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Last active April 30, 2017 18:45
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wrapper component with loglevel
<select2 :options="brands" v-model="form.brand_id" class="form-control" id="product_brand" name="product[brand_id]">
<option value="" selected="true" disabled="disabled">Выбeрите бренд из списка</option>
<!-- created by maynagashev on 01.05.17 -->
<!-- ref: -->
<script type="text/babel">
let ns = 'select2';
let log = window.log.getLogger(ns);
export default {
props: ['options', 'value'],
mounted: function () {
log.debug('[mounted] init with options', this.options);
var vm = this;
// init select2
.select2({ data: this.options })
// emit event on change.
.on('change', function () {
vm.$emit('input', this.value)
watch: {
value: function (value) {
// update value
options: function (options) {
log.warn("[watch] options: ", options);
// update options
$(this.$el).select2({ data: options })
destroyed: function () {
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