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Created January 11, 2018 19:05
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Batch download
# This function copies a folder (and optionally, its subfolders)
# When copying subfolders it calls itself recursively
# Requires WebClient object $webClient defined, e.g. $webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
# Parameters:
# $source - The url of folder to copy, with trailing /, e.g. http://website/folder/structure/
# $destination - The folder to copy $source to, with trailing \ e.g. D:\CopyOfStructure\
# $recursive - True if subfolders of $source are also to be copied or False to ignore subfolders
# Return - None
# Debug
# > Get-ExecutionPolicy
# > Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Function Copy-Folder([string]$source, [string]$destination, [bool]$recursive) {
if (!$(Test-Path($destination))) {
New-Item $destination -type directory -Force
Write-Host "src: $source, dest: $destination, recur: $recursive"
# Get the file list from the web page
$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$webString = $webClient.DownloadString($source)
# $lines = [Regex]::Split($webString, "<br>")
$lines = [Regex]::Split($webString, "<a")
# Parse each line, looking for files and folders
foreach ($line in $lines) {
if ($line.ToUpper().Contains("HREF")) {
# File or Folder
if (!$line.ToUpper().Contains("[TO PARENT DIRECTORY]")) {
# Not Parent Folder entry
$items =[Regex]::Split($line, """")
$items = [Regex]::Split($items[2], "(>|<)")
$item = $items[2]
# if ($line.ToLower().Contains("&lt;dir&gt")) {
if ($line.ToLower().Contains("/</a")) {
# Folder
if ($recursive) {
# Subfolder copy required
Copy-Folder "$source$item/" "$destination$item/" $recursive
} else {
# Subfolder copy not required
} else {
# File
write-Host "src-item: $source$item dest-item: $destination$items"
$webClient.DownloadFile("$source$item", "$destination$item")
Copy-Folder -source "" -destination "C:\Users\Mayura\Documents\Pavan\Test\" -recursive 1
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