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Saat melihat status ceph cluster terdapat HEALTH_WARN

root@pvehci-01:~# ceph -s
    id:     d6df14cd-3a30-4da7-8115-3660628ba44d
    health: HEALTH_WARN
            1 daemons have recently crashed

To display a list of messages:

root@pvehci-01:~# ceph crash ls
ID                                                               ENTITY        NEW 
2020-06-29_07:50:00.321327Z_904a3833-0c6e-4e25-9185-26e6e7be6f41 mgr.pvehci-01  *  

If you want to read the message:

ceph crash info <id>

root@pvehci-01:~# ceph crash info 2020-06-29_07:50:00.321327Z_904a3833-0c6e-4e25-9185-26e6e7be6f41
    "os_version_id": "10", 
    "utsname_release": "5.4.44-1-pve", 
    "os_name": "Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)", 
    "entity_name": "mgr.pvehci-01", 


ceph crash archive <id>


ceph crash archive-all
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