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Last active January 27, 2024 07:36
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Mandelbrot with terminal I/O
;;;; Mandelbrot with terminal I/O
;;; An attempt to write code that can be optimized by sbcl.
;;; Note that this is not a serious benchmark, most time is spent in I/O,
;;; it is mostly for looking at the resulting disassembly.
;;; from:
(deftype window-dimension () `(integer 0 ,most-positive-fixnum))
(defconstant +max-iterations+ 26)
(defconstant +output-res-x+ 3.5d0)
(defconstant +output-res-y+ 2.0d0)
(defconstant +output-offset-x+ -2.5d0)
(defconstant +output-offset-y+ -1.0d0)
(defconstant +resolution-x+ (coerce 150 'window-dimension))
(defconstant +resolution-y+ (coerce 60 'window-dimension))
(declaim (inline show calc))
(defun show (val)
"Turn # iterations into a char for display."
(if (<= val +max-iterations+)
(code-char (+ val -1 (char-code #\A)))
(defun calc (x y)
"Calculate how many steps are required."
(declare (optimize speed))
; "(coerce x 'double-float)" will make all calculations of the next line
; happen in double-float which is what we want
(let ((xi (+ +output-offset-x+ (* (coerce x 'double-float) (/ +output-res-x+ +resolution-x+))))
(yi (+ +output-offset-y+ (* (coerce y 'double-float) (/ +output-res-y+ +resolution-y+)))))
(loop for iters upto +max-iterations+
; sbcl doesn't find the common subexpressions (* x x) and (* y y)
; so we'll extract them manually below
;for x of-type double-float = 0.0d0 then (+ (- (* x x) (* y y)) xi)
;and y of-type double-float = 0.0d0 then (+ (* x y 2) yi)
;while (< (+ (* x x) (* y y)) 4)
for xsq of-type double-float = 0.0d0 then (* x x)
and ysq of-type double-float = 0.0d0 then (* y y)
for x of-type double-float = 0.0d0 then (+ (- xsq ysq) xi)
and y of-type double-float = 0.0d0 then (+ (* x y 2.0d0) yi)
while (< (+ xsq ysq) 4.0d0)
finally (return iters))))
(defun draw-window ()
(let* ((size (+ (* +resolution-x+ +resolution-y+) +resolution-y+))
(out (make-string size))
(idx 0))
(declare (dynamic-extent out))
(dotimes (y +resolution-y+)
(dotimes (x +resolution-x+)
(setf (aref out idx) (show (calc x y)))
(incf idx))
(setf (aref out idx) #\Newline)
(incf idx))
(princ out)
(defun main ()
(time (main))
;(disassemble 'draw-window)
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