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Created May 19, 2021 09:35
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// Package k8s provides pod discovery for Kubernetes.
package k8s
import (
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
// Register all known auth mechanisms since we might be authenticating
// from anywhere.
_ ""
const (
// AnnotationKeyPort is the annotation name of the field that specifies
// the port name or number to append to the address.
AnnotationKeyPort = ""
type Provider struct{}
func (p *Provider) Help() string {
return `Kubernetes (K8S):
provider: "k8s"
kubeconfig: Path to the kubeconfig file.
namespace: Namespace to search for pods (defaults to "default").
label_selector: Label selector value to filter pods.
field_selector: Field selector value to filter pods.
host_network: "true" if pod host IP and ports should be used.
The kubeconfig file value will be searched in the following locations:
1. Use path from "kubeconfig" option if provided.
2. Use path from KUBECONFIG environment variable.
3. Use default path of $HOME/.kube/config
By default, the Pod IP is used to join. The "host_network" option may
be set to use the Host IP. No port is used by default. Pods may set
an annotation 'hashicorp/consul-auto-join-port' to a named port or
an integer value. If the value matches a named port, that port will
be used to join.
Note that if "host_network" is set to true, then only pods that have
a HostIP available will be selected. If a port annotation exists, then
the port must be exposed via a HostPort as well, otherwise the pod will
be ignored.
func (p *Provider) Addrs(args map[string]string, l *log.Logger) ([]string, error) {
if args["provider"] != "k8s" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("discover-k8s: invalid provider " + args["provider"])
// Get the configuration. This can come from multiple sources. We first
// try kubeconfig it is set directly, then we fall back to in-cluster
// auth. Finally, we try the default kubeconfig path.
kubeconfig := args["kubeconfig"]
if kubeconfig == "" {
// If kubeconfig is empty, let's first try the default directory.
// This is must faster than trying in-cluster auth so we try this
// first.
dir, err := homedir.Dir()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("discover-k8s: error retrieving home directory: %s", err)
kubeconfig = filepath.Join(dir, ".kube", "config")
// First try to get the configuration from the kubeconfig value
config, configErr := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", kubeconfig)
if configErr != nil {
configErr = fmt.Errorf("discover-k8s: error loading kubeconfig: %s", configErr)
// 尝试 In-Cluster 方式从 "/var/run/secrets/"
// 获取 kubeconfig
// ref:
// kubeconfig failed, fall back and try in-cluster config. We do
// this as the fallback since this makes network connections and
// is much slower to fail.
var err error
config, err = rest.InClusterConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, multierror.Append(configErr, fmt.Errorf(
"discover-k8s: error loading in-cluster config: %s", err))
// Initialize the clientset
clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("discover-k8s: error initializing k8s client: %s", err)
namespace := args["namespace"]
if namespace == "" {
namespace = "default"
// 获取匹配到的 Pod
// List all the pods based on the filters we requested
pods, err := clientset.CoreV1().Pods(namespace).List(
LabelSelector: args["label_selector"],
FieldSelector: args["field_selector"],
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("discover-k8s: error listing pods: %s", err)
return PodAddrs(pods, args, l)
// PodAddrs extracts the addresses from a list of pods.
// This is a separate method so that we can unit test this without having
// to setup complicated K8S cluster scenarios. It shouldn't generally be
// called externally.
func PodAddrs(pods *corev1.PodList, args map[string]string, l *log.Logger) ([]string, error) {
hostNetwork := false
if v := args["host_network"]; v != "" {
var err error
hostNetwork, err = strconv.ParseBool(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("discover-k8s: host_network must be boolean value: %s", err)
var addrs []string
for _, pod := range pods.Items {
if pod.Status.Phase != corev1.PodRunning {
l.Printf("[DEBUG] discover-k8s: ignoring pod %q, not running: %q",
pod.Name, pod.Status.Phase)
// If there is a Ready condition available, we need that to be true.
// If no ready condition is set, then we accept this pod regardless.
for _, condition := range pod.Status.Conditions {
if condition.Type == corev1.PodReady && condition.Status != corev1.ConditionTrue {
l.Printf("[DEBUG] discover-k8s: ignoring pod %q, not ready state", pod.Name)
continue PodLoop
// 获取 PodIP
// Get the IP address that we will join.
addr := pod.Status.PodIP
if hostNetwork {
addr = pod.Status.HostIP
if addr == "" {
// This can be empty according to the API docs, so we protect that.
l.Printf("[DEBUG] discover-k8s: ignoring pod %q, requested IP is empty", pod.Name)
// We only use the port if it is specified as an annotation. The
// annotation value can be a name or a number.
if v := pod.Annotations[AnnotationKeyPort]; v != "" {
port, err := podPort(&pod, v, hostNetwork)
if err != nil {
l.Printf("[DEBUG] discover-k8s: ignoring pod %q, error retrieving port: %s",
pod.Name, err)
addr = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", addr, port)
addrs = append(addrs, addr)
return addrs, nil
// podPort extracts the proper port for the address from the given pod
// for a non-empty annotation.
// Pre-condition: annotation is non-empty
func podPort(pod *corev1.Pod, annotation string, host bool) (int32, error) {
// First look for a matching port matching the value of the annotation.
for _, container := range pod.Spec.Containers {
for _, portDef := range container.Ports {
if portDef.Name == annotation {
if host {
// It is possible for HostPort to be zero, if that is the
// case then we ignore this port.
if portDef.HostPort == 0 {
return portDef.HostPort, nil
return portDef.ContainerPort, nil
// Otherwise assume that the port is a numeric value.
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(annotation, 0, 32)
return int32(v), err
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