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Created December 3, 2018 19:46
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Scala Cheat Sheet
// Install Scala on Mac : Install Java VM, Install Homebrew,
// In terminal type: brew install scala
// Scala is the perfect choice if you want to explore functional
// programming without disregarding OOP
// Scala runs on the JVM which provides a ton of libraries
// File ends with the scala extension
// How to import library functions
import scala.math._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
You can execute commands directly in the terminal
REPL : Read Evaluate Print Loop
Type scala in terminal to start and :q to quit
// Creates a variable of the correct type
10 + 3 * 5 / 2
// You only use semicolons in Scala if you have multiple statements per line
// You can use that variable in the code that follows
"Your answer " + res0
// Define your own variable
var myName = "Derek"
// Define your own constant variable
val myAge = 40
// You can define the type
val lastName: String = "Banas"
// ---------- DATA TYPES ----------
// All datatypes in Scala are objects and they include
// (Get the max value with MaxValue)
// Byte : -128 to 127
// Boolean : true or false
// Char : unsigned max value 65535
// Short : -32768 to 32767
// Int : -2147483648 to 2147483647
// Long : -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
// Float : -3.4028235E38 to 3.4028235E38
// Double : -1.7976931348623157E308 to 1.7976931348623157E308
// A Double will only hold precision up to 15 digits
val num13 = 1.999999999999999
// Create a BigInt
val lgPrime = BigInt("622288097498926496141095869268883999563096063592498055290461")
lgPrime + 1
Create a BigDecimal
val pi50 = BigDecimal("3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510")
0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 + pi50
var randInt = 100000
// See functions available by typing randInt. (Click Tab)
// randInt.asInstanceOf[Double] casts number to a double
// randInt.isInstanceOf[Int] checks if is of type Int
// ---------- MATH ----------
"5 + 4 = " + (5 + 4)
"5 - 4 = " + (5 - 4)
"5 * 4 = " + (5 * 4)
"5 / 4 = " + (5 / 4)
"5 % 4 = " + (5 % 4)
// Shorthand notation (No randInt++, or randInt--)
randInt += 1
"randInt += 1" + randInt
randInt -= 1
"randInt -= 1" + randInt
randInt *= 1
"randInt *= 1" + randInt
randInt /= 1
"randInt /= 1" + randInt
// Import the math library in the terminal import scala.math._
cbrt(64) // Cube root a^3 = n (Find a)
exp(1) // Euler's number raised to the power
pow(2, 2) // 2^2
sqrt(pow(2,2) + pow(2,2))
hypot(2, 2) // sqrt(X^2 + y^2)
log10(1000) // = 3 (10 × 10 × 10 = 10^3)
log(2.7182818284590455) // Natural logarithm to the base e
min(5, 10)
max(5, 10)
(random * (11 - 1) + 1).toInt // Random number between 1 and 10
// acos, asin, atan, atan2, cos, cosh, sin, sinh, tan, tanh
// ---------- CONDITIONALS ----------
// if statements are like Java except they return a value like the
// ternary operator
// Conditional Operators : ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=
// Logical Operators : &&, ||, !
var age = 18
val canVote = if (age >= 18) "yes" else "no"
// You have to use { } in the REPL, but not otherwise
if ((age >= 5) && (age <= 6)) {
println("Go to Kindergarten")
} else if ((age > 6) && (age <= 7)) {
println("Go to Grade 1")
} else {
println("Go to Grade " + (age - 5))
true || false
object ScalaTut {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// ---------- LOOPING ----------
// To compile and run in the terminal
// 1. scalac ScalaTut.scala
// 2. scala ScalaTut
var i = 0
while (i <= 10) {
i += 1
do {
i += 1
} while(i <= 20)
for (i <- 1 to 10){
// until is often used to loop through strings or arrays
for (i <- 0 until randLetters.length){
// Get the letter in the index of the String
// Used to iterate through a list
val aList = List(1,2,3,4,5)
for(i <- aList){
println("List Item " + i)
// Store even numbers in a list
var evenList = for { i <- 1 to 20
// You can put as many conditons here separated with semicolons
// as you need
if (i % 2) == 0
} yield i
println("Even List")
for(i <- evenList)
// This loop assigns a value to the 1st variable and it retains
// that value until the 2nd finishes its cycle and then it iterates
for (i <- 1 to 5; j <- 6 to 10){
println("i: " + i)
println("j: " + j)
// There is no break or continue in Scala
def printPrimes() {
val primeList = List(1,2,3,5,7,11)
for (i <- primeList){
// Works like break if you return from a function
if(i == 11){
// Works like continue
if (i != 1){
// ---------- INPUT / OUTPUT ----------
var numberGuess = 0
print("Guess a number : ")
// You can also use readInt, readDouble, readByte, readShort, readLong,
numberGuess = readLine.toInt
} while(numberGuess != 15)
printf("You guessed the secret number %d\n", 15)
// You can use string interpolation
val name = "Derek"
val age = 39
val weight = 175.5
println(s"Hello $name")
println(f"I am ${age + 1} and weigh $weight%.2f")
// printf Style Format Specifiers
// %c : Characters
// %d : Integers
// %f : Floating Point Numbers
// %s : Strings
printf("'%5d'\n",5) // Right justify
printf("'%-5d Hi'\n",5) // Left justify
printf("'%05d'\n",5) // Zero Fill
printf("'%.5f'\n",3.14) // 5 decimal minimum & maximum
printf("'%-5s'\n", "Hi") // Left Justify String
// Special Characters : \n, \b, \\, \a
// ---------- STRINGS ----------
var randSent = "I saw a dragon fly by"
// Get the 3rd index value
println("3rd Index : " + randSent(3))
// Get String length
println("String length " + randSent.length())
// Concatenate strings
println(randSent.concat(" and explode"))
// Compare strings for equality
println("Are strings equal " + "I saw a dragon".equals(randSent))
// Get index of a match
println("dragon starts at index ", randSent.indexOf("dragon"))
// Convert a string into an array
val randSentArray = randSent.toArray
for (v <- randSentArray)
// ---------- FUNCTIONS ----------
// def funcName (param1:dataType, param2:dataType) : returnType = {
// function body
// return valueToReturn
// }
// You can give parameters default values
def getSum( num1:Int = 1, num2:Int = 1) : Int = {
return num1 + num2
println("5 + 4 = " + getSum(5,4))
// you can use named arguments
println("5 + 4 = " + getSum(num2=5, num1=4))
// A function that returns nothing (Procedure)
def sayHi() : Unit = {
println("Hi how are you doing")
// Receive variable number of arguments
def getSum2(args: Int*) : Int = {
var sum : Int = 0
for(num <- args){
sum += num
println("getSum2: " + getSum2(1,2,3,4,5))
// Recursion example calculating factorials
def factorial(num : BigInt) : BigInt = {
if (num <= 1)
num * factorial(num - 1)
// 1st: num = 4 * factorial(3) = 4 * 6 = 24
// 2nd: num = 3 * factorial(2) = 3 * 2 = 6
// 3rd: num = 2 * factorial(1) = 2 * 1 = 2
println("Factorial of 4 = " + factorial(4))
// ---------- ARRAYS ----------
// You'll use arrays when the size is fixed, or an ArrayBuffer for a
// variable size
// Create an array of Ints with a max size of 20
val favNums = new Array[Int](20)
// Create and initialize array in 1 line
val friends = Array("Bob", "Tom")
// Change the value in an array
friends(0) = "Sue"
println("Best Friend " + friends(0))
// Create an ArrayBuffer
val friends2 = ArrayBuffer[String]()
// Add an item to the 1st index
friends2.insert(0, "Phil")
// Add item to the next available slot
friends2 += "Mark"
// Add multiple values to the next available slot
friends2 ++= Array("Susy", "Paul")
// Add items starting at 2nd slot
friends2.insert(1, "Mike", "Sally", "Sam", "Mary", "Sue")
// Remove the 2nd element
// Remove 2 elements starting at the 2nd index
friends2.remove(1, 2)
// Cycle through and print ArrayList or Array
var friend : String = " "
for(friend <- friends2)
// Add values to an array with a loop
for (j <- 0 to (favNums.length - 1)){
favNums(j) = j
// Use yield to multiply all values times 2 and store in a new array
val favNumsTimes2 = for(num <- favNums) yield 2 * num
// Another way to print out values in array
// You can also store values that match a condition
var favNumsDiv4 = for(num <- favNums if num % 4 == 0) yield num
// Create a multidimensional array with Array.ofDim
var multTable = Array.ofDim[Int](10,10)
for(i <- 0 to 9){
for(j <- 0 to 9){
multTable(i)(j) = i * j
for(i <- 0 to 9){
for(j <- 0 to 9){
printf("%d : %d = %d\n", i, j, multTable(i)(j))
println("Sum : " + favNums.sum)
println("Min : " + favNums.min)
println("Max : " + favNums.max)
// Sort in desending order (Use < for assending)
val sortedNums = favNums.sortWith(_ > _)
// Return an indexed sequence and convert it into a string with commas
println(sortedNums.deep.mkString(", "))
// ---------- MAPS ----------
// Maps are collections of key value pairs
// Create a Map that can't be changed (Immutable)
val employees = Map("Manager" -> "Bob Smith", "Secretary" -> "Sue Brown")
// Get value using the key after checking that it exists
printf("Manager : %s\n", employees("Manager"))
// Create a Mutable map
val customers = collection.mutable.Map(100 -> "Paul Smith",
101 -> "Sally Smith")
printf("Cust 1 : %s\n", customers(100))
// Change a value using the key
customers(100) = "Tom Marks"
// Add an item
customers(102) = "Megan Swift"
// Output a Map
for((k,v) <- customers)
printf("%d : %s\n", k, v)
// ---------- TUPLES ----------
// Tuples can hold values of many types, but they are immutable
var tupleMarge = (103, "Marge Simpson", 10.25)
printf("%s owes us $%.2f\n", tupleMarge._2, tupleMarge._3)
// Iterate through a tuple
tupleMarge.productIterator.foreach{ i => println(i)}
// Convert Tuple to String
// ---------- CLASSES ----------
val rover = new Animal
printf("%s says %s\n", rover.getName, rover.getSound)
val whiskers = new Animal("Whiskers", "Meow")
println(s"${whiskers.getName} with id ${} says ${whiskers.getSound}")
val spike = new Dog("Spike", "Woof", "Grrrr")
val fang = new Wolf("Fang")
fang.moveSpeed = 36.0
// ---------- TRAITS ----------
val superman = new Superhero("Superman")
// ---------- HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS ----------
// Functions can be passed like any other variable
// You need the _ after the function to state you meant the function
val log10Func = log10 _
// You can apply a function to all items of a list with map
// You can use an anonymous function with map as well
// Receives an Int x and multiplies every x by 50
List(1,2,3,4,5).map((x : Int) => x * 50).foreach(println)
// Filter will pass only those values that meet a condition
List(1,2,3,4,5,6).filter(_ % 2 == 0).foreach(println)
// Pass different functions to a function
def times3(num : Int) = num * 3
def times4(num : Int) = num * 4
// Define the function parameter type and return type
def multIt(func : (Int) => Double, num : Int ) = {
printf("3 * 100 = %.1f)\n", multIt(times3, 100))
// A closure is a function that depends on a variable declared outside
// of the function
val divisorVal = 5
val divisor5 = (num : Double) => num / divisorVal
println("5 / 5 = " + divisor5(5.0))
// ---------- FILE I/O ----------
// Use import to write to a file
val writer = new PrintWriter("test.txt")
writer.write("Just some random text\nSome more random text")
// Use import to read from files
val textFromFile = Source.fromFile("test.txt", "UTF-8")
// Iterate through each line in the file and print
val lineIterator = textFromFile.getLines
for(line <- lineIterator){
// ---------- EXCEPTION HANDLING ----------
def divideNums(num1 : Int, num2 : Int) = try
(num1 / num2)
} catch {
case ex: java.lang.ArithmeticException => "Can't divide by zero"
} finally {
// Clean up after exception here
println("3 / 0 = " + divideNums(3,0))
} // ---------- END OF MAIN ----------
// ---------- CLASSES ----------
// Classes are used as blueprints to create objects
// Objects define the attributes (fields) and capabilities (methods) of an
// object
class Animal(var name : String, var sound : String) {
// Any code that follows the class name is executed each time an
// object is created as part of the Primary Constructor
// This function is defined in the Animal companion object below
val id = Animal.newIdNum
// You must initialize all fields
// protected means the field can only be accessed directly by methods
// defined in the class or by subclasses
// private fields can't be accessed by subclasses of Animal
// public fields can be accessed directly by anything
// protected var name = "No Name"
// protected var sound = "No Sound"
// Getters and setters are used to protect data
def getName() : String = name
def getSound() : String = sound
def setName(name : String){
// Check if the String contains numbers and if so don't allow
// this allows us to refer to any object without knowing its name = name
else = "No Name"
def setSound(sound : String) {
this.sound = sound
// Subclasses can't call this constructor unlike with Java
def this (name : String){
// This calls the primary constructor defined on the class line
this("No Name", "No Sound")
def this (){
// This calls the primary constructor defined on the class line
this("No Name", "No Sound")
// You can override any other method
override def toString() : String = {
// How to format Strings
return "%s with the id %d says %s".format(,, this.sound)
// The companion object for a class is where you'd define static class
// variables and functions in Java
object Animal {
private var idNumber = 0
private def newIdNum = { idNumber += 1; idNumber }
// ---------- INHERITANCE ----------
// A class that inherits from another gains all its fields and methods
// A class declared final can't be extended
class Dog (name : String, sound : String, growl : String) extends
Animal(name, sound){
def this (name : String, sound : String){
this("No Name", sound, "No Growl")
def this (name : String){
this("No Name", "No Sound", "No Growl")
def this (){
this("No Name", "No Sound", "No Growl")
// You can override any other method
override def toString() : String = {
return "%s with the id %d says %s or %s".format(,, this.sound, this.growl)
// ---------- ABSTRACT CLASS ----------
// An abstract class can't be instantiated. It is made up of both abstract
// and non-abstract methods and fields
abstract class Mammal(val name : String){
// An abstract field has no initial value
var moveSpeed : Double
// An abstract method has no body
def move : String
class Wolf(name : String) extends Mammal(name){
// You don't use override when defining abstract fields
var moveSpeed = 35.0;
def move = "The wolf %s runs %.2f mph".format(, this.moveSpeed)
// ---------- TRAITS ----------
// A trait is a like a Java interface in that a class can extend more then 1
// Unlike Java interfaces traits can provide concrete methods and fields
trait Flyable {
def fly : String
trait Bulletproof {
def hitByBullet : String
// You can define concrete methods in traits
def ricochet(startSpeed : Double) : String = {
"The bullet ricochets at a speed of %.1f ft/sec".format(startSpeed * .75)
// The first trait starts with extends and then with for each other
class Superhero(val name : String) extends Flyable with Bulletproof{
def fly = "%s flys through the air".format(
def hitByBullet = "The bullet bounces off of %s".format(
} // ---------- End of object ScalaTut ----------
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