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Last active April 13, 2023 06:39
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Pre-commit hook to enforce use of feature branches and reject commits to master
# This pre-commit hook prevents commits on branch '<forbidden_branch>' and enforces the use of feature branches.
# To use it in your repository, follow these steps:
# 1. Copy this file to `.git/hooks/pre-commit`
# 2. Make the file executable, e.g. via `chmod u+x .git/hooks/pre-commit`
# If one wants to commit to the '<forbidden_branch>' branch, the commit is rejected (script exits 1).
# The user is asked to create and checkout a new feature branch in order to proceed with the commit.
# The commit will be accepted if the script exits with 0
# Specify name of the forbidden branch inside quotes
### Prevent commits to '<forbidden_branch>' ####################
branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
if [ "$branch" == $forbidden_branch ]
printf "\n"
echo "Committing directly to branch '$forbidden_branch' is not allowed!"
printf "\n"
echo "--> Create and checkout a new feature branch via:"
echo "git checkout -b <branchName>"
echo "(All staged and unstaged changes are kept)"
printf "\n"
echo "--> Afterwards, commit on the newly created branch."
printf "\n"
exit 1
exit 0
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