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Forked from sfrdmn/bubble.js
Created December 14, 2015 05:38
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Bubble chart w/ mouse over
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var w = 800; // width
var h = 600; // height
var margin = 100; // margin
var xlabel = "murder"; // what we want on the x axis
var ylabel = "robbery"; // what we want on the y axis
var rlabel = "population"; // what we want for the bubble area".container").append("svg:svg")
.attr("width", w+margin)
.attr("height", h+margin)
var chart =".chart").append("svg:g")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin/2 + "," + margin/2 + ")"); // The transform with trasnlate will shift our group down and to the right
The following statement creates a line for our x axis
.attr("stroke-width", 1)
.attr( "stroke","gray")
.attr("x1", 0)
.attr("y1", h)
.attr("x2", w)
.attr("y2", h);
The following statement creates a line for our y axis
.attr("stroke-width", 1)
.attr( "stroke","gray")
.attr("x1", 1)
.attr("y1", 0)
.attr("x2", 1)
.attr("y2", h-1);
d3.csv( "data.csv", function(csv) {
var xMax = d3.max( function(d) {
return parseFloat(d[xlabel]);
var yMax = d3.max( function(d) {
return parseFloat( d[ylabel] );
var xgrid = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0.0,xMax]) // range of data
.range([0.0,w]); // range of width
// 0 in, 0 out
// 10 in, w out
var ygrid = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0.0,yMax]) // range of data
.range([h,0.0]); // range of height
// 0 in, h out
// 260 in, 0 out
// I didn't want mine to change colors, but left this here for just in case
var colorScale = d3.scale.linear()
.range(["steelblue", "steelblue"]);
var radius = function(d,i) {
return Math.sqrt( d[rlabel] ) / 150; // FUN FACT: we could use another scale function here instead of arbitrarily using 150
var xpos = function(d,i) {
return xgrid( d[xlabel] ); // d.murder in, corresponding x value out
var ypos = function(d,i) {
return ygrid( d[ylabel] ); // d.robbery in, corresponding x value out
var color = function(d,i) {
return colorScale( d["aggravated_assault"] );
var mouseMove = function() {
var infobox =".infobox");
var coord = d3.svg.mouse(this)
// now we just position the infobox roughly where our mouse is"left", coord[0] + 15 + "px" );"top", coord[1] + "px");
var mouseOver = function(d) {
var bubble =;
bubble.attr("stroke", "#000")
.attr("stroke-width", 4 );
var infobox =".infobox")
.style("display", "block" );"p.state")
.text( d.state );"p.xdata")
.text( xlabel + ": " + d[xlabel] );"p.ydata")
.text( ylabel + ": " + d[ylabel] );
var mouseOut = function() {
var infobox =".infobox");"display", "none" )
var bubble =;
bubble.attr("stroke", "none")
// attach function to run when mouse is moved anywhere on svg"svg")
.on("mousemove", mouseMove );
// add <p> elements to our infobox. later we will enter our crime data there
var infobox =".infobox");
.attr("class", "state" );
.attr("class", "xdata" );
.attr("class", "ydata" );
// append bubbles and attach function to run when bubbles moused over and moused out
.attr("class", "bubble")
.attr("cx", xpos )
.attr("cy", ypos )
.attr("r", radius )
.attr("fill", color )
.on( "mouseover", mouseOver )
.on( "mouseout", mouseOut );
state murder forcible_rape robbery aggravated_assault burglary larceny_theft motor_vehicle_theft population
Alabama 8.2 34.3 141.4 247.8 953.8 2650 288.3 4545049
Alaska 4.8 81.1 80.9 465.1 622.5 2599.1 391 669488
Arizona 7.5 33.8 144.4 327.4 948.4 2965.2 924.4 5974834
Arkansas 6.7 42.9 91.1 386.8 1084.6 2711.2 262.1 2776221
California 6.9 26 176.1 317.3 693.3 1916.5 712.8 35795255
Colorado 3.7 43.4 84.6 264.7 744.8 2735.2 559.5 4660780
Connecticut 2.9 20 113 138.6 437.1 1824.1 296.8 3477416
Delaware 4.4 44.7 154.8 428.2 688.9 2144 278.5 839906
Florida 5 37.1 169.4 496.6 926.3 2658.3 423.3 17783868
Georgia 6.2 23.6 154.8 264.3 931 2751.1 490.2 9097428
Hawaii 1.9 26.9 78.5 147.8 767.9 3308.4 716.4 1266117
Idaho 2.4 40.4 18.6 195.4 564.4 1931.7 201.8 1425862
Illinois 6 33.7 181.7 330.2 606.9 2164.8 308.6 12674452
Indiana 5.7 29.6 108.6 179.9 697.6 2412 346.7 6253120
Iowa 1.3 27.9 38.9 223.3 606.4 2042.7 184.6 2949450
Kansas 3.7 38.4 65.3 280 689.2 2758.1 339.6 2741771
Kentucky 4.6 34 88.4 139.8 634 1685.8 210.8 4182293
Louisiana 9.9 31.4 118 435.1 870.6 2494.5 318.1 4497691
Maine 1.4 24.7 24.4 61.7 478.5 1832.6 102 1311631
Maryland 9.9 22.6 256.7 413.8 641.4 2294.3 608.4 5582520
Massachusetts 2.7 27.1 119 308.1 541.1 1527.4 295.1 6453031
Michigan 6.1 51.3 131.8 362.9 696.8 1917.8 476.5 10090554
Minnesota 2.2 44 92 158.7 578.9 2226.9 278.2 5106560
Mississippi 7.3 39.3 82.3 149.4 919.7 2083.9 256.5 2900116
Missouri 6.9 28 124.1 366.4 738.3 2746.2 443.1 5806639
Montana 1.9 32.2 18.9 228.5 389.2 2543 210.7 934801
Nebraska 2.5 32.9 59.1 192.5 532.4 2574.3 316.5 1751721
Nevada 8.5 42.1 194.7 361.5 972.4 2153.9 1115.2 2408804
New Hampshire 1.4 30.9 27.4 72.3 317 1377.3 102.1 1301415
New Jersey 4.8 13.9 151.6 184.4 447.1 1568.4 317.5 8621837
New Mexico 7.4 54.1 98.7 541.9 1093.9 2639.9 414.5 1916538
New York 4.5 18.9 182.7 239.7 353.3 1569.6 185.6 19330891
North Carolina 6.7 26.5 145.5 289.4 1201.1 2546.2 327.8 8669452
North Dakota 1.1 24.2 7.4 65.5 311.9 1500.3 166 635365
Ohio 5.1 39.8 163.1 143.4 872.8 2429 360.9 11475262
Oklahoma 5.3 41.7 91 370.5 1006 2644.2 391.8 3532769
Oregon 2.2 34.8 68.1 181.8 758.6 3112.2 529 3617869
Pennsylvania 6.1 28.9 154.6 235 451.6 1729.1 236.5 12418161
Rhode Island 3.2 29.8 72.1 146.1 494.2 1816 408.7 1064989
South Carolina 7.4 42.5 132.1 579 1000.9 2954.1 384.4 4256199
South Dakota 2.3 46.7 18.6 108.1 324.4 1343.7 108.4 780084
Tennessee 7.2 36.4 167.3 541.9 1026.9 2828.1 420.6 5995748
Texas 6.2 37.2 156.6 329.8 961.6 2961.7 408.7 22801920
Utah 2.3 37.3 44.3 143.4 606.2 2918.8 343.9 2499637
Vermont 1.3 23.3 11.7 83.5 491.8 1686.1 102.9 618814
Virginia 6.1 22.7 99.2 154.8 392.1 2035 211.1 7563887
Washington 3.3 44.7 92.1 205.8 959.7 3149.5 783.9 6261282
West Virginia 4.4 17.7 44.6 206.1 621.2 1794 210 1803920
Wisconsin 3.5 20.6 82.2 135.2 440.8 1992.8 226.6 5541443
Wyoming 2.7 24 15.3 188.1 476.3 2533.9 145.1 506242
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<style type="text/css">
.container {
position: relative;
.infobox {
position: absolute;
display: none;
background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.75);
width: 200px;
padding: 10px;
p {
margin: 0;
<div class="container">
<div class="infobox">
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