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Created June 22, 2023 21:28
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Getting NetML CIC-IDS-2017 subset datasets and splitting it into windows
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt update
RUN apt install -y g++ make wget curl libpcap-dev python3-pip parallel git
# pcapml
RUN wget "" -O pcapml.tar.gz
RUN tar -xvf pcapml.tar.gz
RUN cd pcapml-0.3.1 && ./configure && make && make install
# to download dataset from google drive
RUN pip3 install gdown
# install rust
RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y
# add rust to PATH
ENV PATH="/root/.cargo/bin:${PATH}"
# pcap window splitter
RUN git clone
RUN cd pcap_window_splitter && cargo build --release
RUN cp pcap_window_splitter/target/release/pcap_window_splitter /usr/local/bin/
# download NetML (CIC-IDS-2017)
# from Jordan Holland's datasets:
gdown 1RTRIGbVlZtA8Zaj-aAAvr1wMv12BoKg1
# unzip
gzip -d traffic.pcapng.gz
# split to flows
RUN pcapml -M traffic.pcapng -O /data/
# split flows to windows of 0.1 seconds
mkdir /data_windowed
find /data -maxdepth 1 -name '*.pcap' -print0 | parallel -0 pcap_window_splitter {} /data_windowed 0.1
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