opac {
0% { background: #2980b9; }
100% { background: #2c3e50; }
@-moz-keyframes opac {
0% { background: #2980b9; }
100% { background: #2c3e50; }
@-webkit-keyframes opac {
0% { background: #2980b9; }
100% { background: #2c3e50; }
@keyframes move {
0% { transform: translate(60%, -50%); }
45% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%); }
55% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%); }
100% { transform: translate(-160%, -50%); }
@-moz-keyframes move {
0% { transform: translate(60%, -50%); }
45% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%); }
55% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%); }
100% { transform: translate(-160%, -50%); }
@-webkit-keyframes move {
0% { -webkit-transform: translate(60%, -50%); }
45% { -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); }
55% { -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); }
100% { -webkit-transform: translate(-160%, -50%); }
p, a, a:visited, a:hover, a:focus {
font-family: 'Mirza';
text-decoration: none;
color: #FF0080;
text-align: center;
.text {
margin: 80vh 0 0 50vw;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
width: 300px;
p:nth-child(1) {
font-size: 25px;
color: ivory;
p:nth-child(2) {
font-size: 18px;
color: ivory;
.end {
font-size: 13px;
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