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Created December 18, 2019 06:50
Custom Combine operator for stepping a publisher's signals through function
// See
import Combine
import Foundation
extension Publisher {
func step(with stepper: @escaping (SteppingSubscriber<Output, Failure>.Event) -> ()) -> AnyCancellable {
let subscriber = SteppingSubscriber<Output, Failure>(stepper: stepper)
return .init(subscriber)
public class SteppingSubscriber<Input, Failure: Error> {
public init(stepper: @escaping Stepper) {
l_state = .subscribing(stepper)
public typealias Stepper = (Event) -> ()
public enum Event {
case input(Input, Promise)
case completion(Completion)
public typealias Promise = (Request) -> ()
public enum Request {
case more
case cancel
public typealias Completion = Subscribers.Completion<Failure>
private let lock = NSLock()
// The l_ prefix means it must only be accessed while holding the lock.
private var l_state: State
private var l_nextPromiseId: PromiseId = 1
private typealias PromiseId = Int
private var noPromiseId: PromiseId { 0 }
extension SteppingSubscriber {
private enum State {
// Completed or cancelled.
case dead
// Waiting for Subscription from upstream.
case subscribing(Stepper)
// Waiting for a signal from upstream or for the latest promise to be completed.
case subscribed(Subscribed)
// Calling out to the stopper.
case stepping(Stepping)
var subscription: Subscription? {
switch self {
case .dead: return nil
case .subscribing(_): return nil
case .subscribed(let subscribed): return subscribed.subscription
case .stepping(let stepping): return stepping.subscribed.subscription
struct Subscribed {
var stepper: Stepper
var subscription: Subscription
var validPromiseId: PromiseId
struct Stepping {
var subscribed: Subscribed
// If the stepper completes the current promise synchronously with .more,
// I set this to true.
var shouldRequestMore: Bool
extension SteppingSubscriber: Cancellable {
public func cancel() {
let sub: Subscription? = lock.sync {
defer { l_state = .dead }
return l_state.subscription
extension SteppingSubscriber: Subscriber {
public func receive(subscription: Subscription) {
let action: () -> () = lock.sync {
guard case .subscribing(let stepper) = l_state else {
return { subscription.cancel() }
l_state = .subscribed(.init(stepper: stepper, subscription: subscription, validPromiseId: noPromiseId))
return { subscription.request(.max(1)) }
public func receive(completion: Subscribers.Completion<Failure>) {
let action: (() -> ())? = lock.sync {
// The only state in which I have to handle this call is .subscribed:
// - If I'm .dead, either upstream already completed (and shouldn't call this again),
// or I've been cancelled.
// - If I'm .subscribing, upstream must send me a Subscription before sending me a completion.
// - If I'm .stepping, upstream is currently signalling me and isn't allowed to signal
// me again concurrently.
guard case .subscribed(let subscribed) = l_state else {
return nil
l_state = .dead
return { [stepper = subscribed.stepper] in
public func receive(_ input: Input) -> Subscribers.Demand {
let action: (() -> Subscribers.Demand)? = lock.sync {
// The only state in which I have to handle this call is .subscribed:
// - If I'm .dead, either upstream completed and shouldn't call this,
// or I've been cancelled.
// - If I'm .subscribing, upstream must send me a Subscription before sending me Input.
// - If I'm .stepping, upstream is currently signalling me and isn't allowed to
// signal me again concurrently.
guard case .subscribed(var subscribed) = l_state else {
return nil
let promiseId = l_nextPromiseId
l_nextPromiseId += 1
let promise: Promise = { request in
self.completePromise(id: promiseId, request: request)
subscribed.validPromiseId = promiseId
l_state = .stepping(.init(subscribed: subscribed, shouldRequestMore: false))
return { [stepper = subscribed.stepper] in
stepper(.input(input, promise))
let demand: Subscribers.Demand = self.lock.sync {
// The only possible states now are .stepping and .dead.
guard case .stepping(let stepping) = self.l_state else {
return .none
self.l_state = .subscribed(stepping.subscribed)
return stepping.shouldRequestMore ? .max(1) : .none
return demand
return action?() ?? .none
} // end of extension SteppingSubscriber: Publisher
extension SteppingSubscriber {
private func completePromise(id: PromiseId, request: Request) {
let action: (() -> ())? = lock.sync {
switch l_state {
case .dead, .subscribing(_): return nil
case .subscribed(var subscribed) where subscribed.validPromiseId == id && request == .more:
subscribed.validPromiseId = noPromiseId
l_state = .subscribed(subscribed)
return { [sub = subscribed.subscription] in
case .subscribed(let subscribed) where subscribed.validPromiseId == id && request == .cancel:
l_state = .dead
return { [sub = subscribed.subscription] in
case .subscribed(_):
// Multiple completion or stale promise.
return nil
case .stepping(var stepping) where stepping.subscribed.validPromiseId == id && request == .more:
stepping.subscribed.validPromiseId = noPromiseId
stepping.shouldRequestMore = true
l_state = .stepping(stepping)
return nil
case .stepping(let stepping) where stepping.subscribed.validPromiseId == id && request == .cancel:
l_state = .dead
return { [sub = stepping.subscribed.subscription] in
case .stepping(_):
// Multiple completion or stale promise.
return nil
fileprivate extension NSLock {
func sync<Answer>(_ body: () -> Answer) -> Answer {
defer { unlock() }
return body()
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