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Created December 21, 2020 15:37
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/// 640x480 Connect 4 Board Display
/// ECE5760 Final Project
/// Cornell University Fall 2020
/// Rohan Agarwal (ra462), Megan Backus (mb2532), Andrew Tsai (aht53)
/// Professor Hunter Adams, Professor Bruce Land
/// DE1 computer
/// compile with:
/// gcc connectFourVGA.c -o connect_four -lm -lpthread
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "address_map_arm_brl4.h"
// video display
#define SDRAM_BASE 0xC0000000
#define SDRAM_SPAN 0x04000000
// characters
#define FPGA_CHAR_BASE 0xC9000000
#define FPGA_CHAR_END 0xC9001FFF
#define FPGA_CHAR_SPAN 0x00002000
/* Cyclone V FPGA devices */
#define HW_REGS_BASE 0xff200000
//#define HW_REGS_SPAN 0x00200000
#define HW_REGS_SPAN 0x00005000
// new PIO ports
void *h2p_virtual_base;
#define FPGA_AXI_BASE 0xC0000000
#define FPGA_AXI_SPAN 0x04001000
// On-Chip SRAM
#define FPGA_ONCHIP_BASE 0xC8000000
#define FPGA_ONCHIP_SPAN 0x00080000
// Board Dimensions
#define NUM_ROWS 6
#define NUM_COLS 7
// Helper Functions
#define MIN(X, Y) (((X) < (Y)) ? (X) : (Y))
// configurable global variable to control hps-->fpga clock period
#define CLOCK_DELAY 1000000
#define FPGA_RESET_BASE 0x04000010
// initialize PIO port pointers
volatile int * reset_ptr = NULL ;
// graphics primitives
void VGA_text(int, int, char *);
void VGA_text_clear();
void VGA_box(int, int, int, int, short);
void VGA_rect(int, int, int, int, short);
void VGA_line(int, int, int, int, short);
void VGA_Vline(int, int, int, short);
void VGA_Hline(int, int, int, short);
void VGA_disc(int, int, int, short);
void VGA_circle(int, int, int, int);
// 16-bit primary colors (currently padding 8 bit RGB)
#define red 0x00e0//(0 + (0 << 5) + (31 << 11))
#define dark_red (0 + (0 << 5) + (15 << 11))
#define green (0 + (63 << 5) + (0 << 11))
#define dark_green (0 + (31 << 5) + (0 << 11))
#define blue 0x0003 //(31 + (0 << 5) + (0 << 11))
#define dark_blue 0x0099//(15 + (0 << 5) + (0 << 11))
#define yellow 0x00f8 //(0 + (63 << 5) + (31 << 11))
#define cyan (31 + (63 << 5) + (0 << 11))
#define magenta (31 + (0 << 5) + (31 << 11))
#define black (0x0000)
#define gray (15 + (31 << 5) + (51 << 11))
#define white (0x00ff)
int colors[] = {red, dark_red, green, dark_green, blue, dark_blue,
yellow, cyan, magenta, gray, black, white};
// pixel macro
#define VGA_PIXEL(x,y,color) do{\
char *pixel_ptr ;\
pixel_ptr = ((char *)vga_pixel_ptr + ((y)*640 + (x)));\
*(char *)pixel_ptr = (color);\
} while(0)
// the light weight bus base
void *h2p_lw_virtual_base;
// pixel buffer
volatile unsigned int *vga_pixel_ptr = NULL;
void *vga_pixel_virtual_base;
// character buffer
volatile unsigned int *vga_char_ptr = NULL;
void *vga_char_virtual_base;
// SRAM HPS-FPGA Interface Buffer
volatile unsigned int * sram_ptr = NULL ;
void *sram_virtual_base;
// /dev/mem file id
int fd;
// measure time
struct timeval t1, t2;
double elapsedTime;
// helper function prototypes
char *decimalToBinary(int, int);
int binaryLongToInt(long);
int toSevenTwentyHex(char *);
void placeDisc(int, int, int);
void pullReset();
void updateGameState(int *, int, int, int);
int checkGameOver(int *, int *, int);
// initialization of reset loop variable
int resetStall = 0;
// initialize shared mutex variables and flags for resetting + pausing VGA from different threads
pthread_mutex_t reset_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t pause_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
int resetVGA = 0;
int pauseVGA = 0;
// function to convert decimal numbers into 7.20 format
int toSevenTwentyHex(char *value) {
char str[20];
char s[2] = ".";
char *token;
strcpy(str, value);
token = strtok(str, s);
//printf("%s\n", token);
char *result1;
result1 = decimalToBinary(atoi(token), 7);
//printf("result1: %s\n\r", result1);
token = strtok(NULL, s);
printf("%s\n", token);
int length = strlen(token);
float op1 = atoi(token) / (pow(10, length));
op1 = op1 * 1048576;
char *result2;
result2 = decimalToBinary((int)op1, 20);
//printf("result2: %s\n\r", result2);
strcat(result1, result2);
//printf("concat result: %s\n\r", result1);
long ret;
char *placeholder;
ret = strtol(result1, &placeholder, 2);
//printf("number is %ld\n", ret);
printf("number is %d\n", (int)ret);
return (int)ret;
// function to convert a decimal number to a binary number
char *decimalToBinary(int value, int bitLength) {
int c, d, count;
char *pointer;
count = 0;
if (value < 0)
printf("negative value\n\r");
pointer = (char *)malloc(bitLength + 1);
if (pointer == NULL)
for (c = bitLength - 1; c >= 0; c--)
d = value >> c;
if (d & 1)
*(pointer + count) = 1 + '0';
*(pointer + count) = 0 + '0';
*(pointer + count) = '\0';
return pointer;
// function to convert a binary number to an integer
int binaryLongToInt(long n) {
int dec = 0, i = 0, rem;
while (n != 0)
rem = n % 10;
n /= 10;
dec += rem * pow(2, i);
return dec;
void placeDisc(int x, int y, int player){
int box_width = 640/NUM_COLS;
int box_height = 480/NUM_ROWS;
if(x>=NUM_COLS || y>=NUM_ROWS || x<0 || y<0){
printf("ERROR: Invalid placement\n");
y = (NUM_ROWS - 1) - y;
if(player==1){ // AI
VGA_disc(x*box_width+(box_width/2), y*box_height+(box_height/2), MIN(box_width, box_height)*0.40, red);
else if(player==2){ // USER
VGA_disc(x*box_width+(box_width/2), y*box_height+(box_height/2), MIN(box_width, box_height)*0.40, yellow);
else printf("ERROR: Invalid player\n");
// helper function for raising integers to a power
int int_pow(int base, int exp) {
int result = 1;
while (exp)
if (exp % 2)
result *= base;
exp /= 2;
base *= base;
return result;
// function to update our game state data structure
void updateGameState(int * game_state_row, int row_to_place, int column_to_place, int player) {
//need a new 14 bit value; effectively add some integer to the previous value in game_state_row[row_to_place]
//the integer to add is based on the column placed (move) and which player made the move
//column to place == 0 means bits 0+1, need to add either 1 or 2 (AI or player)
//column_to_place == 1 means bits 2+3, need to add either 4 or 8 (AI or player)
//column_to_place == 2 means bits 4+5, need to add either 16 or 32 (AI or player)
//2^(2*column_to_place + player - 1)
int prevGameState = game_state_row[row_to_place];
int exponent = 2*column_to_place + player - 1;
game_state_row[row_to_place] = prevGameState + int_pow(2, exponent);
// function to checks if the game is over
// returns 0 if game not over, 1 if game over and the player who just played won, 2 if game is a tie
int checkGameOver(int * game_state_row, int * row_to_place, int player_who_just_played) {
int i, j;
int game_over = 0;
int player_array[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS];
// Check if player_who_just_played won by 4 in a row
// Do a mod 256, if it matches 10101010 (or 01010101, depending on player), they win
// Keep shifting and checking until you shift by 2 (NUM_COLS - 4)
int intermediate_row = 0;
for(i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; i++) {
for(j = 0; j < (NUM_COLS - 3); j++) {
intermediate_row = (game_state_row[i] >> 2*j) % 256;
if(player_who_just_played == 1) {
// Check 01010101
if(intermediate_row == 85) {
game_over = 1;
return game_over;
else continue;
else if(player_who_just_played == 2) {
// Check 10101010
if(intermediate_row == 170) {
game_over = 1;
return game_over;
else continue;
else {
printf("Player who just played is not 1 or 2! I don't know what to do! TODO: Fix this error case.\n\r");
// Check if player_who_just_played won by 4 in a column
// Start from rightmost column, bottommost row, and check if they all match the player's token
// Keep going across all columns, and until you are 3 rows from the top of the board
// Can theoretically be made more efficient by shifting vertical_tracker values for adjacent checks (i.e. if go up rows first, instead of columns)
int vertical_tracker[4];
for(i = 0; i < (NUM_ROWS - 3); i++) {
for(j = 0; j < NUM_COLS; j++) {
vertical_tracker[0] = (game_state_row[i] >> 2*j) % 4;
vertical_tracker[1] = (game_state_row[i+1] >> 2*j) % 4;
vertical_tracker[2] = (game_state_row[i+2] >> 2*j) % 4;
vertical_tracker[3] = (game_state_row[i+3] >> 2*j) % 4;
if(player_who_just_played == 1) {
// Check if all 4 locations in the column are 01
if((vertical_tracker[0] == 1) && (vertical_tracker[1] == 1) && (vertical_tracker[2] == 1) && (vertical_tracker[3] == 1)) {
game_over = 1;
return game_over;
else continue;
else if(player_who_just_played == 2) {
// Check if all 4 locations in the column are 10
if((vertical_tracker[0] == 2) && (vertical_tracker[1] == 2) && (vertical_tracker[2] == 2) && (vertical_tracker[3] == 2)) {
game_over = 1;
return game_over;
else continue;
else {
printf("Player who just played is not 1 or 2! I don't know what to do! TODO: Fix this error case.\n\r");
// Check if player_who_just_played won by 4 in a diagonal going from lower left to upper right
// Start from 4th from rightmost column, bottommost row, and check if they all in upper right diagonal match the player's token
// Keep going across all columns, and until you are 3 rows from the top of the board
int llur_diag_tracker[4];
for(i = 0; i < (NUM_ROWS - 3); i++) {
for(j = 3; j < NUM_COLS; j++) {
llur_diag_tracker[0] = (game_state_row[i] >> 2*j) % 4;
llur_diag_tracker[1] = (game_state_row[i+1] >> 2*(j-1)) % 4;
llur_diag_tracker[2] = (game_state_row[i+2] >> 2*(j-2)) % 4;
llur_diag_tracker[3] = (game_state_row[i+3] >> 2*(j-3)) % 4;
if(player_who_just_played == 1) {
// Check if all 4 locations in the column are 01
if((llur_diag_tracker[0] == 1) && (llur_diag_tracker[1] == 1) && (llur_diag_tracker[2] == 1) && (llur_diag_tracker[3] == 1)) {
game_over = 1;
return game_over;
else continue;
else if(player_who_just_played == 2) {
// Check if all 4 locations in the column are 10
if((llur_diag_tracker[0] == 2) && (llur_diag_tracker[1] == 2) && (llur_diag_tracker[2] == 2) && (llur_diag_tracker[3] == 2)) {
game_over = 1;
return game_over;
else continue;
else {
printf("Player who just played is not 1 or 2! I don't know what to do! TODO: Fix this error case.\n\r");
// Check if player_who_just_played won by 4 in a diagonal going from lower right to upper left
// Start from rightmost column, bottommost row, and check if they all in upper left diagonal match the player's token
// Keep going across columns until you are 3 columns from the left, and until you are 3 rows from the top of the board
int lrul_diag_tracker[4];
for(i = 0; i < (NUM_ROWS - 3); i++) {
for(j = 0; j < (NUM_COLS - 3); j++) {
lrul_diag_tracker[0] = (game_state_row[i] >> 2*j) % 4;
lrul_diag_tracker[1] = (game_state_row[i+1] >> 2*(j+1)) % 4;
lrul_diag_tracker[2] = (game_state_row[i+2] >> 2*(j+2)) % 4;
lrul_diag_tracker[3] = (game_state_row[i+3] >> 2*(j+3)) % 4;
if(player_who_just_played == 1) {
// Check if all 4 locations in the column are 01
if((lrul_diag_tracker[0] == 1) && (lrul_diag_tracker[1] == 1) && (lrul_diag_tracker[2] == 1) && (lrul_diag_tracker[3] == 1)) {
game_over = 1;
return game_over;
else continue;
else if(player_who_just_played == 2) {
// Check if all 4 locations in the column are 10
if((lrul_diag_tracker[0] == 2) && (lrul_diag_tracker[1] == 2) && (lrul_diag_tracker[2] == 2) && (lrul_diag_tracker[3] == 2)) {
game_over = 1;
return game_over;
else continue;
else {
printf("Player who just played is not 1 or 2! I don't know what to do! TODO: Fix this error case.\n\r");
// If no one has won yet, check if the board is not full
// If it isn't, return that the game is not over (0)
for(i = 0; i < NUM_COLS; i++) {
if(row_to_place[i] < NUM_ROWS) {
game_over = 0;
return game_over;
// Game ended in a tie
game_over = 2;
return game_over;
// function that pulses hps-->fpga reset signal via PIO port
void pullReset(){
printf("reset = 0\n\r");
printf("reset = 1\n\r");
printf("reset = 0\n\r");
int main(void)
// === need to mmap: =======================
// === get FPGA addresses ==================
// Open /dev/mem
if ((fd = open("/dev/mem", (O_RDWR | O_SYNC))) == -1)
printf("ERROR: could not open \"/dev/mem\"...\n");
return (1);
// get virtual addr that maps to physical
h2p_lw_virtual_base = mmap(NULL, HW_REGS_SPAN, (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE), MAP_SHARED, fd, HW_REGS_BASE);
if (h2p_lw_virtual_base == MAP_FAILED)
printf("ERROR: mmap1() failed...\n");
return (1);
// === get VGA char addr =====================
// get virtual addr that maps to physical
vga_char_virtual_base = mmap(NULL, FPGA_CHAR_SPAN, (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE), MAP_SHARED, fd, FPGA_CHAR_BASE);
if (vga_char_virtual_base == MAP_FAILED)
printf("ERROR: mmap2() failed...\n");
return (1);
// Get the address that maps to the FPGA LED control
vga_char_ptr = (unsigned int *)(vga_char_virtual_base);
// === get VGA pixel addr ====================
// get virtual addr that maps to physical
vga_pixel_virtual_base = mmap(NULL, SDRAM_SPAN, (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE), MAP_SHARED, fd, SDRAM_BASE);
if (vga_pixel_virtual_base == MAP_FAILED)
printf("ERROR: mmap3() failed...\n");
return (1);
// Get the address that maps to the FPGA pixel buffer
vga_pixel_ptr = (unsigned int *)(vga_pixel_virtual_base);
// === get SRAM HPS-FPGA Interface Buffer parameter addr =========
sram_virtual_base = mmap( NULL, FPGA_ONCHIP_SPAN, ( PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE ), MAP_SHARED, fd, FPGA_ONCHIP_BASE); //fp
if( sram_virtual_base == MAP_FAILED ) {
printf( "ERROR: mmap3() failed...\n" );
close( fd );
// Get the address that maps to the SRAM HPS-FPGA Interface Buffer
sram_ptr =(unsigned int *)(sram_virtual_base);
// ===========================================
// get virtual address for
// AXI bus addr
if (h2p_virtual_base == MAP_FAILED)
printf("ERROR: mmap3() failed...\n");
return (1);
// Get the address that maps to the PIO for reset
reset_ptr =(signed int *)(h2p_virtual_base + FPGA_RESET_BASE);
// ===========================================
/* create a message to be displayed on the VGA
and LCD displays */
char text_top_row[40] = "DE1-SoC ARM/FPGA\0";
char text_bottom_row[40] = "Cornell ece5760\0";
char text_next[40] = "Graphics primitives\0";
char num_string[20], time_string[20];
char color_index = 0;
int color_counter = 0;
// position of disk primitive
int disc_x = 0;
// position of circle primitive
int circle_x = 0;
// position of box primitive
int box_x = 5;
// position of vertical line primitive
int Vline_x = 350;
// position of horizontal line primitive
int Hline_y = 250;
// clear the screen
VGA_box(0, 0, 640, 480, blue);
// clear the text
// initialization of clock loop variable
int clockStall = 0;
// start the console input function as a new thread
pthread_t console_input_thread;
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
pthread_create(&console_input_thread, NULL, consoleInputThread, NULL);
int i;
int j;
int box_width = 640/NUM_COLS;
int box_height = 480/NUM_ROWS;
int game_state_row[NUM_ROWS];
int row_to_place[NUM_COLS];
char go_first;
int player_move;
int valid_move;
int ai_move;
int game_over;
int winner;
char play_again;
do {
// Initialize the variables
valid_move = 1;
game_over = 0;
winner = -1;
// Draw Empty Board
for(i = 1; i<NUM_COLS; i++){
VGA_Vline(i*box_width, 0, 480, dark_blue);
for(i = 1; i<NUM_ROWS; i++){
VGA_Hline(0, i*box_height, 640, dark_blue);
for(i = 0; i<NUM_COLS; i++){
for(j=0; j<NUM_ROWS; j++){
VGA_disc(i*box_width+(box_width/2), j*box_height+(box_height/2), MIN(box_width, box_height)*0.40, black);
// Test Placing Discs
// Declare Initial Game States
for(i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; i++) {
game_state_row[i] = 0;
// Declare Initial Row to Place
for(i = 0; i < NUM_COLS; i++) {
row_to_place[i] = 0;
// Ask if player wishes to go first
printf("Would you like to go first? [y/n]\n\r");
scanf(" %c", &go_first);
// Player wishes to go first
if(go_first == 'y') {
printf("Which column would you like to place your token in? [1-7]\n\r");
scanf("%d", &player_move);
// Check if invalid move, prompt for a valid move
if(row_to_place[player_move] >= NUM_ROWS || player_move<0 || player_move>NUM_COLS) {
valid_move = 0;
do {
printf("Invalid move! That column is already full.\n\r");
printf("Which column would you like to place your token in? [1-7]\n\r");
scanf("%d", &player_move);
if(row_to_place[player_move] < NUM_ROWS && player_move>-1 && player_move<NUM_COLS) valid_move = 1;
} while (!valid_move);
placeDisc(player_move, row_to_place[player_move], 2);
// Update game state and row tracker variables
updateGameState(game_state_row, row_to_place[player_move], player_move, 2);
// Loop forever, interfacing with SRAM to play a game
do {
// Send game states for all rows
//*(sram_ptr+1) = x1;
//*(sram_ptr+2) = x1;
//*(sram_ptr+3) = x1;
//*(sram_ptr+4) = x1;
//*(sram_ptr+5) = x1;
//*(sram_ptr+6) = x1;
for(i = 1; i < NUM_ROWS+1; i++) {
*(sram_ptr+i) = game_state_row[i-1];
// Set the "data-ready" flag so the FPGA knows it's its turn to move (with an updated game state)
*(sram_ptr) = 1;
// Wait for the FPGA to zero the "data_ready" flag (meaning HPS's turn now)
printf("before while\n");
while (*(sram_ptr)==1);
printf("after while\n");
// Read the AI's move
ai_move = *(sram_ptr+NUM_ROWS+1);
printf("AI wants to place at column: %d\n", ai_move+1);
placeDisc(ai_move, row_to_place[ai_move], 1);
// Update game state and row tracker variables
updateGameState(game_state_row, row_to_place[ai_move], ai_move, 1);
game_over = checkGameOver(game_state_row, row_to_place, 1);
if (game_over == 1) {
winner = 1;
else if (game_over == 2) {
winner = 0;
else ;
// Player's Move
printf("Which column would you like to place your token in? [1-7]\n\r");
scanf("%d", &player_move);
// Check if invalid move, prompt for a valid move
if(row_to_place[player_move] >= NUM_ROWS || player_move<0 || player_move>NUM_COLS) {
valid_move = 0;
do {
printf("Invalid move! That column is already full.\n\r");
printf("Which column would you like to place your token in? [1-7]\n\r");
scanf("%d", &player_move);
if(row_to_place[player_move] < NUM_ROWS && player_move>-1 && player_move<NUM_COLS) valid_move = 1;
} while (!valid_move);
placeDisc(player_move, row_to_place[player_move], 2);
// Update game state and row tracker variables
updateGameState(game_state_row, row_to_place[player_move], player_move, 2);
game_over = checkGameOver(game_state_row, row_to_place, 2);
if (game_over == 1) {
winner = 2;
else if (game_over == 2) {
winner = 0;
else ;
} while (game_over == 0); // end while(1)
if(winner == 1) {
printf("Aw shucks, looks like the AI wins! Better luck next time!\n\r");
else if(winner == 2) {
printf("Congratulations, you win! You beat the AI! A resume-worthy feat, if I do say so myself.\n\r");
else if(winner == 0) {
printf("Phew, that was a tough one! Looks like you played the AI to a draw! Not bad, but you can do better.\n\r");
else {
printf("Ruh roh. Something went wrong when setting the winner of the game. ERROR ERROR MISSION ABORT!\n\r");
// Play again logic
printf("Would you like to play again? [y/n]\n\r");
scanf(" %c", &play_again);
} while (play_again == 'y');
} // end main
* Subroutine to send a string of text to the VGA monitor
void VGA_text(int x, int y, char *text_ptr)
volatile char *character_buffer = (char *)vga_char_ptr; // VGA character buffer
int offset;
/* assume that the text string fits on one line */
offset = (y << 7) + x;
while (*(text_ptr))
// write to the character buffer
*(character_buffer + offset) = *(text_ptr);
* Subroutine to clear text to the VGA monitor
void VGA_text_clear()
volatile char *character_buffer = (char *)vga_char_ptr; // VGA character buffer
int offset, x, y;
for (x = 0; x < 79; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 59; y++)
/* assume that the text string fits on one line */
offset = (y << 7) + x;
// write to the character buffer
*(character_buffer + offset) = ' ';
* Draw a filled rectangle on the VGA monitor
#define SWAP(X, Y) \
do \
{ \
int temp = X; \
X = Y; \
Y = temp; \
} while (0)
void VGA_box(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, short pixel_color)
char *pixel_ptr;
int row, col;
/* check and fix box coordinates to be valid */
if (x1 > 639)
x1 = 639;
if (y1 > 479)
y1 = 479;
if (x2 > 639)
x2 = 639;
if (y2 > 479)
y2 = 479;
if (x1 < 0)
x1 = 0;
if (y1 < 0)
y1 = 0;
if (x2 < 0)
x2 = 0;
if (y2 < 0)
y2 = 0;
if (x1 > x2)
SWAP(x1, x2);
if (y1 > y2)
SWAP(y1, y2);
for (row = y1; row <= y2; row++)
for (col = x1; col <= x2; ++col)
//pixel_ptr = (char *)vga_pixel_ptr + (row<<10) + col ;
// set pixel color
//*(char *)pixel_ptr = pixel_color;
VGA_PIXEL(col, row, pixel_color);
* Draw a outline rectangle on the VGA monitor
#define SWAP(X, Y) \
do \
{ \
int temp = X; \
X = Y; \
Y = temp; \
} while (0)
void VGA_rect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, short pixel_color)
char *pixel_ptr;
int row, col;
/* check and fix box coordinates to be valid */
if (x1 > 639)
x1 = 639;
if (y1 > 479)
y1 = 479;
if (x2 > 639)
x2 = 639;
if (y2 > 479)
y2 = 479;
if (x1 < 0)
x1 = 0;
if (y1 < 0)
y1 = 0;
if (x2 < 0)
x2 = 0;
if (y2 < 0)
y2 = 0;
if (x1 > x2)
SWAP(x1, x2);
if (y1 > y2)
SWAP(y1, y2);
// left edge
col = x1;
for (row = y1; row <= y2; row++)
//pixel_ptr = (char *)vga_pixel_ptr + (row<<10) + col ;
// set pixel color
//*(char *)pixel_ptr = pixel_color;
VGA_PIXEL(col, row, pixel_color);
// right edge
col = x2;
for (row = y1; row <= y2; row++)
//pixel_ptr = (char *)vga_pixel_ptr + (row<<10) + col ;
// set pixel color
//*(char *)pixel_ptr = pixel_color;
VGA_PIXEL(col, row, pixel_color);
// top edge
row = y1;
for (col = x1; col <= x2; ++col)
//pixel_ptr = (char *)vga_pixel_ptr + (row<<10) + col ;
// set pixel color
//*(char *)pixel_ptr = pixel_color;
VGA_PIXEL(col, row, pixel_color);
// bottom edge
row = y2;
for (col = x1; col <= x2; ++col)
//pixel_ptr = (char *)vga_pixel_ptr + (row<<10) + col ;
// set pixel color
//*(char *)pixel_ptr = pixel_color;
VGA_PIXEL(col, row, pixel_color);
* Draw a horixontal line on the VGA monitor
#define SWAP(X, Y) \
do \
{ \
int temp = X; \
X = Y; \
Y = temp; \
} while (0)
void VGA_Hline(int x1, int y1, int x2, short pixel_color)
char *pixel_ptr;
int row, col;
/* check and fix box coordinates to be valid */
if (x1 > 639)
x1 = 639;
if (y1 > 479)
y1 = 479;
if (x2 > 639)
x2 = 639;
if (x1 < 0)
x1 = 0;
if (y1 < 0)
y1 = 0;
if (x2 < 0)
x2 = 0;
if (x1 > x2)
SWAP(x1, x2);
// line
row = y1;
for (col = x1; col <= x2; ++col)
//pixel_ptr = (char *)vga_pixel_ptr + (row<<10) + col ;
// set pixel color
//*(char *)pixel_ptr = pixel_color;
VGA_PIXEL(col, row, pixel_color);
* Draw a vertical line on the VGA monitor
#define SWAP(X, Y) \
do \
{ \
int temp = X; \
X = Y; \
Y = temp; \
} while (0)
void VGA_Vline(int x1, int y1, int y2, short pixel_color)
char *pixel_ptr;
int row, col;
/* check and fix box coordinates to be valid */
if (x1 > 639)
x1 = 639;
if (y1 > 479)
y1 = 479;
if (y2 > 479)
y2 = 479;
if (x1 < 0)
x1 = 0;
if (y1 < 0)
y1 = 0;
if (y2 < 0)
y2 = 0;
if (y1 > y2)
SWAP(y1, y2);
// line
col = x1;
for (row = y1; row <= y2; row++)
//pixel_ptr = (char *)vga_pixel_ptr + (row<<10) + col ;
// set pixel color
//*(char *)pixel_ptr = pixel_color;
VGA_PIXEL(col, row, pixel_color);
* Draw a filled circle on the VGA monitor
void VGA_disc(int x, int y, int r, short pixel_color)
char *pixel_ptr;
int row, col, rsqr, xc, yc;
rsqr = r * r;
for (yc = -r; yc <= r; yc++)
for (xc = -r; xc <= r; xc++)
col = xc;
row = yc;
// add the r to make the edge smoother
if (col * col + row * row <= rsqr + r)
col += x; // add the center point
row += y; // add the center point
//check for valid 640x480
if (col > 639)
col = 639;
if (row > 479)
row = 479;
if (col < 0)
col = 0;
if (row < 0)
row = 0;
//pixel_ptr = (char *)vga_pixel_ptr + (row<<10) + col ;
// set pixel color
//*(char *)pixel_ptr = pixel_color;
VGA_PIXEL(col, row, pixel_color);
* Draw a circle on the VGA monitor
void VGA_circle(int x, int y, int r, int pixel_color)
char *pixel_ptr;
int row, col, rsqr, xc, yc;
int col1, row1;
rsqr = r * r;
for (yc = -r; yc <= r; yc++)
//row = yc;
col1 = (int)sqrt((float)(rsqr + r - yc * yc));
// right edge
col = col1 + x; // add the center point
row = yc + y; // add the center point
//check for valid 640x480
if (col > 639)
col = 639;
if (row > 479)
row = 479;
if (col < 0)
col = 0;
if (row < 0)
row = 0;
//pixel_ptr = (char *)vga_pixel_ptr + (row<<10) + col ;
// set pixel color
//*(char *)pixel_ptr = pixel_color;
VGA_PIXEL(col, row, pixel_color);
// left edge
col = -col1 + x; // add the center point
//check for valid 640x480
if (col > 639)
col = 639;
if (row > 479)
row = 479;
if (col < 0)
col = 0;
if (row < 0)
row = 0;
//pixel_ptr = (char *)vga_pixel_ptr + (row<<10) + col ;
// set pixel color
//*(char *)pixel_ptr = pixel_color;
VGA_PIXEL(col, row, pixel_color);
for (xc = -r; xc <= r; xc++)
//row = yc;
row1 = (int)sqrt((float)(rsqr + r - xc * xc));
// right edge
col = xc + x; // add the center point
row = row1 + y; // add the center point
//check for valid 640x480
if (col > 639)
col = 639;
if (row > 479)
row = 479;
if (col < 0)
col = 0;
if (row < 0)
row = 0;
//pixel_ptr = (char *)vga_pixel_ptr + (row<<10) + col ;
// set pixel color
//*(char *)pixel_ptr = pixel_color;
VGA_PIXEL(col, row, pixel_color);
// left edge
row = -row1 + y; // add the center point
//check for valid 640x480
if (col > 639)
col = 639;
if (row > 479)
row = 479;
if (col < 0)
col = 0;
if (row < 0)
row = 0;
//pixel_ptr = (char *)vga_pixel_ptr + (row<<10) + col ;
// set pixel color
//*(char *)pixel_ptr = pixel_color;
VGA_PIXEL(col, row, pixel_color);
// =============================================
// === Draw a line
// =============================================
//plot a line
//at x1,y1 to x2,y2 with color
//Code is from David Rodgers,
//"Procedural Elements of Computer Graphics",1985
void VGA_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, short c)
int e;
signed int dx, dy, j, temp;
signed int s1, s2, xchange;
signed int x, y;
char *pixel_ptr;
/* check and fix line coordinates to be valid */
if (x1 > 639)
x1 = 639;
if (y1 > 479)
y1 = 479;
if (x2 > 639)
x2 = 639;
if (y2 > 479)
y2 = 479;
if (x1 < 0)
x1 = 0;
if (y1 < 0)
y1 = 0;
if (x2 < 0)
x2 = 0;
if (y2 < 0)
y2 = 0;
x = x1;
y = y1;
//take absolute value
if (x2 < x1)
dx = x1 - x2;
s1 = -1;
else if (x2 == x1)
dx = 0;
s1 = 0;
dx = x2 - x1;
s1 = 1;
if (y2 < y1)
dy = y1 - y2;
s2 = -1;
else if (y2 == y1)
dy = 0;
s2 = 0;
dy = y2 - y1;
s2 = 1;
xchange = 0;
if (dy > dx)
temp = dx;
dx = dy;
dy = temp;
xchange = 1;
e = ((int)dy << 1) - dx;
for (j = 0; j <= dx; j++)
//video_pt(x,y,c); //640x480
//pixel_ptr = (char *)vga_pixel_ptr + (y<<10)+ x;
// set pixel color
//*(char *)pixel_ptr = c;
VGA_PIXEL(x, y, c);
if (e >= 0)
if (xchange == 1)
x = x + s1;
y = y + s2;
e = e - ((int)dx << 1);
if (xchange == 1)
y = y + s2;
x = x + s1;
e = e + ((int)dy << 1);
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