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Created July 10, 2020 03:34
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Deriving equality with Idris 2's new reflection -- strange bug where it doesn't work from a different module
module DerivingEq
import Language.Reflection
%language ElabReflection
public export
countArgs : (ty : TTImp) -> Nat
countArgs (IPi _ _ ExplicitArg _ _ retTy) = 1 + countArgs retTy
countArgs (IPi _ _ _ _ _ retTy) = countArgs retTy
countArgs _ = 0
public export
genEq : Name -> Elab (t -> t -> Bool)
genEq typeName = do
let pos : FC = MkFC "generated code" (0,0) (0,0)
[(n, _)] <- getType typeName
| _ => fail "Ambiguous name"
constrs <- getCons n
let and : TTImp -> TTImp -> TTImp
and x y = `(~(x) && ~(y))
compareEq : String -> String -> TTImp
compareEq x y = `(~(IVar pos $ UN x) == ~(IVar pos $ UN y))
makeClause : Name -> Elab Clause
makeClause constr = do
[(_, ty)] <- getType constr
| _ => fail "ambiguous name for constr"
let nArgs = countArgs ty
let xs = map (\i => "x_" ++ show i) $ take nArgs [1..]
let ys = map (\i => "y_" ++ show i) $ take nArgs [1..]
let px = foldl (IApp pos) (IVar pos constr) $ map (IBindVar pos) xs
let py = foldl (IApp pos) (IVar pos constr) $ map (IBindVar pos) ys
pure $ PatClause pos `(MkPair ~(px) ~(py))
$ foldl and `(True) $ zipWith compareEq xs ys
finalClause : Clause
finalClause = PatClause pos `(_) `(False)
clauses <- traverse makeClause constrs
let allClauses = clauses ++ [finalClause]
caseExpr = ICase pos `(MkPair x y) (Implicit pos True) allClauses
result = `(\x, y => ~(caseExpr))
check result
-- This tree works
data TreeOne a = BranchOne (TreeOne a) a (TreeOne a)
| Leaf
Eq a => Eq (TreeOne a) where
(==) = %runElab genEq `{{ TreeOne }}
import Language.Reflection
import DerivingEq
%language ElabReflection
-- This tree doesn't work
data TreeTwo a = BranchTwo (TreeTwo a) a (TreeTwo a)
| Leaf
Eq a => Eq (TreeTwo a) where
(==) = %runElab genEq `{{ TreeTwo }}
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