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Created December 19, 2014 21:27
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var BB = require('bluebird');
var request = BB.promisifyAll(require('request'));
var ziptoo = require('funkit').functional.ziptoo;
var resourcesToKey = {
'checks' : function(obj){
return obj.checks || obj.check;
'analysis' : function(obj) {
return obj.analysis || obj;
'reference': function(obj){
return obj;
'': function(obj){
return obj.subscriptions;
'reports.shared': function(obj){
return obj.shared.banners;
'single': function(obj){
return obj.result;
function init(config) {
var baseUrl = '';
var resources = ['actions', 'analysis', 'checks', 'contacts', 'credits', 'probes',
'reference', '', 'reports.public', 'reports.shared',
'results', 'servertime', 'settings', 'summary.average', 'summary.hoursofday',
'summary.outage', 'summary.performance', 'summary.probes', 'single', 'traceroute'
return ziptoo( {
return [resource, template.bind(undefined, config, baseUrl, resource)];
module.exports = init;
function template(config, baseUrl, property, cb, o) {
o = o || {};
var method = (o.method || 'get') + 'Async';
var target = || '';
var qs = o.qs || {};
// accept Date objects and convert them to Unix format here
if( = dateToUnix(;
if(qs.from) qs.from = dateToUnix(qs.from);
return request[method](baseUrl + property + '/' + target, {
auth: config,
headers: {
'App-Key': config.appkey
qs: qs
.spread(function(res, body){
obj = JSON.parse(body);
if(obj.error) {
return BB.reject(obj.error);
if(typeof resourcesToKey[property] !== 'undefined'){
data = resourcesToKey[property](obj);
} else {
data = JSON.parse(res.body)[property.split('.')[1]] || JSON.parse(res.body)[property.split('.')[0]];
return [data, res];
.nodeify(cb, {
spread: true
function dateToUnix(date) {
return parseInt(date.getTime() / 1000, 10);
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