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Created January 31, 2021 02:17
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A simple, readable Prolog interpreter in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost, BlockArguments #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Data.Char
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.IntMap.Strict qualified as IMap
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (ReadP, readP_to_S, char, string, between, satisfy, skipSpaces, sepBy, eof)
import System.IO
type Ref = Int
data Value = Free
| Ref !Ref
| Functor String [Ref]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Term = TVar String
| TFunctor String [Term]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Clause = Clause { getArgs :: [Term], getBody :: [Term] }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type Heap = IMap.IntMap Value {- map Ref to Value -}
type Program = Map.Map String [Clause]
type Locals = Map.Map String Ref
type M = RWST Program () Heap []
-- True iff x occurs as a variable in a
occurs :: Ref -> Ref -> Heap -> Bool
occurs x a heap = x == a || case heap IMap.! a of
Ref a' -> occurs x a' heap
Functor _ args -> any (\arg -> occurs x arg heap) args
_ -> False
unify :: Ref -> Ref -> M ()
unify a b = do
heap <- get
case (heap IMap.! a, heap IMap.! b) of
_ | a == b -> pure () -- already unified
(Ref a', _) -> unify a' b
(_, Ref b') -> unify a b'
(Free, _) | not (occurs a b heap) -> modify $ IMap.insert a (Ref b)
(_, Free) | not (occurs b a heap) -> modify $ IMap.insert b (Ref a)
(Functor fa argsA, Functor fb argsB) -> do
guard $ fa == fb
guard $ length argsA == length argsB
zipWithM_ unify argsA argsB
_ -> empty
-- next available index in the heap
nextIndex :: M Ref
nextIndex = gets \m -> if null m then 0 else 1 + fst (IMap.findMax m)
allocateLocals :: Clause -> M Locals
allocateLocals (Clause args body) = do
let localsIn (TVar v) = Set.singleton v
localsIn (TFunctor _ xs) = Set.unions (map localsIn xs)
let locals = Set.unions (map localsIn args ++ map localsIn body)
i <- nextIndex
modify $ IMap.union (IMap.fromList $ zip [i..] $ replicate (Set.size locals) Free)
pure $ Map.fromList $ zip (toList locals) [i..]
allocateTerm :: Locals -> Term -> M Ref
allocateTerm locals (TVar v) = pure $ locals Map.! v
allocateTerm locals (TFunctor n xs) = do
args <- traverse (allocateTerm locals) xs
i <- nextIndex
modify $ IMap.insert i (Functor n args)
pure i
doBody :: Locals -> [Term] -> M ()
doBody _ [] = pure ()
doBody locals (TFunctor n args:rest) = do
vs <- traverse (allocateTerm locals) args
doFunctor n vs
doBody locals rest
doBody locals (TVar v:rest) = do
val <- gets (IMap.! (locals Map.! v))
case val of
Functor n args -> doFunctor n args >> doBody locals rest
_ -> error "Clause not fully instantiated"
doClause :: [Ref] -> Clause -> M ()
doClause args (Clause params body) = do
guard $ length args == length params
locals <- allocateLocals (Clause params body)
let unifyArg arg param = do
val <- allocateTerm locals param
unify arg val
zipWithM_ unifyArg args params
doBody locals body
doFunctor :: String -> [Ref] -> M ()
doFunctor name args = do
options <- reader (Map.! name)
asum $ map (doClause args) options
-- Similar to doClause, but there are no arguments to bind
doQuery :: [Term] -> M Locals
doQuery ts = do
locals <- allocateLocals (Clause [] ts)
doBody locals ts
pure locals
-- Pretty-print a term
pretty :: Heap -> Ref -> String
pretty heap x = case heap IMap.! x of
Free -> "_" ++ show x
Ref x' -> pretty heap x'
Functor n [] -> n
Functor n xs -> n ++ "(" ++ intercalate ", " (map (pretty heap) xs) ++ ")"
parseProgram :: String -> Maybe Program
parseQuery :: String -> Maybe [Term]
(parseProgram, parseQuery) = (parse program, parse query)
parse :: ReadP a -> String -> Maybe a
parse p s = case readP_to_S (p <* eof) s of
[(x, "")] -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
token :: ReadP a -> ReadP a
token x = x <* skipSpaces
openParen = token $ string "("
closeParen = token $ string ")"
comma = token $ string ","
period = token $ string "."
turnstyle = token $ string ":-"
rigidName = token $ (:) <$> satisfy isLower <*> many (satisfy isAlphaNum)
varName = token $ (:) <$> (char '_' <|> satisfy isUpper) <*> many (satisfy isAlphaNum)
var = TVar <$> varName
atom = TFunctor <$> rigidName <*> pure []
functor = TFunctor <$> rigidName <*> between openParen closeParen (sepBy term comma)
term = var <|> atom <|> functor
clause = do
TFunctor name args <- term
body <- (turnstyle >> sepBy term comma) <|> pure []
_ <- period
pure (name, Clause args body)
program = Map.fromListWith (++) . map (fmap pure) <$> many clause
query = sepBy term comma <* period
-- A lazy list of all pretty-printed solutions for this query
runQuery :: [Term] -> Program -> [String]
runQuery q p = map prettyLocals $ runRWST (doQuery q) p IMap.empty
where prettyLocals (locals, heap, _) =
unlines $ map (\(name,value) -> name ++ " := " ++ pretty heap value) $ Map.toList locals
interactQuery :: [String] -> IO ()
interactQuery [] = putStrLn "no."
interactQuery (x:xs) = do
putStrLn "yes:"
putStr x
l <- getLine
when (l == ";") $ interactQuery xs
repl :: Program -> IO ()
repl p = do
putStr "?- "
hFlush stdout
input <- getLine
case stripPrefix ":load " input of
Just f -> do
contents <- readFile f
case parseProgram contents of
Just p' -> repl p'
Nothing -> putStrLn ("Parse error in " ++ f) >> repl p
Nothing -> case parseQuery input of
Just q -> interactQuery (runQuery q p) >> repl p
Nothing -> putStrLn "Parse error" >> repl p
main :: IO ()
main = repl Map.empty
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