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Last active December 23, 2019 17:25
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Linux cheatsheet
#--- install/remove packages
apt-get update # Fetches the list of available updates
apt-get upgrade # Strictly upgrades the current packages
apt-get dist-upgrade # Installs updates (new ones)
apt-get autoclean # This command removes .deb files for packages
# that are no longer installed on your system.
apt-get clean # Remove the installed deb packages
apt-get remove <package> # This command removes an installed package, leaving configuration files intact.
apt-get purge <package> # This command completely removes a package and the associated configuration files.
apt-get autoremove #This command removes packages that were installed by other packages and are no longer needed.
apt-get autoremove <package> #This command removes an installed package and dependencies.
dpkg-query -l # List all packages installed
dpkg-query -l 'foo*' # List packages using a search pattern
apt-cache search 'foo' # Search for the package that you want to install
pwd # Print the current directory
history # Show the history of command lines executed up to this moment.
Commands prepend by a space will be executed but won't show up in the history.
After the user logs out from Bash, history is saved into ~/.bash_history
!n # Execute command number n in the command line history
history -c # Delete command line history
uname -a # Print system information
#--- disk space
df -l # Disk free, used to display the amount of available disk space
du -hc --max-depth=1 # Display space used by each directory
env # Display the environment variables
#--- print files
cat myfile # Print a text file
cat myfile1 myfile2 > myfile3 # Concatenate text files
head myfile # Print the first 10 lines of a text file
head -n 10 myfile
tail myfile # Print the last 10 lines of a text file
tail -n 10 myfile
#--- search files
grep -iRl 'text' # Find filenames that contain 'text'
grep -rnw 'text' # Find 'text' in files (r:recursive, n:linenum, w:whole word)
ack 'text' # Find 'text' in files (install: ack-grep in ubuntu)
nl myfile # Prepend line numbers to a text file
wc myfile # Print the number of lines, words, and bytes of a text file
uniq myfile # Print the unique lines of a text file, omitting consecutive identical lines
sort myfile # Sort alphabetically the lines of a text file
expand myfile # Convert tabs into spaces
unexpand myfile # Convert spaces into tabs
sed s/foo/bar/ myfile # Stream Editor: Replace the first occurrence of foo with bar
sed s/foo/bar/g myfile # Replace all occurrences of foo with bar
tr a-z A-Z <myfile # Translate characters: Convert all lowercase into uppercase in a text file
tr [:lower:] [:upper:] <myfile
#--- copying/moving/removing
cp myfile myfile2 # Copy a file
cp myfile mydir/ # Copy a file to a directory
mv myfile myfile2 # Rename a file
mv myfile mydir/ # Move a file to a directory
rm myfile # Delete a file
rm -rf <dir> # Remove a directory
ln -s <target dir/file> ./[SHORTCUT] # Create a symbolic link
mkdir mydir # Create a directory
touch myfile # Change access/modification timestamp on a file, creating it if it doesn't exist
#--- jobs/monitoring
ps -ef (UNIX options) # List all processes
top # Monitor processes in realtime
jobs # List all jobs (i.e. processes whose parent is a Bash shell)
ctrl-Z # Suspend a job, putting it in the stopped state (send a SIGTSTP)
bg %1 # Put job #1 in the background (send a SIGCONT)
fg %1 # Resume job #1 in the foreground and make it the current job (send a SIGCONT)
kill %1 # Kill job #1
#--- various
ldd --version # check to see which C library version is used.
whereis <library> # find location of shared library (ex. whereis
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