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Created March 6, 2019 06:28
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Hadoop XML Input Format that supports sharding by multiple start and end tags
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import MultiTagXmlInputFormat.MultiTagXmlRecordReader
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import{DataOutputBuffer, LongWritable, Text}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.{FileSplit, TextInputFormat}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{InputSplit, RecordReader, TaskAttemptContext}
* Splits XML files by the specified start and end tags to send as input to Mappers.
* Produces key-value pairs of type [LongWritable, Text]. Multiple start and end tags can be specified. XML is split
* according to whichever tag is matched first while scanning the file. To specify the start and end tags, set
* {@link MultiTagXmlInput#START_TAG_KEY} and {@link MultiTagXmlInput#END_TAG_KEY} keys while configuring your
* map-reduce job. Multiple tags should be comma-separated without spaces.
* This implementation is based on Apache Mahout's XmlInputFormat.
class MultiTagXmlInputFormat extends TextInputFormat with LazyLogging {
override def createRecordReader(split: InputSplit, context: TaskAttemptContext): RecordReader[LongWritable, Text] = {
try {
new MultiTagXmlRecordReader(split.asInstanceOf[FileSplit], context.getConfiguration)
catch {
case ioe: IOException =>
logger.warn("Error while creating XmlRecordReader", ioe)
* Splits XML files by the specified start and end tags to send as input to Mappers.
* Produces key-value pairs of type [LongWritable, Text]. Multiple start and end tags can be specified. XML is split
* according to whichever tag is matched first while scanning the file. To specify the start and end tags, set
* {@link MultiTagXmlInput#START_TAG_KEY} and {@link MultiTagXmlInput#END_TAG_KEY} keys while configuring your
* map-reduce job. Multiple tags should be comma-separated without spaces.
* This implementation is based on Apache Mahout's XMLInputFormat.
object MultiTagXmlInputFormat {
* Key to use for specifying the start tags for splitting the XML file. Multiple tags should be comma-separated
* without any spaces.
val START_TAG_KEY = "multitagxmlinput.start"
* Key to use for specifying the end tags for splitting the XML file. Multiple tags should be comma-separated
* without any spaces.
val END_TAG_KEY = "multitagxmlinput.end"
* Reads an XML file and splits it by the specified tags.
* @param split Section of the XML file the reader will work on
* @param conf Configuration settings specified for hadoop job
class MultiTagXmlRecordReader(split: FileSplit, conf: Configuration)
extends RecordReader[LongWritable, Text] {
// Get the start and end tags as specified by the user in the Hadoop job configuration
private val startTags = conf.getStrings(START_TAG_KEY).map(_.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
private val endTags = conf.getStrings(END_TAG_KEY).map(_.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
// A map to find the corresponding end tag when the start tag is matched
private val startTagToEndTagMapping =
// Open the file and seek to the start of the split
private val start = split.getStart
private val end = start + split.getLength
private val fsin = split.getPath.getFileSystem(conf).open(split.getPath)
// Buffer for storing file content between the start and end tags
private val buffer = new DataOutputBuffer()
// Track the current key and value
private val currentKey = new LongWritable()
private val currentValue = new Text()
// Track the start tag which was matched and for which the file contents are to be buffered until the corresponding
// end tag is encountered
private var matchedTag = Array[Byte]()
override def nextKeyValue(): Boolean = {
readNext(currentKey, currentValue)
* Determines the next chunk of input file that should be sent to the mapper.
* @param key Reference to an object where the determined key will be returned
* @param value Reference to an object where the read text will be returned
* @throws
* @return `true` if file was read successfully, `false` otherwise
private def readNext(key: LongWritable, value: Text): Boolean = {
// Keep scanning the input file until one of the start tags is encountered
if (fsin.getPos < end && readUntilMatch(startTags, false)) {
try {
// Store the matched tag in the buffer (Our output will start with the start tag)
// Keep reading until the corresponding end tag is matched
if (readUntilMatch(Array(startTagToEndTagMapping(matchedTag)), true)) {
// Emit the key and value once the end tag is matched
value.set(buffer.getData, 0, buffer.getLength)
return true
finally {
// Reset the buffer so that we start fresh next time
* Scans the input stream until one of the specified tags are matched.
* The tag which got matched (from the provided list of tags) will be stored in the `matchedTag` variable once a
* match is found.
* @param tags The tags to look for while matching. When looking for end tag, this list should contain only the
* end tag.
* @param lookingForEndTag Specify whether we are looking for end tag. File contents will be buffered while the end
* tag is being searched.
* @return `true` if one of the tags is matched, `false` if end of file or end of split is reached.
private def readUntilMatch(tags: Array[Array[Byte]], lookingForEndTag: Boolean): Boolean = {
// Trackers for the bytes that have been currently matched for each tag. Initialized to 0 at the beginning.
val matchCounter: Array[Int] = => 0).toArray
while (true) {
// Read a byte from the input stream
val currentByte =
// Return if end of file is reached
if (currentByte == -1) {
return false
// If we are looking for the end tag, buffer the file contents until we find it.
if (lookingForEndTag) {
// Check if we are matching any of the tags
tags.indices.foreach { tagIndex =>
// The current tag which we are testing for a match
val tag = tags(tagIndex)
if (currentByte == tag(matchCounter(tagIndex))) {
matchCounter(tagIndex) += 1
// If the counter for this tag reaches the length of the tag, we have found a match
if (matchCounter(tagIndex) >= tag.length) {
matchedTag = tag
return true
else {
// Reset the counter for this tag if the current byte doesn't match with the byte of the current tag being
// tested
matchCounter(tagIndex) = 0
// Check if we've passed the stop point
if (!lookingForEndTag && matchCounter.forall(_ == 0) && fsin.getPos >= end) {
return false
override def initialize(split: InputSplit, context: TaskAttemptContext): Unit = {}
override def getCurrentKey: LongWritable = {
new LongWritable(currentKey.get())
override def getCurrentValue: Text = {
new Text(currentValue)
override def getProgress: Float = (fsin.getPos - start) / (end - start).toFloat
override def close(): Unit = Closeables.close(fsin, true)
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