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Last active September 18, 2018 18:11
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echo List of CLI tools / packages installed through brew
echo Command Line Shell For SQLite
brew install sqlite
echo Good part of this cow is that it yields informative messages if used with tweaks
brew install cowsay
echo Usage:
cowsay $(date)
uptime | cowsay
echo EncFS for AES or Blowfish encryption, supports Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.
echo htop is colorful intreactive process viewer
echo wavemon lets you to check wireless signal strength
brew install encfs htop wavemon
echo mosh: Roaming IPs and SSH disconnection issues\? Mobile Shell shall help role SSH over UDP
echo byobu: is a multi-screen terminal window manager, a wrapper on tmux or screen, enables rapid switching between sessions.
brew install mosh byobu
echo node.js - server side javascript runtime
echo npm - nodejs package manager
brew install node npm
echo do not use this tool\!
brew install youtube-dl
echo Do The Right eXtraction: sometimes when you don\'t know which extraction command to apply, just dtrx compressed_file_name.unknown-extension
brew install dtrx
echo Convert one media format to another and more\!
brew install ffmpeg
echo wireshark is a network protocol analyzer, tshark is CLI version of wireshark.
brew install wireshark
echo Displays list of all network adapters with their respecive index identifier
tshark -D
echo wine and winetricks would let you run \(some\) windows application on macOS and linux
brew install wine winetricks
echo watch\: execute a program periodically and output in stdout
echo example\: to check uptime every 2 seconds execute\: watch -n 2 uptime
brew install watch
echo mtr\: a network diagnostic tool like traceroute with runtime latency checks
echo example\: you may face difficulty executing it directly by typing mtr, as it needed root and absolute path to binary
echo for me, this worked\: \$ sudo /usr/local/Cellar/mtr/0.87/sbin/mtr
brew install mtr
echo python programming language and pip is a package management system for python
brew install python pip
echo headless cli browser with promising future and extensions for web automation and crawlers
brew install phantomjs
echo security: msf, a penetration testing tool
brew install Caskroom/cask/metasploit
echo security: these two are very powerful ssl manipulation tools, \`mitmproxy --host\` runs on 8080
brew install mitmproxy sslsplit
echo security: robust network scanner and more
brew install nmap
echo dns benchmark: dns server benchmark tool \(takes time, but promising tool from someone at google to evaluate which dns server to use\)
brew install namebench
echo programming: install go lang - concurrency - if you know php or c, this should be easy to go for\!
brew install go
echo misc
brew install jq
echo I shall add more when time permits Meanwhile you can use \$ brew search <package-name>
echo Thank you\!
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