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Created March 13, 2017 06:04
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SmoothData slow versions with Laravel collections
// Other versions
* Smooth by Moving Average algorithm with prevData measurements data (optional)
* ----------------------------
* ----------------------------
* @param $data
* @param $len
* @param array $prevData
* @return array
public function smoothByMovingAverageUseCollections($data, $len, $prevData = [])
$prev = collect($prevData)->values();
$col = collect($data);
$values = $prev->merge($col->values());
$verboseHours = []; $verboseTime = 0;
if (self::VERBOSE) {
echo "Previous Data received: ". count($prevData)." records.\nCalculating MOVING AVERAGE for ".$col->count()." records...\n";
$col->transform(function ($item, $timestamp) use ($values, $len, $prev, &$verboseHours, &$verboseTime) {
if (self::VERBOSE) {
$vKey = date("Y-m-d H:00", $timestamp);
if (!array_key_exists($vKey, $verboseHours)) {
// check for finish prev
if (count($verboseHours)>0){
$vKeyPrev = date("Y-m-d H:00", $timestamp-1);
if (array_key_exists($vKeyPrev, $verboseHours)) {
$timing = round(microtime(true) - $verboseTime, 1);
echo " - finished: " . $verboseHours[$vKeyPrev] . " records, {$timing} sec (" . round($timing / 60, 1) . " min)\n";
// start new hour
echo "Processing: {$vKey} ";
$verboseHours[$vKey] = 1;
$verboseTime = microtime(true);
else {
$currentPosition = $values->search($item);
$selectedArea = $values->filter(function($value, $i) use ($currentPosition, $len){
$leftEdge = $currentPosition - $len;
return ($i > $leftEdge && $i <= $currentPosition); // current inclusive
$average = (int) round($selectedArea->avg(), 0);
// debug info for different cases: first and last
if (self::DEBUG && ($currentPosition < $prev->count()+1 || ($currentPosition>=$values->count()-1 && $currentPosition < $values->count()))) {
dump("Item: {$item} curpos: {$currentPosition} prevData count: ".$prev->count()
." RESULT average={$average} from selected items:", $selectedArea);
return $average;
return $col->toArray();
* Calculate precise average with $len/2 duplications on the edges
* @param $data
* @param $len
* @return array
public function smoothByAverage($data, $len)
$col = collect($data);
$values = $col->values(); // reset keys
$col->transform(function ($item) use ($values, $len) {
$currentPosition = $values->search($item);
$half = $len/2;
// 1. prepend + current
$prependItems = $values->filter(function($value, $i) use ($currentPosition, $half){
$leftEdge = $currentPosition - $half;
return ($i >= $leftEdge && $i <= $currentPosition); // current inclusive
$lackLeft = $len - $prependItems->count(); // for first points will be lack of prepend items
// 2. append
$appendItems = $values->filter(function($value, $i) use ($currentPosition, $half, $lackLeft){
$rightEdge = (($lackLeft > $half)) ? $currentPosition + $lackLeft : $currentPosition + $half;
return ($i > $currentPosition && $i <= $rightEdge);
$lackRight = $len - ( $prependItems->count() + $appendItems->count() );
// 3. For last points will be lack of data to the right, return and recount prependItems with new info
if ($lackRight>0) {
$prependItems = $values->filter(function($value, $i) use ($currentPosition, $half, $lackRight){
$leftEdge = $currentPosition - ($half + $lackRight);
return ($i >= $leftEdge && $i <= $currentPosition); // current inclusive
$selectedArea = $prependItems->merge($appendItems);
$average = (int) round($selectedArea->avg(), 0);
// debug info for different cases
if (self::DEBUG && ($currentPosition<3 || ($currentPosition>=30 && $currentPosition<33) || $currentPosition>57)) {
dump("Item: {$item}, "
."curpos: {$currentPosition}, prepend: " . $prependItems->count() . ", append: " . $appendItems->count()." "
."RESULT average={$average} from selected items:", $selectedArea);
return $average;
return $col->toArray();
* Smooth series of measurements in time perspective.
* 1) Pick up local maximum values (within specified $horizon).
* 2) Calculate approximated values for a straight line to that maximum.
* 3) Correct values with taking into account the influence of intermediary values (using $multiplier).
* $data = array( timestamp1 => value1, timestamp2 => value2, ...)
* $horizon = (int) [1-...] - measurements count for look forward (defines local range), not zero integer
* $effect = 0 - no effect, no correction (smoothByLocalMaximum() will return no changes)
* 1 - straight line to maximum, no influence of current values (build straight line to maximum)
* Example: $data = $this->smoothByLocalMaximum($data, 60, 0.5); // horizon 1 min, effect = 50%
* @param array $data
* @param int $horizon
* @param float $effect
* @return array $ret
public function smoothByLocalMaximum(Array $data, $horizon, $effect)
$effect = ($effect<0 || $effect>1) ? 1 : $effect;
$multiplier = (1 - $effect);
$this->log("Data records: ".count($data).", horizon = {$horizon}, effect=".($effect*100)."% , multiplier = {$multiplier}");
if ($horizon<1) return $data; // if not proper horizon value passed - just return untouched data
if ($multiplier == 1) return $data; // with multiplier = 1 results will be identical
$col = collect($data)->values(); // convert to collection and reset keys
// if horizon shorter than array, splice array for chunks by horizon value
$hChunks = collect([]);
while ($col->count() > $horizon) {
$spliced = $col->splice(0, $horizon);
// process horizon chunks
$this->log('Horizon chunks: '.$hChunks->count());
$hChunks->transform(function($chunk) use ($multiplier) {
return $this->processHorizonChunk($chunk, $multiplier);
// flatten, indexes (timestamps) was lost after splice operations
$newValues = $hChunks->flatten(1)->toArray();
// recover timestamp indexes and create change_log
$i = 0; $ret = []; $change_log = [];
foreach($data as $timestamp => $oldValue) {
$ret[$timestamp] = $newValues[$i];
$change_log[$timestamp] = "{$oldValue} => {$newValues[$i]}";
return $ret;
private function processHorizonChunk($col, $multiplier)
// splice collection by next max value (upChunks)
$upChunks = collect([]); $i=0;
while($col->count()>0) {
$max_index = $col->search($col->max());
$this->log(" + splice ".($max_index+1)." elements to upChunk #{$i}. max_value: ".$col->max().", max_index: ". $max_index); $i++;
$spliced = $col->splice(0, $max_index+1);
if ($col->count()>0) $upChunks->push($col);
// process horizon chunks
$this->log('Ascending upChunks: '.$upChunks->count());
$upChunks->transform(function($chunk) use ($multiplier) {
return $this->processUpChunk($chunk, $multiplier);
return $upChunks->flatten(1);
* Ascending series, the last item in the collection has maximum value.
* @param $col
* @param $multiplier
* @return mixed
private function processUpChunk($col, $multiplier)
if ($col->count() <= 1) return $col; // nothing to smooth, just return collection untouched
$offset = 0; // offset from start, in common case we know prev maximum and will change values from very first element
if (is_null($this->prevMax)) {
$offset = 1; // start correction from second element
$this->prevMax = $col->first();
// calculate correction per step for straight line
$base = $this->prevMax;
$dif = $col->last() - $this->prevMax;
$steps = $col->count() - $offset;
$correctionPerStep = $dif / $steps;
// some debug information
$this->log("Smooth series from {$this->prevMax} => {$col->last()}.", 1);
$this->log("Processing upChunk (".$col->count()." records): prevMax = {$this->prevMax}, currentMax = {$col->last()}, offset = {$offset}.");
$this->log("Difference {$dif}, steps: {$steps}, correctionPerStep: {$correctionPerStep}");
// save current maximum for next upChunk
$this->prevMax = $col->last();
$col->transform(function($currentValue, $i) use ($base, $offset, $correctionPerStep, $multiplier) {
if ($i < $offset) return $currentValue; // don't change offset values
$straightLineValue = $base + $correctionPerStep * ( ($i + 1) - $offset );
$delta = $straightLineValue - $currentValue; // straight line to max point will always above intermediary values
$influence = $delta * $multiplier;
$newValue = round($straightLineValue - $influence);
$this->log("Change {$currentValue} => {$newValue} | "
."correction: [straightValue: ".round($straightLineValue, 1)." - influence: ".round($influence, 1)." => {$newValue}] "
."delta: $delta, multiplier = ".($multiplier*100)."% => influence: ".round($influence, 1));
return $newValue;
return $col;
private function log($var, $delimiter = 0) {
if (!self::DEBUG) return;
if ($delimiter) dump("-------------------");
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